pg 134 scholastics of the Society was organized on the same day under the direction of F. Granger, and all the Brothers were transferred in a body to the college to be there under the direction of the Father Superior. In order to promote the advancement of the Milwaukee Seminarians in piety as well as in science, they were permitted to live with our members for this year. 6. Arrival of Mother M. of the Saviour Some days after the close of the annual retreat of the priests F. Superior started for St. Laurent where he was expected by FF. Verite and Reze--the latter being a recent arrival from the Mother House, who was to replace the former and allow him to return to France. They spent about a week pleasantly together, after which F. Sorin took the road back to Notre Dame du Lac with the new superioress who had been expected for fifteen months--and two other French Sisters. The journey was fortunate and rapid, although made amidst the dying and the dead whom the cholera was then mowing down in most parts of the United States as well as in Europe.