University of Notre Dame

Xaverian Brothers

 156/01  F St. Mary's Industrial..... Scrapbooks..................1919-1941
 156/02  F Isidore CFX............... Scrapbooks..................1884-1935
 156/02  S Mt. St. Joseph............ Scrapbooks..................1884-1935
 156/03  F Isidore CFX............... Scrapbooks..................1885-1936
 156/04  F Isidore CFX............... Scrapbooks..................1925-1931
 157/01  F Walter Dolan CFX.......... Scrapbook concerning........1950-1968
 157/02  F Spiritual Advancement Prog Scrapbook concerning........1961
 157/03  F Xaverian Institutions..... Scrapbook concerning........1957
 157/03  S Mt. St. Joseph College.... MD- Baltimore...............1957
 157/03  S Xaverian College.......... MD- Silver Spring...........1957
 157/03  S Leonard Hall.............. MD- Leonardtown.............1957
 157/03  S Camp Calvert.............. MD- Leonardtown.............1957
 157/03  S Ryken High School......... MD- Leonardtown.............1957
 157/03  S St. Joseph Juniorate...... MD- Leonardtown.............1957
 157/04  F Centennial of CFX in USA.. Scrapbooks..................1854-1954
 157/05  F Centennial of CFX in USA.. Scrapbooks..................1854-1954
 157/06  F Centennial of CFX......... Scrapbooks..................1839-1939
 158/01  F Newspaper................. Clippings...................1854-1929
 158/02  F Centennial of CFX in USA.. Clippings..................*1854-1854
 158/03  F Centennial of CFX......... Clippings..................*1839-1939
 158/04  F Newspaper................. Clippings...................1922-1967
 158/05  F Diamond Jubilee of CFX.... Letters of Congratulation...1929
 158/06  F Centennial of CFX......... History of Xaverians.......*1839-1953
 159/01  F Oversized Documents....... Certificates etc. ..........1874-1972
 159/02  F Superior General.......... Correspondence..............1839-1907
 159/03  F Filing System............. Classification System....... nd
 159/04  F Meditations............... Cosmas CFX..................1964
 159/05  F Centennial of CFX......... Bulletins..................*1839-1939
 159/06  F St. Mary's Industrial..... MD- Baltimore..............{1910-1950}
 159/07  F Miscellaneous............. Circulars...................1954-1956

Later Accessions

CCFX1989-013 . 1989/0123 Add Ms 20'
box 1-4:     Dossiers
box 4:       Revision of Constitution
box 4:       General Chapters
box 5:       School & House Reports           1940-1974
box 6:       Formation (Novitiate)
box 6:       Generalate
box 6:       Other Provinces
box 6:         Belgian Province
box 6:         English Province
box 6:         American Northeastern Province
box 7,11:    Provincial Newsletter
box 7-9,11:  Provincial Chapters
box 9,11:    Xaverianas (lists of members)
box 11:      Council of Congregation
box 11:      Elections
CCFX1990-149 . 1990/0716 Add Ms 1'2" + 2 cassettes
Files from the Pontifical Commission on Religious Life, 1983-1986, generated by the service of Br. Thomas More Page, CFX; correspondence, agenda, interviews, and documentation of meetings; reports, memoranda, and white papers; publicity, talks, and tapes.

CCFX1991-197 . 1991/0819 Add Ms 5'
Brothers' dossiers and report cards (RESTRICTED); Provincial correspondence (1930s-1970s); reports, Xaverianas, agreements and legal papers, clippings, and issues of Communicator.

CCFX1993-058 . 1993/0304 Add Ms 1/4"
Article on St. John's Elementary School, Worcester, MA, 1888-1890.

CCFX1992-239 . 1992/1103 Add Ms 1/4"
Response to Love: Story of Mother Mary Elizabeth Lange, OSP by Maria M. Lannon (Josephite Pastoral Center, Washington, DC, 1992) re Oblate Sisters of Providence (filed at the end of PCFX); and papers of Brother Julian Ryan, CFX, from Novitiate (filed in 137/01)

CCFX1993-184 . 1993/0713 Add Ms .2"
Photocopies of printed material and photographs; clippings. (Filed with older material from same institutions, according to the wishes of Brother Thomas.)

CCFX1993-207 . 1993/0893 Add Ms 1.5'
Dossiers on individual brothers (restricted); office files (1969 to 1989) re XBSS = Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools; Xaverian High School; St. Xavier High School; St Mary; Ryken High School; Nazareth Regional High School; Mount Saint Joseph High School; Holy Family High School; and Good Counsel High School.

CCFX1995-039 . 1995/0303 Add Ms .01"
Religious Life Committee of the Pontifical Commission on the Religious Life: Personal Notes Taken at the Meetings of the Commission by Br. Thomas More Page, CFX.

CCFX1995-162 . 1995/0809 Add Ms 4'
Records dating chiefly 1988-1991, including Xaverian Brothers Board of Directors, Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools, correspondence, meeting material, financial records, international files, diocesan files, Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM), and Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR); also computer printouts listing donors and perpetual enrollments in the Xaverian Auxiliary (1983-1989).

CCFX1996-206 . 1996/0923 Add Ms 5"
Diaries of Brother Vincent Engel, 1940-1962.

CCFX1997-247 . 1997/0923 Add Ms .25"
Typewritten manuscript of "Catholics in the Land of Billy the Kid" by Thomas W. Spalding, CFX.

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