pg 383 If I have written one word to cause you the least pain, I beg you to forgive it; it never was my intention to pain you in any manner whatsoever; but you cannot be surprised to find me personally sensitive to such a termination of three years of hard work recognized in such a pitiful manner. Fortunately, I cherish the hope that I have not lost all merit before God. To be frank to the very last. Whilst I reverence your great virtues and your sacred character, I remain painfully convinced that you have not done us justice as we expected it of you. I hope again that you will deign to consider this matter once more and that you will see things in a very different light; and if we can longer continue our labors here, we can at least retire with your blessing and your wishes for our success. Very respectfully, Your Humble Servt. in X., E. Sorin, S.S.C.