Documents Arranged Chronologically
- CZHN 2/01975 Correspondence : Lawler, George - A letter to Gordon. 1967
He says that it is perfectly o. k. about the article--CONTINUUM did not use it. He is glad to hear about Gordon's house.
- CZHN 2/01715 Correspondence : Leuver, Robert J. 1967
A letter to Gordon with attached letter. ~ Leuver says he is sending a copy of U. S. CATHOLIC because he thinks Gordon will be interested in one specific article.
- CZHN 2/01687 Correspondence : Long, Robert - A letter to Gordon. 1967
Fr. Franz Bonnike informed Robert that Gordon gives interesting talks re: the peace movement. He would like Gordon to speak at the St. Mary's Parish of Oregon.
- CZHN 2/01691 Correspondence : Lopes, Milton - A letter to Gordon. 1967
Milton would like Gordon to write a letter of recommendation for him: he is attempting to pursue his graduate work.
- CZHN 2/02164 Correspondence : Lyne, Timothy 1967
A letter to Gordon. ~ He thanks Gordon for his last letter and his contributions to the Cathedral and the Cathedral renovation.
- CZHN 2/02172 Correspondence : Marcel 1967
A letter to Gordon. ~ Marcel says that life has been difficult due to the death of Marcel's two brothers.
- CZHN 2/02228 Correspondence : Marshak, Harry 1967
A letter to Gordon. ~ Marshak says that he is a lover of peace who "suffers with the gross immorality of the war in Vietnam." He was heartened by Gordon's letter in the NEW YORK TIMES. But, as a child of the slums, he is saddened by a learned sociologist's "indifference to the plight of . . . a woman burdened with an unintended pregnancy . . . ." It is this latter complaint that Marshak addresses throughout the rest of the letter.
- CZHN 2/01718 Correspondence : McCarthy, Eugene - A letter to Gordon. 1967
He appreciates Gordon's recent letters concerning McCarthy's decision to challenge the President on Vietnam. He says Gordon's support is helpful.
- CZHN 2/01962 Correspondence : McGroarty, Edwin 1967
A letter to Richard Robbins. ~ At the request of Gordon, Edwin is sending Robbins the only available copies of his book entitled READINGS IN SOCIOLOGY. The book has been all sold out and they are not reprinting until the process of revision has been settled.
- CZHN 2/02252 Correspondence : McNamara, Robert 1967
A letter to Gordon (with attached correspondence). ~ He thanks Gordon for the review. He says that it is a pleasure for a book review editor to read a review as well-written as Gordon's.
- CZHN 2/01743 Correspondence : Melman, Seymour 1967
A letter to Gordon with an attached agenda of the meeting. ~ On behalf of the New York Planning Comm., he asks for Gordon's support in launching a new public effort by American profs. The Congress of American Profs. will convene in Washington to consider the necessary steps the academic community must take.
- CZHN 5/07401 Correspondence : Morris Milgram - Form letter to "M-REIT Shareholder" 1967
The author sends a check for M-REIT's 4th 1967 quarterly distribution and requests names for possible investors. ~ dated "Thanksgiving Season, 1967"
- CZHN 2/01682 Correspondence : Mudd, James F. - A letter to Gordon. 1967
He would like to know at what point does one's views become known to the government (re: conscientious objection. ) He also asks if an objector goes to federal prison for refusing to serve.
- CZHN 2/01987 Correspondence : Murnane, Tim - A letter to Gordon. 1967
With some embarrassment, Murnane is returning Gordon's manuscript on Catholics and pacifism. The publishers turned it down on the basis that it strains Council teaching and is too much of a minority viewpoint. However, he does not agree. He suggests other possibilities.
- CZHN 2/01984 Correspondence : Murnane, Timothy 1967
A letter to Gordon (attached to the letter are examples of the type of article EXTENSION wants Gordon to write). ~ He was pleased to hear that Gordon will be doing an article for EXTENSION (he is the editor.) They want the article to be educational and instructive rather than highly intellectual or argumentative. He has no objections to Gordon personalizing the piece.
- CZHN 2/01698 Correspondence : Murphy, Patrick - A letter to Gordon. 1967
Patrick has just received the AMERICAN CATHOLIC SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY and noticed: (1) Gordon has been elected President for 1968 and (2) Gordon has changed his university affiliation. He congratulates him and wishes him a successful year.
- CZHN 2/01677 Correspondence : Murray, Patrick - A letter to Gordon. 1967
The Honors Student Association of Marquette University asks Gordon to give a special seminar on Pacifism.
- CZHN 2/01719 Correspondence : Neal, Sr. Maria Augusta - A letter to Gordon. 1967
She is using Gordon's book GERMAN CATHOLICS AND HITLER'S WARS to teach her social psychology class. She would like it if Gordon could come and speak to her class. She says it was good to see him (briefly) the previous week.
- CZHN 2/02177 Correspondence : Nelson, Bruce 1967
A letter addressed "Dear Friend." ~ He says that the initial response to thier appeal for support of Vincent O'Connor and the draft resistance movement has been gratifying. The trial has been postponed due to a request by Vince's attorney. (The trial seems to be related to a refusal to serve in a military service.)
- CZHN 2/02165 Correspondence : Olivia, Sister Mary (Of Saint Xavier College) 1967
A letter to Gordon. ~ They are delighted to hear of the wonderful opportunity that will be his at the Univ. of Mass. She is convinced that his impact on the secular campus will be so great that they can forget their own disappointment.
- CZHN 2/02184 Correspondence : Powers, Jim 1967
A letter to Gordon (with enclosed newspaper clippings. ) ~ He sends his best to the Hollanders. It is his 50th birthday.
- CZHN 1/01605 Correspondence : Powers, Jim 1967
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ Jim wants to make it clear that he doesn't think Gordon's books could have been much better. He just wishes that Gordon would try a straight analytical approach, and put the pacifist position in proper perspective for all time. He speaks of Betty and how they would like to travel to Vienna, but won't.
- CZHN 2/01958 Correspondence : Ragan, Lawrence 1967
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ He apologizes if they had a misunderstanding about Gordon's talk at the CFM convention. He assumed Gordon would have no objection if he used the talk as a very informal "proceedings."
- CZHN 2/01656 Correspondence : Ray - A letter to Gordon. 1967
He thanks Gordon for the copy of his letter to Herr Doktor Schreckenborg. When he speaks to George he will pass the news along.
- CZHN 2/02459 Correspondence : Reese, Marguerite 1967
A letter to Joe Cunneen. ~ She responds to some inquiries that Gordon made regarding fiancial issues. She says that the Jaegerstaetter Foundation WILL get their share of income. Gordon said that he wanted assurance from the Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc, that the best arrangements can be obtained. She assures this fact to the best of her ability.
- CZHN 1/01607 Correspondence : Reisman, David - A letter to Gordon. 1967
He found several things in Gordon's piece that interested him: He liked the comment that Catholic academicians have been self-restrained out of fear of seeming too value-oriented. He says that with some notable exceptions, the coed campuses have been more active than single-sex ones. He thinks the study of the Catholic Worker movement is a grand idea.
- CZHN 2/01970 Correspondence : Roszak, Theodore - A letter to Gordon. 1967
He says that he sympathizes with all of Gordon's airline problems. He has experienced some as well. He "begs off sending . . . Gordon a xerox copy of Gordon's chapter--it is expensive to do."
- CZHN 2/02227 Correspondence : Roy, Arthur 1967
A letter to Gordon. ~ He discusses the 2,500 mothers who went marching to the Pentagon.
- CZHN 2/02155 Correspondence : Russell, Ray and Shdandoff, George 1967
A letter to Marguerite Reese. ~ They have established many contacts in London, and they feel that in spite of the usual difficulties encountered,they will be able to launch this project in the near future.
- CZHN 2/01681 Correspondence : S, Tom 1967
A card to Gordon. ~ He would like Gordon to fill out letters of recommendation for him to Harvard and Berkeley. He thanks Gordon for his encouragement.
- CZHN 2/02151 Correspondence : Sailer, John 1967
A letter to Gordon. ~ He thanks Gordon for the kind letter and the information on the Franz Jaegerstaetter Foundation. He wants to promote a greater awareness of Franz Jaegerstaetter here in Austria.
- CZHN 2/01734 Correspondence : Schaffer, Ambrose - A letter to Gordon. 1967
He recently moved to Princeton and received a fellowship. He is anxious to meet with Gordon--he wants to share Gordon's sociological insights into the German situation. Though he is living in the parish, he feels like a stranger among the clergy.
- CZHN 2/01732 Correspondence : Schaffer, Ambrose - A letter to Gordon. 1967
The writer says he is "profoundly indebted" to Gordon for writing the book on Franz Jaegerstaetter. He speaks of the reaction a friend had to Gordon's book. His book has also caused quite a stir in the classroom setting.
- CZHN 2/01710 Correspondence : Schlaver, David - A letter to Gordon. 1967
Jim Andrews read Gordon's manuscript and would like to publish it.
- CZHN 2/01720 Correspondence : Shdanoff, George - A letter to Gordon. 1967
He would like to meet with Gordon and asks how far it is from Boston to New York. He says he is getting even more obssessed with the Franz Jaegerstaetter story in spite of all the difficulties and obstacles.
- CZHN 2/02154 Correspondence : Shdanoff, George 1967
A letter to Gordon (with other correspondence attached). ~ He questions the legality of the BBC's decision to do a program on the subject of Gordon's book on Franz. Jaegerstaetter.
- CZHN 2/02150 Correspondence : Shdanoff, George 1967
A letter to Gordon. ~ He apologizes for not writing sooner. He thinks that the main idea of Gordon's book and of the play is more important than ever.
- CZHN 2/02460 Correspondence : Shdanoff, George 1967
A letter to Gordon. ~ His New York agent, Robert Freedman, has established a connection with a London agency re: his play. Also, he would like to know if Gordon plans to be in California any time soon. He would like to meet and speak with Gordon.
- CZHN 2/01960 Correspondence : Silverman, William 1967
A postcard to Gordon. ~ Silverman asks for a reprint of Gordon's article entitled "The Military Chaplain As A Moral Guide" which appeared in AM CATHOLIC SOCIETY 1967 Meetings.
- CZHN 2/01973 Correspondence : Stone, Theodore - A letter to Gordon. 1967
They invite Gordon to comment on article 80-81 of the CONSTITUTION ON THE CHURCH IN THE MODERN WORLD. They do not necessarily want approval of everything in the article, but want to know if the article is inadequate in any way.
- CZHN 2/02170 Correspondence : Strotman, Carl 1967
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ He asks Gordon to forgive the delay in writing. He is disappointed that Gordon left Loyola. However, he understands Gordon's position.
- CZHN 2/01714 Correspondence : Sudbring, D. C. - A letter to Gordon. 1967
The letter deals with Gordon's interest in the United Air Lines 100,000 Mile Club.
- CZHN 2/01699 Correspondence : Tom - A letter to Gordon. 1967
He thanks Gordon for telling him of Gordon's move to the east from Loyola--he hopes Gordon will be happier there. He says the Berlin conference sounds interesting.
- CZHN 5/07350 Correspondence : Tom Shean - Letter to Zahn (attached with 7340) 1967
Shean asks Zahn if he'd be interested in preparing a presentaion about pacifism and the present war for the student body at Providence College (Providence, R.I.)
- CZHN 2/02141 Correspondence : Tom 1967
A letter to Jim. ~ Tom feels that there should be a clear, simple history of the growth of violence--objective, but not preachy.
- CZHN 2/01696 Correspondence : Tromp, H. W. 1967
He is sending Gordon the report of the "International Congress for the Military Apostolate." He hopes it will help in completing Gordon's studies on military chaplains.
- CZHN 2/02161 Correspondence : Van Patten, Ronald 1967
A letter to Gordon. ~ Van Patten asks if he could find out what he received on the final exam.
- CZHN 2/02547 Correspondence : Velden, G. C. J. 1967
A letter to Gordon. ~ He has been deeply moved by Gordon's account of Franz Jaegerstaetter. He wants to know if the book is being translated into German. The Reverend explains that he left Germany for Austria in 1934 and went to England with the Anschluss.
- CZHN 2/01701 Correspondence : Welenowski, Anne - A letter to Gordon. 1967
She is happy that he will be doing the article on pacifism for Extension. She says that she will pester him from time to time to do an occasional book review for Extension.
- CZHN 2/01729 Correspondence : Welenowski, Anne 1967
A letter to Gordon with an attached piece. ~ She is enclosing a tearsheet of the review EXTENSION gave to WAR, CONSCIENCE, AND DISSENT. A copy was also sent to his publisher. Tim Murnane, the editor of EXTENSION, is greatly interested in Gordon's thoughts and feelings re: pacifism. She wants to know if Gordon would be interested in writing a 2,000-word piece on this subject for EXTENSION.
- CZHN 2/01749 Correspondence : Welsh, David - A letter to Gordon. 1967
He thanks Gordon for his letter and has enclosed the tax information put out by the organizers of the tax protest in New York.
- CZHN 2/01985 Correspondence : Woetzel, Robert - A letter to Gordon. 1967
He says that he is returning Gordon's article on GEMUETLICHKEIT ON THE ROCKS. He says that he could not agree with Gordon more and hopes to send several copies of the article (when it is published) to priests that he knows who could use the advice. He also thanks Gorodn for the "detailed and thought-provoking presentation on Problems on Conscientious Objection."
- CZHN 2/01688 Correspondence : Wolin, Ron - A letter to Gordon. 1967
The Parade Committee is a single-issue, nonexclusive movement, united around the slogan "End the War in Vietnam." He explains the organization to Gordon. They have developed the idea of a literary auction idea and want Gordon to sponsor the event.
- CZHN 2/02143 Correspondence : Woolfson, Susan 1967
A letter to Gordon. ~ Woolfson sent Gordon a token of appreciation for "Wars Will Occur As Long As . . . "
- CZHN 5/07624 Document : "A letter from South Vietnam" 1967
Sent to American Student Leaders on Fellowship of Reconciliation. (corresponding to item 7623). ~ No date
- CZHN 4/05703 Document : "Academic Freedom and Tenure: 1940 Statement of Principles" 1967
Statement of academic freedom and tenure published in the AAUP Bulletin. ~ The statement outlines the academic freedoms a teacher/professor is entitled to, the terms and conditions for academic tenure, and agreed upon interpretations of hte statement. ~ AAUP Bulletin ~ Summer, 1967 ~ 246-247
- CZHN 4/05736 Document : A copy of the ACSS Constitution, reprinted from the American Catholic Sociological Review of Winter, 1963. 1967
- CZHN 2/02633 Document : A document of The Fellowship of Reconciliation. 1967
The paper discusses finances and memberships, staff changes, the war draft survey, etc.
- CZHN 2/02635 Document : A document to The Fellowship of Reconciliation. 1967
The letter contains meetings from a recent meeting--they are attempting to secure from the treasury department the necessary licenses to send aid to North Vietnam and the National Liberation Front, to involve the official structures of the religious community in parallel action.
- CZHN 2/02631 Document : A document to the National Council of American FOR re: IFOR Council Meeting. 1967
Delegates from Germany, Italy, and Austria are anxious about young people who manifest neo-nazism. The Japanese FOR is examining opportunities to help the reconciliation between North and South Korea. Vietnam has provided FOR groups everywhere with relevant subjects for action and discussion.
- CZHN 2/01750 Document : A fact sheet by the writers and editors of the tax protest. 1967
They are refusing to pay the 10 percent surcharge, or any other war-designated tax increase because the money is to be used solely for the immoral war in Vietnam. Their procedure of this declaration, the consequences, and the court action are also listed.
- CZHN 2/02181 Document : A listing of Resource Tapes Re: Peace and World Order. 1967
Gordon Zahn is one of the many names listed. The title of his presentation is "What is the War doing to Us . . . in the World of Religion? (Pacem in Terris)
- CZHN 2/01722 Document : A report of the Special Committee on Academic Freedom in Church-Related Colleges and Universities. 1967
The Special Committee first met in 1965 and since then has written regulations and policies of almost 200 church-related colleges and universities, considered the kinds of academic freedom issues which have arisen in such institutions, etc.
- CZHN 5/07351 Document : CFM - CFM Convention Program (Aug. 22-27, 1967) 1967
The program for the convention days are listed. Zahn's session "Role of the Christian to Bring Peace to the World" is scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 24, 9:30 a.m.
- CZHN 4/05282 Document : Gordon Zahn 1967
"War Will Occur As Long As. . . " ~ 5 page article in WORLDVIEW ~ Gordon's article is a review of Carl Amery's book Capitulation: The Lesson of German Catholicism as well as a reflection of the events of the time. He says that Avery's view mirrors his own and admits that Avery used Gordon's own book liberally as a reference. He asserts that just as the church submitted to its relationship with Hitler and his regime, often Catholics are obsessively obedient to the church, yet not always true to morality. Avery also points out that the church is declining in power, contending that it is a positive development. Because church leaders can no longer count on the solidarity of its "flock," they are forced to reassess and redefine the proper roll of the church. Gordon relates the capitulation of the church during Nazi Germany to the stance of the church at the time of his writing. He urges church leaders and members not to make the same mistake of capitulation.
- CZHN 4/05021 Document : Gordon Zahn 1967
Michael Harrington, William V. O'Brien ~ Selective Conscientious Objection--"An Explosive Principle" (Zahn) ~ 3-page article by Zahn along with 3-page articles by Harrigton and O'Brien on the same subject. ~ Zahn contends that if our nation is sincere in its proclamations of democracy and freedom, then any individual who refuses to fight on moral grounds must be respected and supported. He points out the hypocrisy in recognizing members of "peace churches" as conscientious objectors, but not individuals who have deep moral convictions. He also claims that those with deep moral convictions are forced to violate them because they have to pay taxes that go to support the war efforts, and proposes a principle of "conscientious objection to taxation." ~ Worldview ~ vol. 10 ~ no. 3 ~ March ~ 4-6
- CZHN 4/04939 Document : Gordon Zahn 1967
Selective Conscientious Objection, An Explosive Principle. ~ Rebuttal to the Freedom House statement concerning conscientious objection as it appeared in the New York Times. ~ Contrary to statements in the Times: Historically, service was voluntary so a personal conviction that a given war was unjust would allow them to excercise that option. Zahn contends that a similar conviction and subsequent refusal to serve in the Vietnam War must be respected and supported by our nation if we are truly democratic. Not only those who are members of "peace churches," but also individuals with personal moral conviction should be allowed the conscientious objector classification. A new principle of "conscientious objection to taxation" should also be introduced so that the person who refuses to kill will also not be responsible to subsidize the killings, and "alternative payments" could be arranged. ~ Worldview ~ 03/? ~ pages 4-6
- CZHN 4/05019 Document : Gordon Zahn 1967
Wars Will Occur As Long As. . . ~ 5-page article inside entire journal issue. ~ Discussion of Carl Amery's book, Capitulation: The Lesson of German Catholicism . Zahn agrees with Amery's position and criticisms of the German Catholic Church in Nazi Germany. He discusses the failure of the church to protest the atrocities taking place in WWII and ties it in to the position of the church in Vietnam saying that the Catholic Church is again capitulating to unjust war efforts. ~ Worldview ~ vol. 10 ~ nos. 7-8 (Jul-Aug) ~ 8-12
- CZHN 4/04923 Document : Gordon Zahn 1967
YOU MAY BE RIGHT A Conversation with Our Readers ~ Gordon Zahn's published response (in U. S. CATHOLIC) to Bruce Cook's profile of him. ~ This printing is an exact duplicate of the letter to the editor that Gordon Zahn sent to Rev. Robert J. Leuver, C. M. F., when he read Mr. Cook's profile. He commended the piece and made to clarifications. See document #4921 for complete summary of the letter. ~ U. S. CATHOLIC ~ pages 53-56 ~ 01/?
- CZHN 2/01741 Document : Hughes, Stuart 1967
Stuart Hughes, chairman of the National Committee for a SANE Nuclear Policy, makes a statement. ~ He deeply regrets the leak to the NEW YORK TIMES on SANE's internal difficulties, which was "an ill-considered and destructive act." But, the article was wrong on two key points: (1) Dr. Spock is not "organizing his forces for a showdown," (2) the SANE board was not split over the endorsement of the Oct. 21 demonstration in Washington: it was agreed without controversy that the board would take no official action, but members were free to participate.
- CZHN 5/07354 Document : Inter-Faith Convocation - Leaflet attached to (7353) Day's letter 1967
Program description of the five-week series "War and Peace" January 8- February 5.
- CZHN 4/04717 Document : Mengel, Rev. James 1967
Lewis, Thomas; Eberhardt, David; Berrigan, Fr. Philip ~ A document entitled, "PRESS STATEMENT (IMMEDIATE RELEASE)" with a short biography of each named above. ~ "On Friday, October 27, 1967, we are entering the Customs House in Baltimore, Maryland to deface the draft records there with our blood. We love our country and celebrate its greatness. But our love cannot accept its evil with silence and passivity. We withstand that evil with our consciences and bodies, and invite the punishment that this entails."
- CZHN 2/02636 Document : Minutes from The Fellowship of Reconciliation. Meeting: 21 November. 1967
They discussed the American Clergymen's Committee for Vietnamese War Relief, staff activities, the NSA Proposal.
- CZHN 4/05692 Document : Minutes of an ACSS Executive Council Meeting ~ 8/28. 1967
- CZHN 4/05729 Document : Official count of ballots for elections of the ACSS, reported on 10/30. 1967
- CZHN 4/04709 Document : Providence College 1967
A grey, thick, postcard size card of Providence College's 1967-68 Varsity Basketball Schedule typed in blue ink. Enclosed with letter: document 4708. ~ The gym is where most lectures are held at Providence College, since the auditorium is usually being used in connection with the dramatic group on campus. In order to select a date that does not conflict with a home basketball game, Robert enclosed a schedule for Gordon to compare other convenient dates.
- CZHN 5/07352 Document : Saint Paul University - A Winter 1967 Discussion Series Schedule 1967
Zahn is scheduled to present "The Morality of War" for Feb. 3, 1967. for Saint Paul University's "Theology to Live By" program.
- CZHN 4/05720 Document : Sociological Roster of college personnel having relations to the New England chapter of the ACSS. 1967
A 5-page list of people by college.
- CZHN 4/05715 Document : Suggested Budget for the Executive Secretary's Office of the ACSS, given on 6/8. 1967
The document lists professors of various schools in the Boston area.
- CZHN 5/07349 Document : The Religious Council, Ball State Univ. - Brochure on Peace Week (May 1-10, 1967) 1967
A pamphlet with scheduled discussions sponsored by The Religious Council. Zahn's scheduled presentation "War, Conscience, Dissent" is listed for May 10, 1967 at 7:00 p.m. His photograph is in the pamphlet.
- CZHN 2/02632 Document : The document is from The Fellowship of Reconciliation. 1967
The paper lists the financial report, bank resolutions, and discusses the Special Youth Project.
- CZHN 2/01747 Document : The letter of resignation (with a letter from Gordon attached.) 1967
The undersigned declare, with regret, their resignation from the organization. They believe that SANE is no longer an effective way of serving the cause of peace. They have lost faith in the capability of the board of directors to effectively advance SANE's goals.
- CZHN 4/05573 Documents : Tom Cornell and Jim Forest / CPF 1967
News release entitled "In Response to Bishop Swanstrom, Executive Director, U.S. Catholic Relief Services." Memo to American members of the CPF Board of Sponsors explaining the news release, saying that they hope staff has not overstepped its boundaries by releasing a statement without sponsor approval, and giving other general news. 2 articles in COMMONWEAL and the CPF publication as a result of the release. ~ 11/1--The release describes the activities of the U.S. Catholic Relief Services in detail and their deception regarding the use of funds. It points out a different, more agreeable charity, and urges donations to be sent there. 11/22--memo (See above). 11/10--article in COMMONWEAL talking of CRS's reputation of global relief and raising questions as to their efforts in Vietnam. 10/?--Editorial in CPF publication (reprinted from AVE MARIA MAGAZINE) regarding the CRS asking for a review of the CRS structure and goals, saying that contributors should withhold contributions and give to another group.
- CZHN 2/01974 Editorial Comments : Gordon Zahn 1967
Comments by Gordon on Article 80-81. ~ He says that 3 things are particularly worthy of note in these sections: (1) the explicit condemnation of modern total war, (2) the almost embarrassed concession that the fathers were persuaded to make to those who warned against too drastic a stand, (3) Gordon believes we have the call for "an entirely new attitude" concerning war.
- CZHN 5/06009 Election Results : Results of Election of 30 National Members of SANE Board 1967
Lists those elected and those not elected to the SANE board. Includes biographies of newly elected members.
- CZHN 2/01751 Flight tickets : Tickets from Eastern, United, and American Airlines. 1967
Gordon travelled to and from Washington and Boston, Boston and Chicago, and Chicago and Washington.
- CZHN 5/06047 Indictment : United States District Court for the District of Maryland - Indictment for Philip Berrigan, David Eberhardt, Thomas Lewis and James Mengel. 1967
The four are charged with conspiracy to commit offenses against the United States, injury to property of the United States, and other offenses.
- CZHN 4/05758 Letter : Gordon Zahn 1967
Joseph Versage ~ Chair of New England Chapter of ACSS ~ Correspondence ~ 4/17--Joseph writes Gordon to accept the chairmanship of the Local Arrangements Committee and gives a list of committee members. 4/20--Gordon writes Joseph to thank him for accepting the job and he discusses the hotel situation in Boston.
- CZHN 4/05700 Letter : Gordon Zahn 1967
Letter to Dr. Bertruam Davis of American Association of University Professors. ~ Gordon writes to Dr. Davis to say that the ACSS has decided to endorse the statement on academic freedom and tenure. He notes one point of weakness in the statement and offers any assistance that they might need.
- CZHN 4/05722 Letter : Gordon Zahn 1967
Letter to Sr. Mary John Murray of Incarnate Word College. ~ Gordon writes Sr. Mary John to ask her to accept appointment as a member of the ACSS Nominations Committee, saying the committee has the special task of appointing a successor to Sr. Claire Marie as Executive Secretary.
- CZHN 4/05731 Letters : Gordon Zahn 1967
2 letters to Fr. Brooks of St. Norbert College from Gordon. ~ 10/29--Gordon asks Fr. Brooks to accept appointment to the ACSS Nominations Committee and gives a list of others appointed. 11/15--Gordon says he hopes Fr. Brooks failure to reject is an acceptance and he asks him to organize the operations of the committee.
- CZHN 4/05711 Letters : Gordon Zahn 1967
Alice Myers ~ Admin Officer of the ACSS ~ 5/19--Letter to Gordon from Alice regarding a listing of Sociological Analysis. She gives the rates and guidelines for listing. 5/23--Gordon writes Paul Reiss, Editor of Sociological Analysis to include a copy of the letter from Alice and says they should try to get the listing in for the convention.
- CZHN 4/05737 Letters : Gordon Zahn 1967
Dr. Barrett and Fr. Campion ~ Both of the ACSS ~ Correspondence regarding Sociological Abstracts. ~ 8/17--The president of Sociological Abstracts invites the ACSS to name a member to their advisory council for two years and sends some additional information. 9/27--Cr. Barrett writes Gordon to asks about appointing an ACSS representative and discusses some other small matters. 10/20--Gordon writes to Fr. Campion to asks him if he would be willing to accept the appointment to the advisory council. 11/30--Fr. Campion writes to accept the nomination. 12/6--Gordon writes the president of Sociological Abstracts to say that Fr. Campion has been appointed to the council and gives his address.
- CZHN 4/05551 Letters : Gordon Zahn 1967
Jim Norris of Catholic Relief Service ~ Correspondence back and forth ~ 3/14--Jim writes Gordon to says that CRS is registered as an approved alternative service for conscientious objectors; however he says that they do not have much work for young people without training and it costs too much to support volunteers ($10,000 per person). 3/16--Gordon writes thanking Jim for his letter, saying he does not know where the money can be raised but that churches may be willing to shoulder some of the responsibility. He says he will give the matter more thought.
- CZHN 4/05751 Letters : Gordon Zahn 1967
Paul Reiss ~ Editor of Sociological Analysis ~ Correspondence ~ 5/23--Paul asks Gordon to join the editorial board as associate editor for the next three years to help evaluate manuscripts submitted for publication. 6/9--Gordon writes that he is willing to serve as associate editor of Sociological Analysis.
- CZHN 4/05757 Letters : Gordon Zahn 1967
Ralph Lane ~ U of SF, CA ~ Correspondence ~ 4/20--Ralph tells Gordon he has decided to cut the Plenary II, and asks Gordon if he would help on Plenary I instead, saying that the NCSAC specifically requested that he be on the panel. 4/24--Gordon responds to Ralph saying he is willing to participate in the Plenary I session.
- CZHN 4/05733 Letters : Sister Claire Marie Sawyer, ACSS 1967
Robert McNamara ~ Sociological Analysis ~ Correspondence between Sr. and Fr. McNamara. ~ 9/11--Fr. McNamara writes Sr. to suggest that the members of ACSS be contacted to find out how many copies of various publishers' books they are ordering for the school year. 10/27--Sr. replies saying that if Fr. McNamara can make the checklist and the letter, they can do the mailing.
- CZHN 2/01676 List : Student names. 1967
On October 16, 1967, a number of New England students will sever their relationship with the Selective Service by turning in individual statements of non-cooperation to their local draft boards.