pg 476 Irish in this country imagine, right or wrong, that the republican party is hostile to them, three fourths of them voted against him. He and his friends were indignant at this. Next month the exemption which F. Carrier had obtained for five members on whom the draft had fallen was recalled, and the post office threatened, and all those privileges were to be forfeited in a moment. In this crisis F. Sorin did his best to direct all minds and all hearts to the glorious Patroness of the Lake. This time, as so often before, she showed that her arm was not shortened and her maternal heart had not grown cold. Every member promised to say one thousand Hail Marys. F. Carrier was once more sent to Washington, where after a week of long and earnest work, he succeeded in having the recall of the exemption revoked. Fortunately for the community Mrs. Sherman, a fervent Catholic and a friend of the institution, wife of the famous general of that name, had some months before taken up her residence in South Bend for the sole purpose of having her young