Other Titles
- PNDC HB 34 .N6 Volume : Sheehan, John H. (John Harold), 1902-1975 The economic aspects of social life an outline treatment. Prepared by members of the Economics Faculty for Social Science I, II. [By] John H. Sheehan, Thomas J. McDonagh, C.S.C., John T. Croteau, Paul A.Montavon. Notre Dame, Indiana, University of Notre Dame, 1955.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HB 3731 .B964 G835r Volume : Greene, Robert Lee. The remedy for business depressions lies plainly and solely in the field of engineering ... by R.L. Greene. [South Bend, Ind.] : [s.n.] 1933.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HC 106.3 .G412 Volume : Gillen, Martin J. An essay concerning business. [New York : n.pub. 1930]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HC 106.3 .K281 Volume : Keller, Edward Anthony, C.S.C. The church and our economic system. Notre Dame, Ind. : Ave Maria press 1947.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HC 106.5 .K281 Volume : Keller, Edward A. The national income and its distribution, Notre Dame [1947]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HC 108 .S726 S7 Volume : Current market data (South Bend, Ind.) Current market data / South Bend Tribune. [South Bend, Ind.] : South Bend Tribune, [19--]-1961.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HC 108 .S726 S7 Volume : South Bend Indiana market data. [South Bend] : South Bend Tribune,
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HC 60 .O8 Volume : Overseas Development Council. Annual report. [Washington]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HD 1694 .A5 M837 Volume : Moreell, Ben, 1892- Our nation's water resources, policies and politics; lectures given at the University of Chicago, April and May 1956. [Chicago] Law School, University of Chicago, 1956.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HD 2731 .N65 Volume : Not for profit business : readings, legal documents & commentary / [edited by] Richard J. Hunter. South Bend, Ind. : Icarus, 1980.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HD 670 .Un3 Z83 Volume : Zuckowsky, Leo M. George A. Cooper Foundation heroism and achievement programs / by Leo M. Zuckowsky, Dennis J. Stark. South Bend, Ind. : Physical Education Dept., 1953.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HD 7091 .B852 Volume : Buckley, Louis F. Ethical aspects of social insurance / by Louis F. Buckley. [Milwaukee, Wis. : s.n., 1948].
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HD 7255 .Ob6 Volume : O'Brien, John A. (John Anthony), 1893-1980. The ladder of handicaps. New York : Paulist Press [1937]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HD 9710 .U52 H69 1993 Volume : Howes, Candace. Japanese auto transplants and the U.S. Automobile industry / Candace Howes. Washington, D.C. : Economic Policy Institute, c1993.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HE 195 .U58 S76 Volume : Stock, James R. A survey of attitudes and opinions on transportation regulation / by James R. Stock. [Columbus] : Transportation and Logistics Research Fund, College of Administrative Science, Ohio State University, 1977.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HE 2241 .M145r Volume : McDonald, A. D. President's address to the Railway Accounting Officers Association, at the thirty-second annual meeting, Atlantic city, May 12, and 13, 1920. Washington, Railway Accounting Officers Assoc., 1920.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HF 3080 .Oh1c Volume : O'Hara, John Francis, 1888-1960. Cultural equipment for foreign trade, by Rev. John F. O'Hara ... [n.p. : n.pub.] 1919.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HF 5341 .C314r Volume : Cavanaugh, John, 1870-1935 The romance of big business. Address by the Reverend John Cavanaugh... at the Studebaker dinner, South Bend, Indiana, June 26th, 1920. [n.p. : n.pub.] 1920.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HF 5881 .L139 Volume : Lahey, Thomas Aquinas, C.S.C., 1886- God's workers; a study of vocations for children. [Notre Dame, Ind. : The Ave Maria Press, [194-]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HG 221 .K281 Volume : Keller, Edward Anthony, C.S.C. A study of receipts sometimes called money and of banks which issue receipts, 1915-1944; a primer of money and banking. Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame [1945?].
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HM 141 .S25 1973 Volume : Samora, Julian, 1920- Minority leadership in a bi-cultural community. [San Francisco, R and E Research Associates, 1973]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HN 19 .G979 Volume : Gurian, Waldemar, 1902-1954. Die deutsche Jugendbewegung. Habelschwerdt : Frankes Buchhandlung 1923.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HQ 1024 .O13 Volume : O'Brien, John A. (John Anthony), 1893-1980. Az Egyház és a házasság. Forditotta angolból Nyiri D. István. 1. kiad. Detroit : Fodor Gyula nyomdája (Rapid Printing Co.), 1945.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HQ 1233 .C314i Volume : Cavanaugh, John, 1870-1935 The ideal of womanhood. Extract from the address of the Rev. John Cavanaugh, C.S.C., D.D., at the farewell dinner of the Public speaking class (K. of C. school), the New Ebbitt Hotel, Washington, D.C., May 26, 1921. [S.l. : s.n., 1921?]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HQ 1397 .Z13w Volume : Zahm, John Augustine, 1851-1921 Woman in science; New York and London, D. Appleton and company, 1913.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HQ 56 .Ob6 Volume : O'Brien, John A. (John Anthony), 1893-1980. Sex-character education; explaining the facts of life to the young, New York, Macmillan, 1952.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HQ 56 .S678 Volume : Social hygiene papers. A symposium on sex education. New York, American Social Hygiene Association, 1957.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HQ 734 .C3141e Volume : Cavanaugh, John, 1870-1935 The empty throne, by John Cavanaugh... [n.p. : n.p. 1917]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HQ 734 .G197f Volume : Gartland, Frank E. C.S.C. Fight first: marry later; advice to men in the service and to their fiancees, by Father Frank Gartland, C.S.C... Huntington, Ind. : Our Sunday visitor press 1943.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HQ 734 .Ob66f Volume : O'Brien, John A. (John Anthony), 1893-1980. The family fireside, where happiness is found. [New York : The Paulist Press 1927?]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HQ 734 .Ob6co Volume : O'Brien, John A. (John Anthony), 1893-1980. Courtship and marriage; happiness in the home. Paterson, N.J., St. Anthony Guild Press, 1949.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HQ 734 .Ob6h Volume : O'Brien, John A. (John Anthony), 1893-1980. Happy marriage; guidance before and after. Garden City, N.Y., Hanover House [c1956]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HQ 734 .Ob6s Volume : O'Brien, John A. (John Anthony), 1893-1980. So, you'd like to get married! How to meet the right one. Huntington, Ind. : Our Sunday Visitor [c1948]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HQ 734 .Ob6wh Volume : O'Brien, John A. (John Anthony), 1893-1980. Whom shall I marry? : guidance in the quest for happiness. [New York, N.Y. : Paulist Press, 1945?]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HQ 759 .O7 Volume : Ortega, Pompilio. Madre. [Tegucigalpa] Impr. Calderón [pref. 1946]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HQ 759 .Ob6 Volume : O'Brien, John A. (John Anthony), 1893-1980. Mother, a tribute. [n.p. : n.p. c1925]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HQ 766.3 .O2 Volume : O'Brien, John A. (John Anthony), 1893-1980. Family planning in an exploding population / [compiled] by John A. O'Brien. New York : Hawthorn Books, [1968]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HQ 823 .Ob6 Volume : O'Brien, John A. (John Anthony), 1893-1980 Why not get a divorce? : the answer of the Catholic church. New York : Paulist Press, [1946?]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HS 1537 .H224 H327t Volume : Hayes, John J. Thirty years history of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, South Bend, Indiana : division no. 1, January 11th, 1885 to January 11th 1915 / by John J. Hayes. New Carlisle, Ind. : Press of E. L. Maudlin, 1915.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HS 164 .R722ca Volume : Rosen, Peter, 1850-1906. A Catholic cannot consistently be a member of secret societies because they are religious organizations. [Heidelberg? Minn.] 1895.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HS 3338 .B235s Volume : Barcelo, Louis Paul, 1903- Scouting for Catholics, adding the supernatural. New York, NY : Catholic committee on scouting, c1939.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HS 3338 .B235s Sp24 Volume : Barcelo, Louis Paul, C.S.C., 1903- Escautismo para católicos, imbuido del elemento sobrenatural por el rev. padre Louis P. Barcelo, C.S.C. ... y el rev. padre Edward Fuller, S.J. ... Con prefacio por su excelencia Francis C. Kelley, D.D.,LL.D. ... y preámbulo por el rev. padre Edward Roberts Moore, Ph.D. ... Traducido al espanol por José C. Corona ... New York, N.Y. : El comité católico de exploradores [1938?]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HT 167 .B76 1977 Volume : Broden, Thomas F. A survey of neighborhood identification approaches / prepared by Thomas Broden, John Roos, Ron Kirkwood ; with the assistance of Susan Roberts and Joseph Smiley. Washington : Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Springfield, Va. : reproduced by National Technical Information Service, 1977.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HV 5186 .C314f Volume : Cavanaugh, John, 1870-1935 Four reasons for total abstinence. An address delivered by the Rev. John W. Cavanaugh, C.S.C., at St. Patrick's church, South Bend, on the occasion of the reorganization of the local branch of the Catholic total abstinence union of Indiana. [n.p. : Indiana Catholic total abstinence union, n.d.]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HV 5186 .C314fo Volume : [Cavanaugh, John, 1870-1935 The four-fold reason why... New York : Temperance publication bureau 1897.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HV 5186 .Ob6 Volume : O'Brien, John A. (John Anthony), 1893-1980. Why drink? : temperance--the safer way / by John A. O'Brien. New York : The Paulist Press, [1942]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HV 6171 .W487p Volume : Wenninger, Francis Joseph, 1888-1940. Poverty and crime, by Francis Joseph Wenninger. Notre Dame, Ind., University of Notre Dame, 1911.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HV 885 .M648 Sa22s Volume : St. Charles boys' home foundation, Milwaukee. The story of the St. Charles boys' home, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Wisconsin : [The St. Charles boys' home foundation, n.d.]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HX 40 .G962 I7 Volume : Gurian, Waldemar, 1902-1954. Introduzione al comunismo. Pref. di Federico Alessandrini. Tr. di Maria Grazia Cosentino. [San Casciano] : Cappelli [1958]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HX 40 .G962m En36 Volume : Gurian, Waldemar, 1902-1954. The rise and decline of Marxism, London, Burns, Oates & Washbourne, ltd. [1938]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HX 56 .U58 1958 Volume : United States. Congress. House. Committee on Un-American Activities. The irrationality of communism. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1958.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC HX 626 .Ob6s Volume : O'Brien, John A. (John Anthony), 1893-1980 The struggle for social justice : removing the breeding grounds of communism / by John A. O'Brien. New York : Paulist Press, [19--]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC JA 37 .R454 Volume : Review of politics. The image of man; a Review of politics reader. Edited by M. A. Fitzsimons, Thomas T. McAvoy [and] Frank O'Malley. Notre Dame, Ind., University of Notre Dame Press [1959]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC JA 37 .R45418 Volume : Review of Politics. La imagen del hombre / M.A. Fitzsimons, y otros colaboradores. Madrid : Editorial Tecnos 1966.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC JC 252 .M316e Volume : Manion, Clarence, 1896-1979. Excerpts from "God and the government," delivered at the University of Notre Dame, August 2, 1938. By Clarence E. Manion ... Notre Dame, Indiana : the University Press, 1938.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC JC 481 .G962t Volume : Gurian, Waldemar, 1902-1954. Totalitarian religions. Notre Dame, Indiana : [s.n.] 1952.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC JC 571 .P865d Volume : Pound, Roscoe, 1870-1964. The development of constitutional guarantees of liberty / by Roscoe Pound. Notre Dame, Ind. : College of Law, University of Notre Dame, 1945.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC JC 599 .U58 A3 Volume : United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Members of the Commission on Civil Rights. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1958.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC JF 1071 .H427d Volume : Hermens, Ferdinand Aloys, 1906- Democracy and proportional representation Chicago, Ill., The University of Chicago press [c1940]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC JF 1071 .H427p Volume : Hermens, Ferdinand Aloys, 1906- P. R., democracy and good government. Notre Dame, Ind. : The Review of politics, University of Notre Dame, [1943]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC JF 1071 .H427t Volume : Hermens, Ferdinand Aloys, 1906-. The Trojan horse of democracy, by F.A Hermens. [S.l. : s.n., n.d.]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC JK 1736 .C468 Volume : Chroust, Anton-Hermann, 1907- The Lex Acilia and the rise of trial by jury in the Roman world, by Anton-Hermann Chroust and John Richard Murphy. Notre Dame, Indiana : [s.n.] 1948.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC JK 34 .M314b Volume : Manion, Clarence, 1896-1979. The battle for belief, by Clarence E. Manion... n.p. : n.p. 1943.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC JK 34 .M314g Volume : Manion, Clarence, 1896-1979. God's country: our constitutions in perspective, by Mr. Clarence Manion... n.p. : n.p. 1944.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC JK 870 .C897v Volume : Cullen, John Paul. The Veterans administration and the practice of lawyers before it, by John P.Cullen. [S.l.] : [s.n.] 1941.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC JN 1129 .L113 F584 Volume : Fitzsimons, M. A. (Matthew Anthony), 1912- British labour in search of a socialist foreign policy. Notre Dame, Ind. : [s.n.] 1950.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC JS 451 .In29 Sa23 B283m Volume : Bartholomew, Paul Charles, 1907-1975. Metropolitan problems in South Bend and St. Joseph county, Indiana ... Lexington, Ky., 1937.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC JX 1953 .Ob6p Volume : O'Brien, John A. (John Anthony), 1893-1980. The Pope's way to peace : reason vs. violence. [Huntington, Ind. : Our Sunday visitor press, 1944]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC JX 1963 .R627c Volume : Roemer, William Francis, 1894- The Catholic church and peace efforts. Washington, D.C., The Catholic association for international peace' [etc., etc., n. d.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC JX 1971 .Ob6c Volume : O'Brien, John A. (John Anthony), 1893-1980. The Church and world peace : pontiffs point out need of international agencies for peace. Huntington, Ind. : Our Sunday Visitor, [19--]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC JX 1974.7 .H47 1989 Volume : Hesburgh, Theodore Martin, 1917- The nuclear dilemma : the greatest moral problem of all time / Theodore M. Hesburgh. New York : Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, c1989.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC K 100 .H69 1900z Volume : Hoynes, William, 1846-1933. The law as an educational factor / by William Hoynes. Notre Dame, Ind. : University Press, [19--]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC K 2247 .P76 1987 Volume : Problems for developing deposition skills / Lawrence Bernard ... [et al.]. Notre Dame, Ind. : National Institute for Trial Advocacy, c1987.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC K 466 .P68 1942 Volume : Pound, Roscoe, 1870-1964. The revival of natural law, by Roscoe Pound; a series of four lectures delivered at the College of Law, University of Notre Dame, on January 22, 23, 24, and 26, 1942. [Notre Dame, Ind., 1942]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC K 487 .L5 1933 Volume : Miltner, Charles C. (Charles Christopher), b. 1886 The paradox of law and liberty. Notre Dame, Ind., Notre Dame Lawyer, 1933.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC KF 1414.3 .K65 1933 Volume : Konop, Thomas F. A great opportunity for lawyers / by Thomas F. Konop. [Notre Dame, Ind. : Notre Dame Law School, 1933?]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LA 367 .W889s Volume : Wooten, Dudley G. (Dudley Goodall), 1860-1929. The Scopes case [by] Dudley G. Wooten ... [Notre Dame] : Pub. by the University 1926.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LA 430 .M574 Od5i Volume : GarcÃa Icazbalceta, JoaquÃn, 1825-1894. Icazbalceta: education in Mexico City during the sixteenth century / by Rev. Walter J. O'Donnell. [Austin, Tex.] : Distributed under the auspices of the Texas Knights of Columbus Historical Commission, 1931.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LB 1026 .N213rp Volume : National Catholic Educational Association. Committee on the Reorganization of the School System. Practices and trends in acceleration : report of progress of the National Catholic Educational Association Committee on the Reorganization of the School System. Washington, D.C. : National Catholic Educational Association, 1947.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LB 125 .P673 G1 Volume : Gabriel, Astrik L. (Astrik Ladislas), 1907- The educational ideas of Christine de Pisan. [n.p.] : [s.n.] 1955.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LB 125 .R549Z G114 Volume : Gabriel, Astrik L. (Astrik Ladislas), 1907- Robert de Sorbonne. Ottawa : [s.n.] 1953.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LB 1775 .B476 Volume : Bieler, Ludwig. A Viennese schoolmaster / by Ludwig Bieler. [S.l. : s.n., n.d.]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LB 2341 .C917a Volume : Cunningham, William Francis C.S.C. 1885- . Administrative Coordination in a Catholic American University, by Rev. William F. Cunningham . . . [and] Instructions in the Sphere of Liberty by Rev. Edward B. Jordan . . . [N.P., N.D.]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LB 2365 .H629 M119 Volume : McAvoy, Thomas Timothy, 1903-1969. History and the liberal arts college. [S.l. : s.n., n.d.]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LB 2376 .Oh1n Volume : O'Hara, John Francis, 1888-1960. A new form of Pan-Americanism: the exchange of students, by John F. O'Hara ... [n.p. : n.pub.] 1921.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LB 2383 .H122d Volume : Hagerty, Cornelius, 1885-1977. The degree of bachelor of arts, by the Rev. Cornelius Hagerty ... [S.l.] : [s.n.] 1936.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LB 2529 .Or3 W889r Volume : Wooten, Dudley G. (Dudley Goodall), 1860-1929. Remember Oregon, by Dudley G. Wooten. Brooklyn, N.Y. : International Catholic truth society, [n.d.]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LB 2825 .Ob6 Volume : O'Brien, John A. (John Anthony), 1893-1980. What! Public funds for a Catholic school? Unfair and illegal or fair and just? Reader, please decide! John A. O'Brien ... Huntington, Ind. : Our Sunday visitor press [1946?]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LB 41 .M314e Volume : Manion, Clarence, 1896-1979. The education of an American, by Clarence Manion ... [Notre Dame, Ind.] : University press 1940.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LB 775 .M339eZ Omle Volume : O'Malley, Frank, 1909-1974. The education of man [by] Frank O'Malley... Notre Dame, Indiana : University press 1944.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LC 111 .C314r Volume : Cavanaugh, John, 1870-1935 The relation of religious instruction to education, by John Cavanaugh... Notre Dame, Indiana : The community house [1925]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LC 111 C313 Volume : Cavanaugh, John J. (John Joseph), 1899-1979. The blasphemous thing. Notre Dame, Indiana : Ave Maria Press [1949]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LC 383 .Oh1r Volume : O'Hara, John Francis, 1888-1960. Religion in education, by The Reverend John F. O'Hara... [S.l.] : [n.p. 1936]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LC 473 .Od5p Volume : O'Donnell, Charles L. (Charles Leo), 1884-1934. The philosophy of Catholic education / by Charles L. O'Donnell. Washington, D.C. : National Council of Catholic Men, [1930].
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LC 473 .W259 Volume : Ward, Leo R. (Leo Richard), 1893- New life in Catholic schools. St. Louis, Herder [1958]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LC 487 .M119 Volume : McAvoy, Thomas Timothy, 1903-1969. The role of history in the Catholic Liberal Arts college. [St. Francis, Wis. : The Catholic Educational Review [1950]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LC 501 .B937c Volume : Burns, James A. (James Aloysius), 1867-1940. Catholic education; a study of conditions, New York, London etc., Longmans, Green and co., 1917.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LC 501 .B937ca Volume : Burns, James A. (James Aloysius), 1867-1940. Catholic parish schools in the United States : an introductory study / by James A. Burns. [Philadelphia : American Ecclesiastical Review, 1907?]
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LC 501 .B937g Volume : Burns, James A. (James Aloysius), 1867-1940 The growth and development of the Catholic school system in the United States. New York, Benziger, 1912.
filed under Other Titles.
- PNDC LC 501 .B937p Volume : Burns, James A. (James Aloysius), 1867-1940 The principles, origin and establishment of the Catholic school system, in the United States, by Rev. J.A. Burns... New York : Benziger brothers [c1908] Cincinnati[etc.]
filed under Other Titles.