pg 97 2. General Retreats The first necessity as well as the first duty to fulfil on the arrival of F. Superior was to put everybody in turn on retreat as soon as possible. The Brothers began first, three days after the arrival of the colony; then the Sisters, whose retreat ended on September 8th. Three of them made their profession, and one of the late arrivals, St. Mary of the Cenacle, who was then only second assistant, but who was to become superioress a few months later. Finally came the retreat of the priests. The more trouble there had been this year, the more each one seemed to take to heart the making of this retreat well, and at the same time, it seemed to be a pleasure to them. Thus far, greater recollection or more good will had not been seen. All the regulations and usages of the Mother House, as far as practicable, were proclaimed and received with the most entire submission. The obediences were assigned in the Minor Chapter and were accepted by all without exception with humility and submission. The accusations were made this year, as always, with frankness and candor truly edifying, so as to give the best of hopes for the coming year.