University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame
Chroniques de N. D. du Lac

Additions or Reminiscences (1880)

. . . as to our guiding star! Mr. Leo Dupont was with us in the coach from Mans to Havre. He had volunteered to accompany us to the sea and to arrange everything for our embarkation. We were intimate friends.

He served us admirably for three days. Without him we might have found it impossible to take the sea. He was the last to shake hands with us several hours after the boat had left the shore. One may imagine his joy and his comments when he learned the name of the festival on which we were leaving our friends at Mans. A few weeks before we had made together one of the three hundred and sixty-five pilgrimages which he published some years later in his beautiful Annee a Marie, in 2 vols.

I knew his admirable love of the Mother of God: he thanked her as only saints know how to thank heaven for deeply felt favors. I said my office in the coach--vespers and matins: I never felt happier; it seemed the Blessed Virgin claimed not only my thoughts and affections, but my whole life: she wanted all I could give. Oh! how glad I would have been to give her something worth offering and receiving! My only consolation then was to make no reserve. But insignificant as was my poor return, she seemed to accept it.

Since this first mark of maternal tenderness, who could enumerate the daily proofs she has given us of her undying love? To whom was I indebted a little later on for celebrating my first mass in Indiana on Rosary Sunday? and for reaching Vincennes . . .

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