University of Notre Dame

Chronicles of Notre Dame du Lac
Edward Sorin, CSC -- Translated by John M. Toohey, CSC, 1895
pg 526       nature, as all say, and raised by a mother equally remarkable for 
             her superior abilities and her piety, he had made brilliant 
             studies in his native city, Rennes, where, as a lawyer, he had 
             already secured a flattering prospect of success, when the saintly 
             Bishop Brute changed all his aspirations and won his wind and his 
             loving heart to the poor missions of Indiana.
                  Two days after his ordination in Vincennes, he was sent here 
             to replace a saint, as he was called by all that knew him.  He saw 
             with his own eyes how deeply the loss of Father Deseille was felt 
             all around, little dreaming then that in less than twelve months 
             his own death would plunge so many broken hearts into even a 
             deeper sorrow and more overwhelming affliction, as he was loved 
             already, after such a brief but wonderful exhibition of virtues, 
             abilities, and sacrifices as none of his predecessors, good and 
             excellent as they were, had ever been loved and admired.
                  Half a dozen of his letters, to his Bishop or to his mother, 
             fully justify the universal regrets caused by his untimely death, 

‹—  Sorin's Chronicles  —›