Documents Arranged Chronologically
- CZHN 6/08876b Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Mr. ter Maat 1973/0301
Apologies for not keeping in touch but he has some unexpected departmental responsibilites. Wants to form a special commission to address the Indochina war.
- CZHN 3/04561 Magazine : Edited by: Peter Hebblethwaite, Ronald Moffat, Thomas Corbishley, John F. X. Harriott and Michael J. Walsh. 1973/0301
The Jesuit publication of the MONTH. Tribute to Archbishop Roberts on his 80th birthday. "The Limits of Legitimate Authority," by Gordon Zahn on pages 84-88. ~ "When and if the moral theologians accept the challenge of the possibilities opened by such a theory of selective obedience, they might do no better than to start with the 'intelligent obedience' described and defended by Archbishop Roberts. Once this is done, the problem about the term to be employed -- conscientious objection or conscientious abstention -- will have been resolved in the new realisation that what is really (and always) required of the Christian is nothing less than conscientious action in all situations and under all circumstances. And that, when one comes down to it, is the basic lesson to be learned fom the courageous and inspiring churchman we honour in these pages."
- CZHN 3/04635 Memo : Murray, Harrold 1973/0305
A 2-page memorandum to "Participants in the Dialogue of January 22, 1973." RE: Transcript of the Dialogue. Page 2 is a "List of Participants." ~ "Enclosed is copy of the transcript of the dialogue, edited by Mr. Russell Shaw." Edited from 109 pages to 50 pages. "The edited transcript is being sent to you in order for you to polish the grammar or syntax of any of your interventions."
- CZHN 3/04560 Document : Article: Cooney, John 1973/0307
A newspaper clipping from the IRISH TIMES headed "Tributes to Archbishop Roberts; A Paradox Among Prelates." ~ "This issue is a special tribute to Archbishop Roberts, who today celebrates his 80th birthday." "Tribute is paid to the Archbishop by Gordon Zahn, in an article on 'The Limits of Legitimate Authority,' for being 'on record in support of conscientious objection and in opposition to modern warfare before John XXIII and Vatican II opened the way to the new Catholic peace emphasis which is so much in evidence today.'"
- CZHN 1/00350 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1973/0307
letter ~ enclosed Tom's graduation notice. is writing this on the plane on the way to Helsinki.
- CZHN 3/04569 Correspondence : Egan, Eileen 1973/0309
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ Eileen reminds Gordon that meetings are still held Friday evenings at the Catholic Worker for the "clarification of thought." "On behalf of Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker, we invite you to speak at a Friday evening meeting on some such topic as 'Objectives of the Catholic Peace Movement.' The emphasis would be on the new direction of the peace thrust as opposed to the anti-war movement." She would also like to know which date would be convenient: June 1, 8, or 15.
- CZHN 1/00323 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1973/0311
postcard to Gerry Ogren ~ it is a scorpio postcard. wishing her a happy Birthday.
- CZHN 9/12597 Correpondence : Dick Armstrong - Letter to Gordon on behalf of Christopher Closeup 1973/0312
They describe the ten new television programs that they will be taping, and request Gordon to make time so that he may be included in an episode. ~ NY
- CZHN 3/04634 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1973/0312
A letter to Jim Jennings. ~ Gordon writes some general comments about the transcript. He says that Russell has done a good job of reducing the discussion to a manageable level. However, he believed it read too "jumpy"; issues are raised and dropped with a seemingly unrelated or loosely related new issue taking over. By either separating asterisks or italizicing inserts, two points would benefit. To involve the brief exchange between Durkin, Hehir, and Finn on the question of the translation differences. Also Komonchak's very telling refutation of the Durkin citations in the Memorial should not have been omitted altogether.
- CZHN 3/04639 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1973/0312
A letter to Mr. James Finn. ~ Gordon comments on Peter Berger's "Briefing" as being excellent; it's the kind of "lighter" touch WV needs to balance the overbearing profundity of much of the other material. He also comments on how the Russell piece on proportionality reminded him of the "conventionality" piece of his own. He also comments on how the "dialogue" transcript was disappointing, but believes it has potential.
- CZHN 1/00326 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1973/0312
letter to "Nu" ~ will be on a discussion group on a local T. V. station program. can't wear his hearing aid due to an ear infection.
- CZHN 1/00600 Correspondence : Fuiri 1973/0313
A letter addressed to Gordon. ~ Chit chat regarding how every time Fuiri picks up a book to read, there's a reference to, or quotation from G. Zahn.
- CZHN 8/11648 Magazine : WIN: Peace and Freedom Thru Nonviolent Action 1973/0315
Encloses two articles: "Harrisburg Conspiracy: The Berrigans and the Catholic Left" by Jim Forest and "The Trial" by Philip Berrigan. The first discusses the plan to kidnap Henry Kissinger, and the latter regarding his charging by Mr Hoover of a kidnapping in the Harrisburg Trials.
- CZHN 4/05024 Letter : Gordon Zahn 1973/0316
Letter to "Sandy" regarding SANE business ~ Gordon refers to a past controversy at the last SANE meeting and offers suggestion of a conpromise. He also suggests moving the meetings to a more convenient location.
- CZHN 6/08675 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Eileen 1973/0318
Asks her to get in touch with Melvin Cohen. Trying to stay on the down low with CW, but he will go on the June 8. Attached is a letter from Eileen with an invitation to CW.
- CZHN 6/08674 Correspondence : Letter to Melvin Cohen 1973/0318
Welcoming him to PAX. Attached is the note he sent asking to join PAX. ~ Baltimore
- CZHN 6/08676 Correspondence : Letter to Mr. ter Maat 1973/0318
- CZHN 6/08165 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Carroll (Bourg) 1973/0319
Zahn inquires about a replacement and the cuttings and clippings of published reviews.
- CZHN 4/05458 Letter : Gordon Zahn 1973/0319
Memo from Gordon to Members of Sociology Dept. about recruitment procedures. ~ Gordon says they are in the midst of intensive recruitment to fill a senior position. He lists the possible candidates and says they hope to come up with a final selection within a few weeks.
- CZHN 3/04628 Correspondence : Armstrong, Rev. Richard 1973/0322
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ Dick Neuhaus will also be a guest on their show. They have scheduled the program to be taped on Thursday, May 17, 1973. There will be five shows on that day scheduled at 11:30 am, 12:30 pm, 1:30, 3:15, and 4:15. They would be happy to make arrangements for Gordon to stay at the New York Hilton Hotel should he decide to go the day before.
- CZHN 5/07570 Correspondence : Jack Riley - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1973/0323
Riley informs Zahn of a CPF meeting's discussion of possibly meeting with Zahn and a few others at the FOR Conference held on April 11, 12, and 13.
- CZHN 6/08161 Correpsondence : Benjamin J. Keeley, Professor of Sociology - Letter to Professor Gordon C. Zahn 1973/0330
Keeley sends a review of John Ryan's book. (Review is not attached.)
- CZHN 6/08562 Notes : Pax Christi Meeting Notes, April 14, and list of Priority items. 1973/04
Organizational meeting with following outcomes: new openess to peace movement within Catholic Community, must have programs, reach people through campus ministry programs, attention needs to be payed to issues at home as well as abroad (e.g. United Farm Workers), prepare a leaflet, decided on Directing Committee: Gen Secretary - Rev. Edward Guinan, Co-Chairman - Gordon C. Zahn and Eileen Egan, Treasurer - Clare Danielsson, Committee Members - Patrick William Jordan, Roger J. Lederer, Sister Gloria Fitzgerald, Joesph Fahey. ~ New York City
- CZHN 8/11677 Process Oultine : College II Personal Policy Committee - College II Tenure Recommendation Process 1973/04
The policy for the handling of Tenure, the recommendation of, and the denial of. ~ MA
- CZHN 1/00331 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1973/0403
letter ~ took a mind course and hasn't smoked a cigarette in two weeks. may be going to visit them for part of spring break.
- CZHN 5/07569 Correspondence : Tom Cornell - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1973/0403
Cornell speaks about some issues regarding the Council and events that have taken place with others including Jim Forest, CPF New England Regional Conference, The For the Victims Program, and Jim Best.
- CZHN 5/07542 Document : University of Massachusetts Boston - Sabbatical Leave Policy 1973/0404
The document states the conditions of going on Sabbatical leave.
- CZHN 8/11384 Notification of Personnel Action : University of Massachusetts - Notification of change of title 1973/0404
As of 09/01/73 Gordon will be only a Professor of Sociology. ~ MA
- CZHN 6/08162 Correspondence : Carroll J. Bourg, Editor, Sociological Analysis - Letter to Professor Gordon Zahn 1973/0405
Bourg asks Zahn about a book entitled "Western Religions" as possible to be reviewed by "Sociological Analysis."
- CZHN 6/08679 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Mr. ter Maat 1973/0409
Suggestions for the forthcoming meeting: worldwide prayer day on behalf of all prisioners of conscience.
- CZHN 6/08891 Correspondence : Letter to Dr. Zahn, Profs. Lester Segal; Edwin Gittleman; David Landy 1973/0409
He feels that open position should go to Dick Horsley.
- CZHN 3/04623 Essay : Hehir, J. Bryan 1973/0409
A 7-page typed draft of Bryan's Epilogue. ~ "It is the content of the position expressed by the American hierarchy which is under discussion in this forum. That discussion, if played out in all its details, would go well beyond the topics we have been able to analyze and debate in this session. A full discussion would have to include at least the following issues: the nature and forms of modern war; the nature of the modern state; the tradition of the Church on the morality of war; the rights and responsibilities of the citizen and his relationship to the state; the role of the Church in society, its relationship to the state, its teaching function and its prophetic ministry. . . The point we wish to make is that we think it is possible and desireable for the Church to propose the pacifist option as an objectively valid posture for a Catholic to hold."
- CZHN 3/04621 Essay : Gordon Zahn 1973/0411
A 4-page typed edited draft of Gordon's Epilogue. ~ "It is the content of the teaching supported by the American hierarchy which is under discussion in this forum. The Dialogue focused on what the content of Catholic teaching should be on these issues, and how faithfully the United States Catholic Conference (USCC) has adhered to Catholic tradition. We feel it would be helpful if we stated concisely our position on the major topics as they have surfaced in our Dialogue. "Gordon writes shortly about Rights of the State, Rights of the Citizen, Relationship of Citizen to State, and Church Teaching on War. The Church should support in theory and practice those who take a well-informed and tested position as a general pacifist or those who apply just war teaching.
- CZHN 1/00353 Correspondence : Cornell, Tom 1973/0412
Fellowship of Reconciliation ~ letter to Gordon Zahn ~ thanking him for the contribution. mentions people like Dan Berrigan, Jim F., Scott Nearing,Dorothy (who is back in England for a while visiting her kid, as her sister's husband just died). Hildegarde Goss-Mayr is in town and Tom will be taking her around town telling her about what a good thing the CPF is in order to get her to join IFOR, allowing big donors to start giving their tax exempt donations.
- CZHN 3/04620 Memo : Jennings, James R. 1973/0412
A memo to Bishop Dougherty, Ad Hoc Committee Members. RE: Just War and Pacifism Dialogue. ~ "Enclosed is a copy of the initial draft of the epilogue. The edited draft brings the text to within the 1200 word limit imposed on both teams. Hopefully, also, it retains the substance of Byran's draft. Also enclosed is a copy of Gordon Zahn's comments for proposed inclusion in the text." James would also like for them to return observations by April 20.
- CZHN 3/04624 Book Review : Gordon Zahn 1973/0415
A book review in the Chicago Sun Times on Robert Payne's "The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler." ~ "This latest account of the rise to power and collapse of the Nazi dictator is neither exceptionally good nor exceptionally bad. It is eminently readable, in spite of Robert Payne's penchant for literary flourishes and summations which sometimes do not ring altogether true. . . What is urgently needed is a competent study of the 'political' Hitler, one which would place him and his frightening successes in a perspective more relevant to current and future events and challenges."
- CZHN 3/04539 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1973/0418
A letter to Mr. Herman Kogan. ~ Gordon is "looking forward to getting the book so that I can check some of the sources for myself. Incidentally, the book has been at the Boston Bretanos since late March, so they must have advanced the publication date." He also writes about the fact that he has studied and written about the Nazi experience. GERMAN CATHOLICS AND HITLER'S WARS is still probably the best specific reference.
- CZHN 4/05440 Letter : Gordon Zahn 1973/0419
Memo from Gordon to members of the Department of Sociology concerning personnel decision. ~ Gordon says that decisions need to be made regarding the reappointment of various faculty members. He also says that a slot is open to hire for a junior position, he urges department members to take into consideration the affirmative action policy.
- CZHN 8/11452 Notice of Compromise : Columbia Hospital and East Side Community Council - Description of compromise for expansion of Hospital 1973/0419
Outline of terms including a limit on the hospital's expansion and what this expansion will entail on regards to nearby residents. ~ WI
- CZHN 6/08682 Correspondence : Catholic Chaplaincy - Letter to Gordon 1973/0424
Writing in response to his letter on suggestions for meeting. They all agree that there should be a "prisoneer of conscience day"; they will also be happy to discuss the Indo-china war but not until the end of the year. They have also acquired a large number of copies of "chaplains in the R.A.F." ~ London
- CZHN 6/08163 Correspondence : Gordon C. Zahn - Letter to Carroll (Bourg) 1973/0425
Zahn sends some enclosures including another short review by Keeley and informs Bourg that he has yet to receive a copy of the Mol book.
- CZHN 6/08061 Correspondence : Miss P. A. Bedford - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1973/0427
Bedford informs Zahn that Msgr. Bruce Kent didn't take copies of his book for Pax Christi.
- CZHN 9/12430 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to His Eminence 1973/0429
He encloses another donation to the Newman work sponsored on the recipient's behalf of the Archdiocese. He explains why and thanks the recipient for an invitation to the Easter Celebration at the Cathedral.
- CZHN 3/04638 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1973/0429
A letter to Jim. ~ Gordon enclosed an up-dated version of the article on conventional war and hopes that Jim will find it suitable for publication and that it will not be too long delayed. If so, he would like to submit it elsewhere. His suggestion that a theological tribunal be convened has been given some favorable consideration by Pax Christi International, and he thinks publication of the idea in this form (and especially in WORLDVIEW!) would speed a favorable decision.
- CZHN 3/04627 Correspondence : Glynn, Jeanne 1973/0430
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ Jeanne informs Gordon that they (Christopher Closeup) have scheduled the program with Gordon to be taped on Thursday, May 17, 1973. Should he wish to go to New York City the night before, they would be happy to make overnight arrangements for him.
- CZHN 3/04633 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1973/0430
A letter to Reverend John Kirvan. ~ Gordon has no serious objections to the general theme John proposes in his memo. However, through the "American Dream" part there may have to be fuller elaboration in future exchanges. The idea of the bi-centennial link strikes Gordon as sound. There must be special attention paid to the government. As the democratic ideal seems to be weakening in the political order, it seems to be progressing. The Old Blanshard foumulation is now in process of being reversed.
- CZHN 3/04618 Document : Hebrew College 1973/0430
An invitation to "The Holocaust: An Academic Conference, Commemorating the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising." ~ This Academic Conference will be held on April 30, 1973 with an afternoon, dinner, and evening session. "This conference has been convened by Hebrew College as an outgrowth of our program of instruction, in recognition of the overwhelming significance of this theme in the hearts and minds of those who make up the Hebrew College 'family': our students, our faculty, our community and the seekers after truth everywhere. . . "
- CZHN 3/04629 Memo : Stanton, Joseph R. 1973/0430
Fox, Mrs. Kenneth (Anne) ~ A 2-page memo to Speakers for Assembly For Life entitled "Witness To The Unborn-Assembly For Life, May 20, 1973." ~ There will be several other speakers--the details of who will speak will be informed to them as plans develop. Each speaker must send a brief biographical sketch to Mrs. Ann Fox by May 10, 1973. Plan on meeting at the Parker House by 11:30 am , Sunday, May 20, 1973.
- CZHN 9/11846 Final Exam : Gordon Zahn - "Elements of Sociological Theory" 1973/05
Includes matching, multiple choice and essays regarding the information covered in his Sociological Theory course.
- CZHN 9/11847 Final Exam : Gordon Zahn - "Elements of Sociological Theory" 1973/05
Part II, Includes matching, multiple choice, and essays.
- CZHN 9/11849 Final Exam : Gordon Zahn - Another copy of take home exam 1973/05
see entry #11848
- CZHN 8/11418 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to the Retirement Office at Loyola University 1973/0506
He has discovered Loyola is now under a new plan for retirement savings and he requests information on how it will affect his own savings.
- CZHN 6/08681 Correspondence : C. ter Maat - Letter to Monsignor Gumbleton 1973/0511
Asking if he would be the moderator: it is up to him and Bishop Dougherty.
- CZHN 1/00321 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1973/0511
letter to Gerry ~ is on Sabbatical. amazed at the fact that it has been a year since Nixon won, and wondering how he will hold up.
- CZHN 9/12429 Correspondence : Humberto Cardinal Medeiros - Letter to Gordon 1973/0511
He thanks Gordon for the $50 donation towards the Newman work in the Archdiocese of Boston. ~ MA
- CZHN 6/08892 Correspondence : Michael Blecker, O.S.B. - Letter to Gordon 1973/0511
Expressing gratitude for another royalty payment on behalf of the Franz Jaegerstaetter Foundation. ~ Collegeville, Minnesota
- CZHN 9/12601 Correspondence : Tom Cornell - Letter to Fr. O'Connor 1973/0512
He summarizes their phone conversation from earlier that morning in which they agreed that the Mount Paul facility will be operated by the recipient's staff, and he follows to note how many the facility can accomodate, and other decisions they will further need to discuss. ~ NJ
- CZHN 3/04630 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1973/0513
A letter to Mrs. Anne Fox. ~ Gordon apologizes for being a bit late with the requested biographical sketch for the Assembly For Life conference to be held on May 20, 1973. He enclosed a complete text of the remarks he would like to make and is within the 10-minute limit (a time allotment that was suggested in his conversation with Dr. Stanton.)
- CZHN 5/07555 Correspondence : Gordon C. Zahn - Memorandum to Beverly McLaughlin 1973/0514
Zahn asks for recommendation as to tax adjustment for 1969 retirement deductions.
- CZHN 9/12600 Memo : Tom Cornell - Memo to Executive staff 1973/0514
He discusses limitations and figures for an upcoming function in which they are expecting a very large number of participants.
- CZHN 3/04631 Memo : Fox, Mrs. Anne 1973/0515
Stanton, Joseph R. ~ A 2-page memo to all participants in the "Witness To The Unborn--Assembly For Life, May 20, 1973" conference. ~ Enclosed is a new final form of the program for Sunday's conference. The meeting will be held rain or shine. If you cannot make the preliminary meeting at 11:30 a. m. -12:15 pm , Room 160, The Parker House, please be at the spot where you are to speak in plenty of time--go right to the microphone area.
- CZHN 3/04570 Document : Closeup, Christopher 1973/0517
A sheet informing and reminding the guests Rev. Richard J. Neuhaus and Dr. Gordon Zahn about the date of taping, time to arrive, and address of studio along with other information. ~ In addition to the above information, there are also interview questions. Two interviews with seven questions in each interview. At the bottom is a reminder of attire.
- CZHN 8/11390 Correspondence : Paul Grant - Letter to Gordon on behalf of Loyola University 1973/0518
As he is no longer employed by Loyola University he is still entitled to the same rights to his retirement plan, and there has been no change to his rights. ~ IL
- CZHN 9/12599 Correspondence : Tom Cornell - Letter to Gordon 1973/0518
He is delighted to hear that Gordon will speak at "CW" [Catholic Worker] and asks that if Gordon need anything he be contacted. ~ NY
- CZHN 3/04343 Correspondence : Symposium of Scholars 1973/0521
A letter to the Ad Hoc Committee - International Laws of Warfare. ~ This letter is to update the committee on the meeting of the Committee of Social Development and World Peace (March 21, 1973). There is consensus recognizing the need for re-assessment of Church's ethical and moral position toward war and use of force and other related issues.
- CZHN 3/04572 Correspondence : Fr. Houtart 1973/0525
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ Fr. Houtart says that for the moment he does not know of any development in PAX CHRISTI about a real study of theologians or group of them on the Vietnam war. He thinks it is quite interesting and will make contact with Pax Christi Belgium about this proposal. He also informs Gordon that "the issue of Social Compass on Peace will be the one of 1974/1. Your article is planned for this issue."
- CZHN 6/08684 Correspondence : Eileen - Letter to Gordon 1973/0527
Clarifying dates, she has been accompaining Mother Terse to Belgium and Rome. ~ New York
- CZHN 6/08683 Correspondence : C. ter Maat - Notes from a meeting, in French with translations 1973/0529
Stated support from PAX Christi concerning proposals to get the bishops to make a written plea of the Church's view on Conscientious Objection. ~ Netherlands
- CZHN 3/04643 Correspondence : Pugsley, Bob 1973/0530
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ Bob is sorry that he missed Gordon at the Christopher Closeup taping, but says that both Gordon and Richard Neuhaus did a fine job. From his viewpoint, he thinks it's one of the most significant programs the Christophers have done. He also is particularly interested in one of Gordon's student's doctoral dissertation on "Selective Obedience." He would like a copy.
- CZHN 3/04571 Correspondence : Skillin, Edward S., Publisher of COMMONWEAL. 1973/0531
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ "We are happy to enclose herewith your share of the permission fee for using your article on Abortion. Charles E. Merrill Company is using it in a book entitled 'The Revolution in Religion' by Ficker and Graves."
- CZHN 5/07634 Correspondence : Tom Cornell - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1973/0601
Cornell thanks Zahn for his contributions. He also tells Zahn of Oakridge III and personal matters regarding getting a house.
- CZHN 9/12052 IRS Statement : Tax Due IRS 1973/0601
Gordon owes $2.82 in uncollected telephone tax. ~ Andover, MA
- CZHN 9/12603 Correspondence : Jim - Letter to Gordon 1973/0607
He and Dan Berrigan have been discussing the Hoa Binh Press for publishing a collection of some Merton correspondence and discuss their ideas with Gordon hoping for aid and input. ~ NY
- CZHN 1/00356 Correspondence : Cornell, Tom 1973/0608
Fellowship of Reconciliation ~ letter to Gordon Zahn ~ Dorothy is in jail for picketing with the farm workers. talking about the Oakridge event, which included sessions of non-violent training, Jewish-Christian problems. Jack Riley and his girlfriend Laurie died in a traffic accident. wants to possibly take out an ad, or some kind of public stand on the abortion issue to try to get some people to lay down the law as to where they stand on it.
- CZHN 6/08685 Correspondence : Letter to Gordon 1973/0608
He will not be in London when Gordon is passing through, but would like to meet up with him soon. ~ London
- CZHN 9/12053 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to the IRS 1973/0609
Gordon states that as the US military is still involved in the Indochina war, which goes against his personal beliefs in pacifism, he is protesting through the refusal of paying his telephone tax. ~ MA
- CZHN 6/08322 Correspondence : David Glanz - Letter to Professor Gordon Zahn 1973/0610
Glanz, a graduate student at Columbia University, informs Zahn of his interest in doing book reviews for Sociological Analysis
- CZHN 6/08686 Correspondence : Eileen - Letter to C. ter Maat 1973/0611
Sending him a report on the last organizational meeting of PAX Christi, updates him on the results of the Human Rights Commission that she attended. ~ New York
- CZHN 5/07635 Correspondence : Tom Cornell - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1973/0613
Cornell compliments Zahn on his talk and mentions a couple of others who were taken by it as well.
- CZHN 6/08687 Correspondence : Carroll T. Dozier - Letter to Eileen 1973/0614
Dozier accepting his co-moderatorship of PAX Christi group with Bishop Gumbleton. Feels that the cessation of war in which the US is involved, might led to forgetting to build peace. ~ Memphis
- CZHN 9/12602 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Jim 1973/0621
He discusses his opinions on the Merton foundation and their projects, his upcoming sabbatical and information he needs from the recipient regarding "Warner". He also congratulates him on his upcoming marriage. ~ MA
- CZHN 6/08563 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - List of suggestions for leaflet. 1973/0624
Example attached ~ Boston
- CZHN 5/07571 Correspondence : Tom - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1973/0627
The author asks Zahn about possibly publishing his talk at the CW through CPF/FOR.
- CZHN 9/12662 Progress Report : Amparo Lopez - Letter to Gordon on behalf of Foster Parents Plan, Inc. 1973/07
They discuss the progress of Matiz Francisco, who is well and in his second year at highschool. They note that his behavior in school is poor though he is trying to control himself. They note family expenses and thank Gordon for all his help. ~ Colombia
- CZHN 9/12657 Progress Report : Teresita Dizon - Letter to Gordon on behalf of Foster Parents Plan, Inc. 1973/07
Describes the progress of Josefino Esguerra, a young Filippino man that Gordon sponsors. He is now in the last year of highscool and is deciding what area he would like to study in finishing school. They discuss his family, and the recent allocations of expenses. ~ Philippines
- CZHN 9/12595 Correspondence : Prof. Franklin Littell - Note to Persons interested in the conference series on Church struggle and the Holocaust. 1973/0701
They are moving the conference elsewhere and request aid and input from all those interested in the conference. ~ NY
- CZHN 1/00322 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1973/0703
letter to Gerry and Leon ~ sending away for some gimmick thing that he received in the mail.
- CZHN 1/00332 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1973/0704
letter ~ is trying to go meatless, except for one night a week, in order to boycott meat.
- CZHN 6/08688a Correspondence : Eileen - Letter to Gordon Zahn ~ New York 1973/0707
- CZHN 6/08688b Notes : Eileen - Notes on meeting from June 23 ~ New York 1973/0707
- CZHN 3/04555 Correspondence : Finn, James 1973/0711
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ James informs Gordon that the July issue with his article is out. He hopes he is pleased with its appearance and enclosed a check as a small part of their appreciation for his article. He also writes that he has "just received, as I presume you have, "Just War and Pacifism" with our various contributions. While it might have been better, on the whole I think it came out very well. "
- CZHN 1/00330 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1973/0712
letter ~ Ford was sworn in yesterday. travel talk.
- CZHN 9/12846 Memo : Gordon Zahn - At the University of Massachusetts, to Howard Rotblat 1973/0726
He discusses his findings in Rotblat's recently released grading report, attaching a copy, "Report on an Experiment in "Blanket" Grading:" SPRING, 1973. ~ MA
- CZHN 7/09352 Correspondence : Belva - Letter to Gordon 1973/08
Her rejection by Zahn and how it brought her out of the clouds. She also justifies her actions and agrees with him on some levels of marriage and relationships and how she may have wanted to be with him to end the void of losing her husband. However, she disagrees with him on some notes and takes offense
- CZHN 9/12658 Correspondence : Josefine Esguerra - Letter to Gordon, his foster parent 1973/08
He thanks Gordon again for his generous and kind heart, and notes how he is doing. He only has Sundays off now to help his mom who is a strong women, working hard to pay expenses so that her children may continue to study and better their situations. ~ Philippines
- CZHN 3/04556 Correspondence : O'Gara, James 1973/0801
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ He hopes that Gordon had a great trip in Russia. He informs Gordon that they like his appraisal of the Catholic Peace Movement and their usual modest check is enclosed.
- CZHN 1/00346 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1973/0805
letter ~ more Nixon news. classes have just ended. saw another movie.
- CZHN 7/09351 Correspondence : Belva - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1973/0809
Thank-you letter to Gordon for sending his book that he promised. Also she speaks on her daily errands of unpacking and doing laundry.
- CZHN 4/05616 Document : Gordon Zahn 1973/0809
"In Praise of Individual Witness" ~ 12-page essay written by Gordon with a letter to the editor of AMERICA attached asking them to publish or return it, and telling them that Gordon directed a PhD dissertation on the topic of selective obedience and the author may be interested in writing an article about it. ~ Gordon uses the example of Jaegerstaetter to point out the value of individual witness, saying that although he supports and participates in movements, they should not be allowed to replace individual efforts based on deep and personal moral commitment. He goes on to discuss the impact that Jaegerstaetter and other solitary witnesses have had on the lives of others. Gordon draws parallels between the situation in Indochina and the need for individuals in the church to stand up as Jaegerstaetter did.
- CZHN 7/09350 Correspondence : Belva - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1973/0811
Love letter to Gordon asking him to either tell her if he is interested or not; she subtly asks for a friendship and more. She also asks him to visit in Washington as her guest.