pg 500 The Rev. F. Letourneau having been named chaplain at St. Mary's and pastor of the Assumption at New Lowell, the Rev. F. Carrier was appointed the successor in St. Joseph's novitiate. He undertook all the teaching of the novices who thus ceased connection with the college. The two novices were thus for the first time on regular footing according to the letter of the Constitutions. Hence they inspire new hopes. Another step in the same direction was taken this year by the decree of the Provincial Chapter to furnish the Missioners' House at the expense of the Congregation to make it the residence, (besides of some priests that might wish to come and make retreats there), of novices who, finishing their novitiate before the age required for profession, would there continue their studies until they made the perpetual vows. The work is going briskly forward, and will be completed about Christmas. On the north tower will be placed the telescope presented the institution by His Majesty Napoleon.