University of Notre Dame

Chronicles of Notre Dame du Lac
Edward Sorin, CSC -- Translated by John M. Toohey, CSC, 1895
pg 47        to keep at the same time two establishments one hundred leagues 
             apart.  By order of their superior the Brothers, eleven in 
             number, left for St. Mary of the Lakes in the first days of 
Feb 28       February, and arrived the day before Ash Wednesday.  Their 
             reunion was a joyful day for all.
                  It was particularly to their assistance that was due the 
             completion of the chapel at the date already mentioned.  
             Insignificant as was this building, it was necessary to devote 
             it to still another use.  A second story was carried through its 
             entire length in order to lodge in it the Sisters that were to 
             arrive the following spring or summer.  The old dormitory that 
             had been used as a chapel was assigned to the Brothers, one of 
             the priest's rooms was joined on to the new church, with the 
             intention of also adding the other room in the following year, 
             which then would furnish a space 90 x 20 feet.  We shall say
             nothing of the first story.  It was not necessary to be very tall
             in order to touch the rafters with your head.

‹—  Sorin's Chronicles  —›