Two ledgers (and two accompanying (incomplete) index volumes) compiled between 1902 and 1916, into which were transfered all open (i.e. unsettled) student financial accounts from 1846 through the 1915/16 school year. Special Ledger One is for debit balances and Special Ledger Two is for credit balances. Some accounts were eventually settled in these ledgers, but most were not.
Names on pages 1-57 seem to appear in the "Ledger Index";
Pages 18 and 58-110 are largely or entirely not indexed. Indexed as "Account Book of Manual Labor School-B".
Pages 2-62,64-84: accounts of waiters and apprentices, 1880-83, showing date, description of expense or receipt, amount, and final balances. The inside front cover contains a partial index.
Page 63: a list of apprentices and waiters, dated 1 April 1881, showing name, trade, age, and whether a waiter or an apprentice.
Pages 84-110: clothing records, 1883 (?), showing the name, whether a waiter or an apprentice, and quantities of different articles of clothing. It is not clear if these quantities are clothing on hand or clothing received for some period.
All names appear in the "Ledger Index". Indexed as "Manual Labor School and Sundry Accounts-Book I".
Pages 1-13 and 18-23: accounts of Saint Joseph's Hall residents (waiters) for the 1898/99 school year, recording name, date, description of receipt or expense, amount, and final balances. These pages are indexed in the front of the volume.
Pages 14-16: professor's accounts, 1897/98 (?), for purchases from the General Office (i.e. Students' Store or Bookstore), recording information similar to that described above.
Two volumes summarizing each student's financial account for the 1878/79, 79/80, and 1881/82 through 84/85 school years. Records the tuition, room, and board rate for each student; the time he spent at ND that year; charges for board, room, and tuition, special courses of study, medical fees, books and stationary, clothing and graduation fees; the total charges, payments, and amount due or the amount to be refunded. For each school year there is a summary of the above charges and payments as well as figures for the average monthly attendance and cost for the year. Arranged by year, then department (Minim, Junior, Senior), and then alphabetically by name.
Related Volumes: These books summarize the detailed accounts found in "Student Ledgers" I,K,L,M,N.
All names are in the "Ledger Index".
Indexed as "Minim Account Book 1879".
"Student Ledgers" I,K are related.
All names are in the "Ledger Index".
Indexed as "Minim Account Book 1881-85".
"Student Ledgers" I,K,L,M,N are related.
One volume listing the name of the student, name and address of parent or guardian, department (Minim, Junior, or Senior), religion (Catholic, Non-Catholic, or Jewish [see Lason Barth and Morris Wolff]), and date and reason for departures before the end of the school year.
One volume listing name and dates of departures (and sometimes return) for students who left before the end of the school year. Arranged by initial letter of surname and then by school year (1888/9-1893/4).
Lists, arranged chronologically, showing name of student, the date he left the University, and sometimes the reason he left. A few additional lists, drawn up according to hall, also show the names of students who had left. These loose papers were all removed from "Register of Mid-Year Departures and Returns 1888-4" [ULDG 2/04, above]. The lists cover the school years 1899/1900- 1910/11.
Two volumes of obituaries, arranged by date of death, of ND students and alumni. Each entry includes name, approximate dates of attendance at the University, and remarks as to the character of the student and the circumstances of his death. About 191 obituaries are recorded here.
All names appear in the "Ledger Index".
Indexed as "Obituary Ledger 1847-72".
Related volume: see transcript in ULDG 3/2.
Related volume: see ULDG 3/1.
All names appear in the "Ledger Index".
Indexed as "Obituary Ledger 1873-86".
A part of one book recording information concerning professors and the classes they taught, variously including such information as lists of faculty members, the classes each taught in a given year, the number of classes each taught (?), the time each class was held, and the books or subject matter covered by certain classes; as well as a few additional records consisting of the composition of the First Board of Examination, 18 June 1868 (p.42), the program for the Feast of St. Edward, October 1868 (p.43), and programs for Commencement, 1868 (p.41), 1869 (pps.46-48), 1870 (pps.56-59), and 1872 (pps.77-79).
Arranged chronologically.
This volume also includes "Class Register 1874/75".
A part of one book recording, for each class, the names of the professor and the students.
This volume also includes "Record of Faculty & Classes 1865-75."
Eighteen volumes, usually one for each semester, listing under each class number or name, the names of the students assigned to that class and the hall in which each student lived (K for Corby, B or Br for Brownson, W for Walsh, J or St J for St. Joseph's, C for Carroll, HC or H for Holy Cross, S for Seminary, etc.). For certain semesters, the time, room number, and instructor's name is also included for each course. The arrangement of classes within a volume varies: sometimes it is alphabetically, sometimes it is by course (Collegiate and Prep), sometimes it is seemingly random, with special courses and electives concentrated at the end.
Related volumes: Lists of classes, arranged by student name, can be deduced from grade reports (see ULDG 5/1, "Class Records [Grades]", and the Registrar's Transcripts on microfilm) and from competition and examination grades (see ULDG 3/6-9, 5/2-4, "Record of Examinations", and "Record of Competitions".
Interestingly, a comparison of the information between the "Class Register" entry for a student and his transcript does not always yield consistent data; and almost never yields identical data.
The inside back cover contains an outline of the hours spent and work covered in each of the three years of the Law Course.
The last pages contain a list of the classes held each hour, with their room numbers noted.
Includes a long list of classes adds, changes, and drops for the 1908/09 year; and a short list of students allowed to go home early (a Departure List), December 1908.
These two lists are partially carbon copies that were probably compiled from the "Class Register, 2nd Semester" and later updated as the "Register" was updated. No doubt similar lists, none of which survive, were habitually drawn up fro every class.