pg 428 The following is the answer: Chicago, June 11th 1861 Very Reverend dear Sir, In answer to your letter I have only to repeat to you what I have often said before: that since the contract between you and Bishop O'Regan has been violated by you in almost every point, I have only to take back the property of the Church which you are occupying. The college has not been properly kept, the schools in the parishes have been neglected; and the rent which you agreed to pay has not been paid. For these reasons and others I require that you no longer retain the property of the Church; and remitting you the several thousands of dollars new due, I simply demand possession of our own property. If I must resort to legal measures to attain this object, let all the scandal and all the consequences fall back on you. For three years I have borne much for the sake of peace; but I am now resolved not to be any longer