Chroniques de N. D. du Lac
Additions or Reminiscences (1880)

. . . the end of our long journey, in time to say my mass and preach
before our venerated Bishop on the solemnity of her Divine
Maternity? I should have been stone blind not to recognize on the
above three occasions the loving hand of a Mother even if she had
entirely withdrawn her sensible protection all the time
intervening. But of the two months and six days that our journey
lasted, I could not point to a single one on which she forgot us
and left us in want. If time permits I will relate some more,
were it only to show to our dear religious of the Holy Cross in
America how good the Mother of God has been to them from the
beginning; how much they owe her and what boundless return of
gratitude and love she has a right to expect from each of them.
The above three first delicious Etapes in a little more than
two months were too significant to be passed unnoticed by young
missionaries whose souls were wholly absorbed in on same thought,
viz: to make known in the New World the Holy Mother of God, to
whom they had consecrated their best love. For her they had left
all; for her they actually lived; for her they passionately wished
to spend themselves and be spent to the end of their life. If she
blessed their labors, they had not even a doubt their mission
would prove a success.
Father Sorin