Unless explicitly stated, class and grade recordbooks pertain only to the Juniors and Seniors and not to the Minims.
Locations in the form "w/7/4" indicate a physical shelf location in the Officers' Room.
Two registers recording some or all of the following information for each student who registered each year: name; entrance date; name, relation, and address of parent or guardian; school previously attended; religion; whether received Confirmation and Communion; age; date and circumstances of departure; and approximate number of days and months at ND (for which an annual total and average is compiled yearly). Arranged by date of registration.
Related Volumes: "Student Ledgers" and "Student Daybooks": see explanation under "Student Daybooks".
Names on pages 1-81 are in the "Ledger Index".
The register is incomplete for the years 1859/60 and 1860/61.
The inside back cover contains a "Table Showing the Order of Class Studies & Recreation & Meals in All the Departments of the College", which includes a summary of the hours spent in study, recreation, sleep, and meals every day.
One volume listing the name of the student, name and address of parent or guardian, department (Minim, Junior, or Senior), religion (Catholic, Non-Catholic, or Jewish [see Lason Barth and Morris Wolff]), and date and reason for departures before the end of the school year.
Names on pages 2-8, 22-33, and 154-184 are in the "Ledger Index";
pages 34-43 and 150-153 are not indexed.
Indexed as "Manual Labor School Register".
Pages 2-8: a list of apprentices, dated July 1865, showing name, hometown and state, and sometimes whether or how left; arranged alphabetically.
Pages 22-33: a register of apprentices, arranged alphabetically, showing number, date of reception, date of birth or age, name, address of parent or guardian, trade, amount of fee paid, and sometimes remarks regarding clothing or when and how left; the date of reception and departure vary between 1863 and 1876.
Pages 34-43: a record of pocketcash, arranged chronologically, that the students deposited with the University and then drew from, dated September 1876 - December 1877.
Pages 150-184: clothing records, September 1876 - October 1877, showing the date, the name, and the article of clothing received; arranged chronologically during 1876 and alphabetically by name during 1877.
Nine volumes recording student name; name, address, and relation of parent or guardian; through 1910/11, the number of the page in the "Student Daybook" on which the student's matriculation record is found; and beginning with 1910/11 the student's age. The "Addressbooks" therefore act as an index to the "Student Daybooks" (which, in turn, act as an index to the corresponding "Student Registers". Each book is arranged by initial letter of surname and then by school year.
Arranged alphabetically except for the last nine names, which are presumably entered by date. These entries are not duplicated in the 1897-1904 Addressbook.
Sixteen volumes, arranged by date of registration, containing the name of the student matriculating; the name, address, and relation of his parent or guardian; his age and whether Catholic and whether received Communion and/or Confirmation; the amount charged for tuition, board, and special fees and the amount paid or arrangements made for payment; and starting in 1872, a sequential number for all registrants in each school year.
An online Index to Early Notre Dame Students provides a finding aid for the daybooks, and presents some but not all of the information in them. It also includes entries derived from the official list of students published in the Bulletin of Notre Dame each year.
Related Volumes: Starting with the 1873/74 schoolyear, the index volumes of the "Student Ledgers" are also an index to the "Student Daybooks"; and even before that date, since the student accounts usually mention the date of registration (the financial date the entrance fee was assessed), the "Student Ledgers'" financial accounts serve as an index to the chronologically arranged "Student Daybooks". The same holds true for the chronologically arranged "Student Registers" (1857-83).
All names appear in the "Ledger Index".
Indexed as "Day Book 1887-90".
This series includes accounts for all regular students enrolled at ND during these years (Minims, Juniors, and Seniors, etc.): it is known to be incomplete, however, in regards to Seminarians, Novices, Manual Labor School Students, St. Joseph's Hall Waiters, and other "special" students. In fact, we probably don't have any record for some of these students and inmates at ND.
one known exception of "Manual Labor School Account Book B"; there may be other exceptions.
Indexed as "Ledger __ . . . / Itemized Student Account".