138/01 F Ambrose Driscoll CFX...... Correspondence..............1931-1958
138/02 F Ambrose Driscoll CFX...... Correspondence..............1959-1964
138/03 F Ambrose Driscoll CFX...... Correspondence..............1965-1974
138/04 F Ambrose Driscoll CFX...... Passports & Papers..........1927-1964
138/05 F Ambrose Driscoll CFX...... Essay Manuscripts & Papers..1952-1967
139 E Menology contains Xaverian Biographical Sketches
139/01 F Aubert Downey CFX......... Menology Volume I........... nd
139/02 F Aubert Downey CFX......... Menology Volume I........... nd
139/03 F Aubert Downey CFX......... Menology Volume II.......... nd
139/03 F Aubert Downey CFX......... Menology Volume II.......... nd
139/04 F Aubert Downey CFX......... Ryken 1837/1208-1838/0601 ?1939
139/04 D Biography Manuscript...... History Manuscript.........?1939
139/05 F Aubert Downey CFX......... Ryken: Life and Letters..... nd
140/01 F Aubert Downey CFX......... Ryken: Life and Letters..... nd
140/02 F Aubert Downey CFX......... Ryken: Life and Letters..... nd
140/03 F Aubert Downey CFX......... Ryken: Life and Letters..... nd
140/04 F Aubert Downey CFX......... Ryken: Life and Letters..... nd
141 E Aloysius CFX translated... Ferdinand's History of CFX..1961
141/01 F Aubert Downey CFX......... Ryken: Life and Letters..... nd
141/02 F Aubert Downey CFX......... Ryken: Life and Letters..... nd
141/03 F Aubert Downey CFX......... Correspondence..............1958-1959
141/04 F Aubert Downey CFX......... Correspondence..............1960
141/05 F Chrysostom CFX............ Jubilee Celebration......... nd
141/06 F Donald Coffey CFX......... Correspondence- Generalate..1966-1969
141/07 F Donald Coffey CFX......... Correspondence..............1966-1968
141/07 F Benedict CFX.............. Correspondence..............1966-1968
141/07 F Ferdinand De Muynck CFX... History of Xaverians........1930-1961
141/08 F Ferdinand De Muynck CFX... History of Xaverians........1961
141/09 F Ferdinand De Muynck CFX... Historical Notes trans.....?1956
142-45 E Isidore CFX also spelled.. Isadore CFX
142/01 F Ferdinand De Muynck CFX... History- Translation MS.....1956
142/01 A Aloysius CFX, translator.. Ferdinand's History of CFX..1956
142/02 F Hugo L. Hurst CFX......... Articles & Studies..........1961-1969
142/03 F Isidore CFX............... Correspondence..............1893-1935
142/04 F Isidore CFX............... Correspondence..............1917-1925
142/04 F Benjamin CFX.............. Correspondence..............1917-1925
142/05 F Isidore CFX............... Correspondence..............1914-1928
142/05 F Hugh CFX.................. Correspondence..............1914-1928
142/06 F Isidore CFX............... Biography & Autobiography...1917,1935
142/07 F Isidore CFX............... Jubilee, Golden.............1916
142/08 F Isidore CFX............... Jubilee, Diamond............1926
143/01 F Isidore CFX............... Tribute to..................1936
143/02 F Isidore CFX............... Address Books..............?1911,
143/03 F Isidore CFX............... Manual of Prayers...........1928/0101
143/04 F Isidore CFX............... Character Sketches of Bros..1919-1923
143/05 F Isidore CFX............... Retreats of 1871...........?1871
144/01 F Isidore CFX............... Diaries.....................1888-1933
144/02 F Isidore CFX............... Speeches....................1895,1929
144/03 F Isidore CFX............... Sodality List...............1909-1919
144/03 T Paul CFX (M. Van Gerwin).. Cyrenian #4................. nd
144/04 F Isidore CFX............... Speeches, Cyrenian Drafts...1932-1935
144/04 D Isidore CFX............... Ledger- School Finances.....1918-1919
144/04 T Isidore CFX- Summer School History 1873-1933..........*1873-1933*
144/05 F Isidore CFX............... Histories & Chronicles.....*1870-1835*
144/05 D Sacred Heart School....... Accounts....................1902-1904
145/01 F Isidore CFX............... Histories & Essays.......... nd
145/01 D Isidore CFX............... Ledger- Cash................1915-1916
145/02 F Isidore CFX............... Correspondence re History...1927-1934
145/03 F Isidore CFX............... Historical Notes............ nd
145/04 F Isidore CFX............... History of American Prov....1918-1935
145/05 F Isidore CFX............... Novices.....................1924-1925
145/06 F Isidore CFX............... Clippings...................1955-
145/07 F Isidore CFX............... Miscellaneous............... nd
145/08 F Jason CFX................. Correspondence..............1957-1958
145/09 F John Joseph Sterne CFX.... Correspondence..............1953-1964
146/01 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Correspondence..............1929-1937
146/01 F Superior General.......... Correspondence..............1929-1937
146/02 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Correspondence..............1917-1935
146/02 F Provincial................ Correspondence..............1917-1935
146/03 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Correspondence..............1936-1937
146/03 F Provincial................ Correspondence..............1936-1937
146/04 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Correspondence..............1923-1936
146/05 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Correspondence with Family..1896-1919
146/06 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Correspondence with Family..1917-1936
146/07 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Correspondence with Nellie..1925
146/07 S Julian Ryan CFX........... European Trip...............1925
146/08 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Correspondence with Nellie..1929-1935
146/09 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Correspondence w Sr Edith...1929-1936
146/10 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Correspondence with Nellie..1937-1947
146/10 D Julian Ryan CFX........... Clippings...................1937-1947
146/11 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Essays & Addresses..........1927,
146/12 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Meditations- Draft.......... nd
146/13 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Meditations and Poems....... nd
147/01 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Homilies & Sermons.......... nd
147/02 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Homilies & Sermons.......... nd
147/03 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Retreat Notes...............1894/0706
147/04 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Meditations, Poems, Essays..1895-1935
147/05 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Poems dedicated to Nellie... nd
147/06 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Poems.......................1901-1902
147/07 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Poems.......................1886-1924
147/08 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Poems.......................1912-1925
147/09 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Poems & Speeches............ nd
147/10 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Essays...................... nd
148 D Julian Ryan CFX........... History of Xaverians
148/01 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Literature Notes............1909-
148/02 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Hymns....................... nd
148/03 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Men & Deeds- Annotated MS...1929
148/04 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Men & Deeds- Annotated MS...1929
148/05 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Men & Deeds- Annotated MS...1929
148/06 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Men & Deeds- Annotated MS...1929
148/07 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Men & Deeds- Annotated MS...1929
148/08 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Correspondence Men & Deeds..1930-1935
148/09 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Men & Deeds- Book Reviews...1931
148/10 F Julian Ryan CFX........... Holy Cards, Post Cards, etc nd
149/01 F Kurt CFX.................. History CFX Constitutions...1965
149/02 F Kurt CFX.................. History CFX Constitutions...1965
149/03 F Kurt CFX.................. History CFX Constitutions...1965
149/04 F Kurt CFX.................. History CFX Constitutions...1965
149/05 F Medard CFX................ Xaverian High School........1965
149/06 F Osmund Gallagher CFX...... Formation Program...........1946
149/07 F Osmund Gallagher CFX...... MA- Lowell- St. Patrick's..?1951-1953
149/08 F Osmund CFX................ School Reports..............1921-1922
149/09 F Osmund CFX................ School Reports..............1922
149/10 F Osmund CFX................ Retreat Book................1894-1912
149/11 F Simon Drury CFX........... Songs......................?1927-1933?
149/12 F Stephen CFX............... Papers.....................?1898-1911?
149/13 F Thomas More Page CFX...... Correspondence..............1962-1963
150/01 F Urban Kelly CFX........... Diaries....................{1930-1943}
150/02 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Correspondence..............1931-1943
150/03 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Correspondence..............1944-1959
150/04 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Correspondence..............1937-1959
150/05 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Correspondence..............1960-1962
150/06 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Correspondence..............1960-1962
150/06 F Provincial................ Correspondence..............1960-1962
150/07 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Jubilee, Silver.............1937
150/08 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Estate & Death of...........1963-1971
150/09 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Mother's Death..............1937
150/10 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Father's Death..............1951
150/11 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Engel, Jakob- Death.........1954-1955
150/12 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Speeches & Essays..........?1940-1942?
150/13 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Poems & Prayer..............1949-1960
150/14 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Essays Concerning Xaverians -1961?
151/01 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Diary.......................1943-1946
151/02 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Official Papers, Passports..1928-1961
151/03 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Foreign Missions of CFX.....1944-1960
151/04 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Provincial Bulletin Belgium 1960-1962
151/05 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Centennial of Xaverians.....1939
151/06 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Ryken, Theodore J..........*1797-1871*
151/07 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Vocation Materials..........1959-1960
151/08 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Mount De Sales Academy......1937
151/09 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Clippings...................1943-1960
151/10 F Vincent Engel CFX......... Papers...................... nd
151/11 F Vincent Terhoeven CFX..... Biography of................1961
152/01 F Walter Dolan CFX.......... Correspondence..............1923-1967
152/02 F Walter Dolan CFX.......... Correspondence..............1942-1967
152/03 F William Doherty CFX....... Correspondence..............1963-1969
152/03 F Ignatius CFX (Wm Doherty). Correspondence..............1963-1969
152/03 F Provincial................ Correspondence..............1963-1969
152/04 F Xavier CFX (Wm. Francis).. Correspondence..............1907-1920
152/05 F Cajetan CFX............... History of CFX- MS..........1911
152/06 F Cyprian Kerrigan CFX...... Patented Pipe Cutter........1927-1930
152/07 F Mark CFX.................. Retreat Conferences.........1946
152/08 F Philip CFX (John Griffin). Reminiscences...............1882-1914
153/01 F Memorial Cards............ Obituary Cards A - Z
153/02 F Memorial Cards............ Checklist- Cards Needed..... nd
153/03 F Memorial Cards............ Notebook....................1916-1961
153/04 F Biography of Xaverians.... Obituaries of Xaverians....*1958-1974
154/01 F Biographical Sketches..... Ordos & Annuals.............1910-1969
154/02 F Dominic O'Connell, CFX.... O'Connell, Dominic..........1907
155/01 F Biographical Sketches..... Cyrenians & other sketches..1922-1979
Xaverian Brothers