pg 286 F. Sorin, being invited by the superioress to go to New York in the hope of coming to an understanding with the Archbishop, proceeded thither in the month of May, found His Grace inflexible, wrote a full account of his interview to the V. R. Father, strongly urging the establishment of a Province at New York if it was considered desirable to retaint he establishment there, and to send the R. F. Champeau, who would be given charge of the French church, etc. No answer was returned, but the V. R. Father insisted that the Sisters should rather be recalled to the Lake. During this F. Madeore acted as superior, gave the habit to thirteen postulants, several of whom had not even been accepted by the Chapter. On his side the Rector reiterated his decisions. In the month of August the Mother Superior came to the Lake, being fully persuaded that the Archbishop, whilst remaining firm, regretted to see the existence of the establishment seriously threatened, and that he would probably yield to the first overture. Just at this time the Rev. Mr. Lafonte wrote a