pg 282 four Sisters of Holy Cross have just opened a young ladies' academy under the direction of the V. R. Mr. O'Reilly; that of Buffalo, whither four Brothers and three Sisters were sent about the middle of November to take charge of an orphan asylum under the patronage of the saintly Bishop Timon; finally that of Columbus, where it was thought more prudent to put only one Brother at the start, although everything is in readiness for an addition next year; the growth of the college, the number of whose students went up to one hundred and forty boarders; the development of the three novitiates, which at the end of the year had their full number, although there were more members than ever before admitted to the taking of the habit during the year. On the other hand the good spirit of the house; the perfect union, not only of the three communities, but of the individual members of each society amongst themselves; the consideration enjoyed by the house in the neighborhood; finally the erection, so much desired, of a monument to the dear F. Cointet in the shape of a lateral chapel added to the church of the Sacred Heart, followed