pg 9 On deck, there was a little room 6 x 8 ft. for the cabin passengers. The Ladies of the Sacred Heart and the Brothers had the exclusive use of this room in turns for their religious exercises. There, instructions were given and even the chapters were held; there, confessions were heard; there, whenever the sea permitted it, the holy sacrifice of the mass was offered up and each of the pious pilgrims came to receive the Bread of Angels and to fortify himself with the precious viaticum against the daily and nightly dangers of the treacherous elements; and this was done eleven times during the sea voyage. To relate all the sweet emotions of this happy family on those solemn occasions would not be easy; it will be much pleasanter for them to call to mind, throughout their whole lives, the extraordinary consolations bestowed upon them in this dear and charming little floating sanctuary. It is there that it pleased Our Lord to begin the fulfillment of his promises made to all those that shall have left father, mother, etc. for his sake. There in truth each one must have felt that he already received the hundred fold of what he had left. Piety everywhere commands respect and esteem. Aboard, the