University of Notre Dame

Chronicles of Notre Dame du Lac
Edward Sorin, CSC -- Translated by John M. Toohey, CSC, 1895
pg 220       the principle objects of the administration was to secure them 
             those advantages as soon as possible.
                  It was therefore decided, as already mentioned, that the two 
             houses of Mishawaka and Bertrand should be removed to the new 
             location.  The former was almost rebuilt when an unexpected event 
             caused that determination to be taken that the immediate transfer 
             of the other should be begun.
                 For several years the step-father of one of our Fathers and 
             one of our Sisters (F. Gillespie and Mary of St. Angela) Mr. 
             Phelan of Lancaster, Ohio, had been speaking of bequeathing a 
             valuable farm to the Congregation of Holy Cross, with the view of 
             having a branch of the Society established in that place.  More 
             than once he had been urged by his estimable and pious wife to 
             donate it and give possession of it at once during his lifetime; 
             but to all solicitations of this kind he answered in such a manner 
             as gave little hope that he could ever make up his mind on this.
                  It was therefore a surprise to F. Sorin when, some days 

‹—  Sorin's Chronicles  —›