Other Titles
- PNDC CT 21 .C783L Volume : Cooney, John M. (John Michael), 1875-1945. A lecture on parallel lives (English and American authors). New York, American College Society, [c1915]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC CT 275 .H776 C314s Volume : Cavanaugh, John, 1870-1935 Sermon by the Very Reverend John Cavanagh ... at the funeral services of the late John P. Hopkins. St. James church, Chicago. : [s.n.] October 16th, 1918.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC CT 6950 .S427 T3 Volume : Testimonial dinner to Hon. Joseph Scott, in celebration of his seventy-fifth birthday. Columbus Day, Monday, October twelfth, nineteen hundred and forty-two. Cocoanut Grove, Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California. Edited and published by the Executive Committee, William A. Marquard, chairman. [Los Angeles? : [s.n.] 1943?]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC D 159 .M364 Volume : Martin, Paul Revere, 1884-. The crusades. Chicago : Franciscan herald press [1939].
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC D 16 .M119 Volume : McAvoy, Thomas Timothy, 1903-1969. Facts versus abstractions: a rejoinder. [St. Francis, Wis. : The Catholic Educational Review, 1951]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC D 443 .D959 Volume : DvornÃk, Francis, 1893- Western and Eastern traditions of Central Europe. Notre Dame, Ind. : University Press, [1947?]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC D 570 .A1 A511 Volume : American Legion. The American Legion weekly. [Indianapolis, etc., Legion Pub. Co.]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC D 570.9 .Sp31f Volume : Speakman, Harold, 1886- From a soldier's heart, by Harold Speakman ... drawings by the author. New York, Cincinnati, The Abingdon press [c1919]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC D 743.9 .N213s Volume : Catholic Chaplains of the Army and Navy. Second report to the fathers and mothers / by Catholic Chaplains of the Army and Navy. Washington, D.C. : National Council of Catholic Men, 1943.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC D 810 .C286 M119a Volume : McAvoy, Thomas Timothy, 1903-1969. American Catholics and the Second World War / [by] Thomas T. McAvoy. Notre Dame, Ind. : University Press, [1944].
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC D 810 .P945 F468m Volume : Fight for freedom, inc. Midwestern scholars take their stand: 1. On your guard! By Professor Francis E. McMahon ... 2. To the President and the Congress of the United States. By 157 faculty members of the University of Chicago. Chicago, Ill. : Fight for freedom, inc. [1941]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC D 825 .G962a Volume : Gurian, Waldemar, 1902-1954. After World War II, by Waldemar Gurian. [Notre Dame, Ind. : [s.n.] 1946]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC D 972 .St63c Volume : Stoddard, Charles Warren, 1843-1909. A cruise under the crescent; Chicago New York, Rand, McNally & company [c1898]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DA 18 .H122b Volume : Hagerty, Cornelius, 1885-1977. British imperialism, by the Rev. Cornelius Hagerty, C.S.C. [n.p.] : Issued by the Notre Dame branch of the friend of Irish freedom [1920]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DA 317 .F584p Volume : Fitzsimons, M. A. (Matthew Anthony), 1912- Politics and men of learning in England, 1540-1640 [by] Matthew A. Fitzsimons ... Notre Dame, Ind. : University press 1944.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DA 586 .F584 Volume : Fitzsimons, M. A. (Matthew Anthony), 1912- The masque of uncertainty: Britain and Munich. Notre Dame, Ind. : [s.n.] 1950.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DA 625 .W734s Volume : Winter, William, 1836-1917. Shakespeare's England, New York and London, Macmillan and company, 1892.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DA 925 .H122L Volume : Hagerty, Cornelius, 1885-1977. Love and the Irish, by the Rev. Cornelius Hagerty ... Notre Dame, Indiana : University press [1925]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DA 925 .W214 Volume : Ward, Leo R. (Leo Richard), 1893- All over God's Irish heaven. Chicago, Regnery, 1964.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DA 925 .W214g Volume : Ward, Leo R. (Leo Richard), 1893- God in an Irish kitchen, New York, and London, Sheed & Ward, 1939.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DA 948.6 .Em64 C314t Volume : Cavanaugh, John, 1870-1935 Thomas Addis Emmet, M.D.; a personal tribute. By The Reverend John Cavanaugh ... New York : Anna Frances Levins [19--?]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DA 950.22 P541d Volume : Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884. Daniel O'Connell, the Irish patriot; Boston, Lee and Shepart; 1884.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DA 950.29 1924 .C276a Volume : Castellini, Joseph J. America's debt to Ireland; address delivered by Joseph J. Castellini before the combined councils of the American association for the recognition of the Irish republic, Hotel Sinton, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 17, 1924. [Cincinnati, Ohio, The Macey-Hall Pub. Co., 1924]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DD 253 .A1 D42 Volume : Hürten, Heinz. Waldemar Gurian; ein Zeuge der Krise unserer Welt in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Mainz, Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag [c1972]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DD 254 .Ob6n Volume : O'Brien, John A. (John Anthony), 1893-1980. Nazism and Christianity [by] Rev. John A. O'Brien... [Huntington, Indiana : Our Sunday visitor press 1941]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DG 556 .St97Z C173 Volume : Caponigri, A. Robert (Aloysius Robert), 1915- The ethical and sociological bases of Italian politics: Sturzo and Croce. [Chicago] : Ethics 1948.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DG 556 .St97Z C173d Volume : Caponigri, A. Robert (Aloysius Robert), 1915- Don Luigi Sturzo: the general theory of the state. [Bologna : N. Zanichelli 1953]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DK 265 .G962b Volume : Gurian, Waldemar, 1902-1954. Bolschewismus. Freiburg : Herder [1951]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DK 265 .G962b D951 Volume : Gurian, Waldemar, 1902-1954. Het bolsjewisme geschiedenis en leer. Nederlandsche bewerking van Mr. H.J.A. Van Son. 'S-Hertogenbosch : Teulings' uitgevers-maatschappij, 1932.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DK 265 .G962b En36 Volume : Gurian, Waldemar, 1902-1954. Bolshevism: theory and practice, New York, The Macmillan company, 1932.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DK 265 .G962b It1 Volume : Gurian, Waldemar, 1902-1954. Il bolscevismo. Traduzione di Teocrito Di Georgio. Milano : "Vita e pensiero" 1933.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DK 265 .G962bo Volume : Gurian, Waldemar, 1902-1954. Bolschewismus als weltgefahr. Luzern, Vita nova verlag, 1935.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DK 265 .G962L Volume : Gurian, Waldemar, 1902-1954. Lenins Methoden der Machteroberung im Jahre 1917. Düsseldorf : Droste 1951.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DK 267 .G962 I7 Volume : Gurian, Waldemar, 1902-1954, L'Unione Sovietica; presupposti, ideologia, realtà politica. Saggi di Waldemar Gurian, Michael Karpovich [et al]. Raccolti da Waldemar Gurian. Firenze : La Nuova Italia [1954].
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DK 267 .G962c Volume : Gurian, Waldemar, 1902-1954. Change and permanence in Soviet policies [by] Waldemar Gurian. [S.l.] : [s.n.] [1946]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DK 267 .G962r Volume : Gurian, Waldemar, 1902-1954. Russia and the peace [by] Waldemar Gurian ... Notre Dame, Ind. : The University press 1945.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DK 33 .S95 Volume : Szczesniak, Andrew L. A brief index of indigenous peoples and languages of Asiatic Russia. [Bloomington, Ind.] : Archives of Languages of the World, Anthropology Dept., Indiana University, 1963.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DP 269 .H592c Volume : Hinkel, John Vincent, 1906- The communistic network ... New York, America press [1939]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DQ 56 .F247L Volume : [Farrell, William E. Lecture; Switzerland, history and sociology. Cleveland, Ohio : University travel league, inc. [c1931]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DR 48.5 .So89 Volume : Soviet satellites : studies of politics in eastern Europe / by Andrew Gyorgy [et al.]. Notre Dame, Ind., : Review of Politics, [1949].
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DS 145 .G962 Volume : Gurian, Waldemar, 1902-1954. Antisemitism in modern Germany / by Waldemar Gurian. New York : Conference on Jewish Relations, 1946.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DS 490 .S7 G66 Volume : Goulet, Denis. Survival with integrity : Sarvodaya at the crossroads / Denis Goulet ; introduction by Godfrey Gunatilleke. Colombo, Sri Lanka : Marga Institute, 1981.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DS 708 .K632cZ Sz19 Volume : Szczesniak, Boleslaw. Athanasius Kircher's China Illustrata. Belgium : Brugis 1952.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DS 854 .Sz19 Volume : Szczesniak, Boleslaw. Japanese-Korean wars in A.D. 391-407 and their chronology. [London] : [s.n.] 1946.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DT 510.42 .B45 1982 Volume : Bellis, James O. (James Oren), 1938- The "place of the pots" in Akan funerary custom / by James O. Bellis. [Bloomington, Ind.] : African Studies Program, Indiana University, 1982.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DT 54 .St63m Volume : Stoddard, Charles Warren, 1843-1909. Mashallah! A flight into Egypt. New York, D. Appleton and company, 1881.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DU 623 .St63h Volume : Stoddard, Charles Warren, 1843-1909. Hawaiian life: being lazy letters from low latitudes. By Charles Warren Stoddard. Chicago, New York, F.T. Neely, 1894.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DU 623 .St63t Volume : Stoddard, Charles Warren, 1843-1909. A trip to Hawaii. [San Francisco, Passenger department of the Oceanic steamship co., 1885]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DU 623 .Z13L Volume : Zahm, John Augustine, 1851-1921. Letters from the Hawaiian Islands. Notre Dame, Ind., University press, 1887.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DU 629 .M738 St63L Volume : Stoddard, Charles Warren, 1843-1909. The lepers of Molokai. By Charles Warren Stoddard. Notre Dame, Ind., "Ave Maria" press [1893?]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC DU 629 .M738 St63L 1908 Volume : Stoddard, Charles Warren, 1843-1909. The lepers of Molokai, by Charles Warren Stoddard. Notre Dame, Indiana : The Ave Maria press [1908;1923?]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC E 125 .V636 L233n Volume : Landero, Carlos F. de. El nombre del nuevo continente... [S.l.] : [s.n.] 1921.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC E 159 .S35 1978 Volume : Schlereth, Thomas J. Historic houses as learning laboratories : seven teaching strategies / by Thomas J. Schlereth. [Nashville] : American Association for State and Local History, [c1978]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC E 183.7 .H45 Volume : Hesburgh, Theodore Martin, 1917- Foreign policy & morality : framework for a moral audit / Theodore M. Hesburgh, Louis J. Halle ; commentary, John C. Bennett ... [et al.] ; pref. and concluding remarks, Kenneth W. Thompson. New York : Council on Religion and International Affairs, c1979.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC E 183.8 .G798 H838eZ C547e Volume : Clark, David Worth, 1902-. "England expects every American to do his duty": excerpts from a book by Quincy Howe, published in 1937. Extension of remarks of Hon.D.Worth Clark...in the Senate of the United States,March 24,1941. Past statements of Winston Churchill:article from the New York Enquirer. Extension of remarks of Hon.Robert R.Reynolds ... in the Senate of the United States, March 8,1941. Wash. : Govt 1941.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC E 184 .Ir4 C314s Volume : Cavanaugh, John, 1870-1935 Spiritual contribution of Ireland to America. Sermon of the Very Rev. John Cavanaugh, C.S.C., D.D., to the National convention of the Ancient order of Hibernians, Detroit, July 19, 1921. [n.p. : n.p. 1921]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC E 286 .M757 M757cc Volume : The Catholic celebration of the fourth of July 1854 in Monroe Michigan / addresses by James Sheeran, Peter Cooney and Dr. Adams. [Monroe, Mi : Catholic conservative association, n.d.]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC E 340 .C128 F584 Volume : Fitzsimons, M. A. (Matthew Anthony), 1912- Calhoun's bid for the presidency, 1841-1844. [Lincoln, Neb.] : [s.n.] 1951.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC E 340 .Ew56 M1 Volume : University of Notre Dame. Archives. Guide to the microfilm edition of the Thomas Ewing, Sr., papers / University of Notre Dame Archives. Notre Dame, Ind. ; [1967].
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC E 467.1 .Ew53 In9 Volume : In memoriam. Charles Ewing. By his youngest corporal ... Philadelphia, Press of J. B. Lippincott company, 1888.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC E 467.1 .M462 T93 Volume : Two relics of the American Civil War. [N.p. : n.p. 1951]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC E 467.1 .R7 M9 Volume : Mulhane, L. W. Memorial of Major-General William Stark Rosecrans : born in Kingston Township, Delaware County, Ohio, September 6, 1819 : died at Rosecrans, near Los Angeles, California, March 11, 1898. Columbus, Ohio : Columbian Printing Co., [1898]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC E 467.1 .Sh56 M32 Volume : Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 1820-1891 Guide to the Microfilm edition of the William Tecumseh Sherman family papers (1808-1891) Thomas T. McAvoy, project director; Lawrence J. Bradley, manuscripts preparator. Notre Dame, Ind., University of Notre Dame Archives, 1967.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC E 485.55 .C286c Volume : Catholic Alumni Sodality of Philadelphia. The Corby monument. [Philadelphia, Press of Allen, Lane & Scott, 1911]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC E 485.55 .C286f Volume : [Catholic alumni sodality of Philadelphia]. Father Corby at Gettysburg. [Philadelphia : MacManus Print 1909?]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC E 661 .B574t Volume : Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893. Twenty years of Congress: from Lincoln to Garfield. Norwich, Conn., The Henry Bill publishing company, 1884-86.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC E 806 .P452f Volume : Pettengill, Samuel Barrett, 1886- For Americans only, New York city, Nesterman publishing co., inc. [1944]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC F 1030.5 .B284L Volume : Bartlett, Charles Henry, 1853- La Salle in the valley of the St. Joseph. An historical fragment. South Bend, Ind., Tribune printing company, 1899.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC F 1215 .O13 Volume : O'Brien, John A. (John Anthony), 1893-1980. Discovering Mexico, Huntington, Ind., Our Sunday visitor press, 1943.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC F 1418 .H625s Volume : Hispanic American historical review. A symposium on the teaching of the history of Hispanic America in educational institutions of the United States, by Charles Lyon Chandler, Isaac Joslin Cox [and others]. [S.l.] : [s.n.] 1919.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC F 381 .T312p v.1 no.2 Volume : Foik, Paul J. (Paul Joseph), 1879-1941. Early Catholic explorers of the Southwest / by Paul J. Foik. [Austin, Tex.] : Texas Knights of Columbus Historical Commission, 1930.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC F 521 .O44 Volume : The Old courthouse news. [South Bend, Northern Indiana Historical Society]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC F 527 .H836i Volume : Howard, Timothy Edward, 1837-1916. The Indiana Supreme Court : with some account of the courts preceding it : an historical sketch / by Timothy E. Howard. South Bend, Ind. : Northern Indiana Historical Society, 1900.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC F 532 .S2 F76 1982 Volume : From Council Oak to shopping mall : the ethnic backbround of St. Joseph County, Indiana / ed. by George A. Scheuer. South Bend, Ind. : Forever Learning Institute, 1982.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC F 532 .Sa23 B173s Volume : Baker, George Albert, 1859- The St. Joseph-Kankakee portage. Its location and use by Marquette, La Salle and the French voyageurs. South Bend., Ind., The Society, 1899.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC F 532 .Sa23 B173s 1964 Volume : Baker, George Albert, 1859- The St. Joseph-Kankakee portage : its location and use by Marquette, La Salle and the French voyageurs / by George A. Baker. South Bend, Ind. : Northern Indiana Historical Society, 1964.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC F 532 .Sa23 H836o Volume : Howard, Timothy Edward, 1837-1916. Our hall of fame: a paper read by the late Timothy E.Howard before the Round Table...Also a brief memorial sketch of the author. [South Bend,Ind. : E.P.Hardy 1916?]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC F 534 .S7 S6 Volume : South Bend Homeowners of the Near Northwest, inc. Near northwest neighborhood, South Bend, Indiana : the heritage of a neighborhood / [prepared by South Bend Homeowners of the Near Northwest, Inc. under a grant from the Indiana Committee for the Humanities] [South Bend : SBHNN, 1976]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC F 534 .So87 A6 Volume : South Bend-Mishawaka Area Chamber of Commerce. "...and where the river bends, a community grows" : [the story of South Bend and Mishawaka. South Bend, Ind. : Mars Publication Co., 1970.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC F 534 .So87 C799a Volume : Coquillard, Mary Clarke. Alexis Coquillard - his time, a story of the founding of South Bend, Indiana / by Mary Clarke Coquillard. South Bend, Ind. : Northern Indiana Historical Society, 1931.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC F 534 .So87 D4 Volume : Detzler, Jack J. South Bend. South Bend, Northern Indiana Historical Society, c1959-[c1985]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC F 534 .So87 M534 Volume : Men of affairs of South Bend, 1927; a volume in which appears a compilation of portraits and biographies of men of achievement of the second city in Indiana. South Bend, Ind., Men of Affairs, 1927.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC F 534 .So87 N6 Volume : University of Notre Dame. Law School. Community Action Program. Where it's at : a guide to community services in the South Bend area. [Notre Dame, Ind. : [s.n.], 1971]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC F 534 .So87 So86 Volume : South Bend and the men who have made it. Historical, descriptive, biographical. Comp. by Anderson & Cooley. South Bend, Tribune Printing Co., 1901.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC F 534 .V743 M1 Volume : McQuaid, James D. A guide book to historic Vincennes : a guide to her historic treasures, a guide to Vincennes of today / compiled by James D. Mcquaid and Marie Lucier McQuaid ; Larry H. Stains, associate editor. Vincennes, In. : 1965.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC F 572 .C3 C5 Volume : Claspy, Everett. The Dowagiac-Sister Lakes resort area and more about its Potawatomi Indians. Dowagiac, Mich., 1970.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC F 862 .St63i Volume : Stoddard, Charles Warren, 1843-1909. In the footprints of the padres San Francisco, A. M. Robertson, 1902.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC F 909 .St63o Volume : Stoddard, Charles Warren, 1843-1909. Over the Rocky Mountains to Alaska. St. Louis, Mo., B. Herder, 1899.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC GN 738 .Z13a Volume : Zahm, John Augustine, 1851-1921 The antiquity of man according to astronomy and history, by the late Rev. J.A. Zahm, C.S.C. Reprinted from the American Catholic quarterly review. [n.p. : n.pub. 1893.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC GV 1282.3 .G666 Volume : Goren, Charles Henry, 1901- Contract bridge complete. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1951.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC GV 191 .Sm68 Volume : Smith, Red, 1905-1982. Out of the Red [by] Red Smith; illustrated by Willard Mullin. New York, Knopf, 1950.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC GV 865 .A1 L43 1987 Volume : Legends of baseball : an oral history of the game's golden age / [compiled by] Walter M. Langford. South Bend, Ind. : Diamond Communications, 1987.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC GV 865 .R8 S62 1975 Volume : Smelser, Marshall. The life that Ruth built : a biography / by Marshall Smelser. New York : Quadrangle/New York Times Book Co., [1975]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC GV 875 .C6 L36 Volume : Langford, Jim, 1937- The game is never over : an appreciative history of the Chicago Cubs, 1948-1980 / Jim Langford. South Bend, Ind. : Icarus Press, 1980.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC GV 875 .C6 R86 1987 Volume : Runs, hits & errors : a treasury of Cub history and humor / compiled by Jim Langford. South Bend, Ind. : Diamond Communications, 1987.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC GV 940 .F247g Volume : Farrell, Vincent DeP. Gridiron wars rage through 75th year. [Shoemaker, Calif., Fleet City News, 1944?]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC GV 951 .S47 Volume : Sherman, Allie. Book of football. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1963.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC H 31 .C72 no.471 Volume : McAvoy, Thomas Timothy, 1903-1969. 1n The Catholic church in Indiana, 1789-1834, by Thomas T. McAvoy. New York, Columbia University Press; London, P.S. King & Son, ltd., 1940.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC H 39 .H88 no. 13 Volume : Hermens, Ferdinand Aloys, 1906- dn Potsdam or peace: the choice before us... Chicago, Human Events Associates [c1946]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HB 141 .W42 1985 Volume : Weber, John A., 1942- Identifying and solving marketing problems with GAP analysis / John A. Weber. Notre Dame, Ind. : Strategic Business Systems, 1985.
filed under Other Titles.