Documents Arranged Chronologically
- CZHN 6/08917 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Geraldine with attached newspaper clipping. 1989/0406
Gordon describes the terrible week he has had: Sunday his television broke, Monday he missed a plane flight that he was suppose be on to give a talk in South Bend, Tuesday arranged to fly out on a 11 o'clock flight so that he could lecture at 4, but the flight was cancelled due to fog, Wednesday nearly lost his Visa Gold card. ~ Boston, MA
- CZHN 8/11592 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Fr. Groden 1989/0407
He congratulates him on his new pastorate, and asks if he saw the Center's booklet on John Leary. He updates him about his work in "the Peace Game", and his upcoming projects.
- CZHN 11/13982 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Rev. William B. Neenan from Boston College 1989/0407
Says that he has sent him three copies of the ROTC report. Also mentions that Mike Hovey is finishing up teaching a 3 1/2 week course on liberation theology in Colorado. Talks about his willingness to be available for conferences or consultations regarding ROTC at Boston College.
- CZHN 8/11525 Correpsondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Bishop Banks 1989/0409
Thanks him for his reply and makes rebuttals towards the Bishops assessment of Gordon's argument. ~ MA
- CZHN 8/11593 Correspondence : Doug Fox - Letter to Gordon 1989/0409
He finally saw Michael, who is doing a fine job with his classes, and heard that Gordon may be moving his offices in the near future. He is delighted to hear about the biography, and jokingly proposes the title "A Pax on Both Their Houses". ~ Colorado Springs, CO
- CZHN 11/13950 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Most Reverend Robert J. Banks 1989/0409
Thanks him for his letter. Discusses further the fears that the legislation will encourage homosexual activity are greatly exaggerated.
- CZHN 11/13958 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Prof. John Gilligan, Director of Institute for International Peace Studies at Notre Dame 1989/0410
Apologizes for missing the meeting and missing the opportunity to talk to the students. Discusses three programs that the Center has considered as prospects for a joint "Institute-subsidized Center ventures" including: further action related to ROTC, selective conscientious objection, and national service.
- CZHN 10/13741 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Professor John Gilligan, Director of Institute for International Peace Studies 1989/0410
Apologizes for not appearing for the talk on Tuesday, it was the result of his own carelessness. Hates to loose the opportunity to speak to students and to those people at the Institute. Then proceeds to list some of the programs they have considered as prospects for joint Institute-subsidized Center ventures. The programs they recommend are: further action related to ROTC, selective conscientious objection, and national service.
- CZHN 10/13745 Correspondence : Letter to Profesor John Gilligan, Director of Institute for International Peace Studies 1989/0410
Copy of Entry #13741
- CZHN 8/11233 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Andreas 1989/0412
Thanks him for letter about Schimek, and he is working on the failed beatification of Jaegerstaetter. The edition of his GERMAN CATHOLICS AND HITLER'S WARS is still not published, but should be out in short time.
- CZHN 10/13727 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Andreas 1989/0412
Thanks him for sending the letter about Schimek and hopes he is aware about the current controversy surrounding Jaegerstaetter and the Pope's visit to Austria. Hopes to get to Austria this year and hopes they can meet. Mentions that the new edition of his book GERMAN CATHOLICS AND HITLER'S WARS, due in October, is not yet published.
- CZHN 10/13731 Correspondence : Peter S. Chandler - Letter to Mr. Richard Anderson, CPS Survey 1989/0412
Thanks him for his order and says they are sending him copies of IN SOLITARY WITNESS and ANOTHER PART OF THE WAR. However, the new edition of GERMAN CATHOLICS AND HITLER'S WARS is experiencing publication delays and is not available yet. Mentions that Dr. Zahn has autographed the copies being sent and expresses his gratitude for the order.
- CZHN 8/11591 Correspondence : Rev. Michael Groden - Letter to Gordon 1989/0412
Thanks Gordon for the booklet about the Center and invites Gordon to a dinner at the Rectory in the near future. ~ Boston, MA
- CZHN 8/11606 Correspondence : Jim - Letter to Gordon 1989/0415
He discusses "PMS Wealth" and suggests they get both faxes and modems to pass news more quickly so that they may be picked up effectively by periodicals. He asks about possible supporters for PMS (Peace Media Service) and encloses a piece Nancy wrote on thier church for a Russian Orthodox Church magazine. ~ Holland
- CZHN 8/11600 Correspondence : Estelle and Francesca - Letter to Sociology Department - All Faculty and Graduate Students on behalf of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 1989/0418
They would like to award upcoming graduate Anne Foxx with a trip and request contributions for this, and cooperation in a potluck in her honor. They share the details of the event and the intended presentation. ~ Boston, MA
- CZHN 8/11602 Correspondence : Jim Forest - Letter to Gordon on behalf of the Forest-Flier editorial service 1989/0418
He has received a letter from Raymond Towey about two new German books on Jaegerstaetter, and requests Gordon's opinion about the potential value of such a work in US or Britain. ~ Holland
- CZHN 8/11524 Correspondence : Msgr. William Murphy - Letter to Gordon 1989/0419
He states that while they disagree overall on the position Gordon has many very legitimate points. He briefly questions areas of Gordon's argument that trouble him and briefly states his view in accordance to Gordon's initial statements. ~ MA
- CZHN 8/11523 Correspondence : Auxiliary Bishop of Boston - Letter to Mr Zahn 1989/0420
They state that the reason they most likely disagree is due to their beliefs on family. He states the Church believes the family is primary and should kept that way, a focus Gordon seems to disagree with. ~ MA
- CZHN 8/11594 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to the Editor of The Boston Globe 1989/0420
He states that as they await the verdict in the North Trial attention should be paid to the ineffective defense of Adolph Eichmann, who stated he should be rewarded for his obedience, not punished for the hundreds of incidental deaths his program caused. He notes that the day is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Hitler, and states that they should acknowledge that the surrender "of conscience in unquestioning obedience is always a vice".
- CZHN 10/13768 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - "An Open Letter to 'Friends of Peace'" 1989/0421
Planning to make this appeal for a long time, but thinks it is unlikely that it will be enthusiastically embraced by either Pax Christi or the Berliner Konferenz. His appeal is for a begnning to be made between two international peace-oriented organizations, both professedly Catholic and both recognized by the United Nations as bearers of hope for peace who have not yet found it possible to deal with each other officially. Both Pax Christi and Berliner Konferenz need to recognize the common challenges and obligations they share as Catholic peace organizations and overcome the divisions that seperate them.
- CZHN 10/13738 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Etienne 1989/0421
Expresses his disappointment that there has been little contact with the Berliner Konferenz people. Realizes the sensitive subject of establishing close relations with the East / West situation since it is still one of suspicion. But is convinced that Catholics and Catholic organizations should resist such separation. Sending an open letter to BK's East Berlin headquarters and one to Etienne to do with what he wants.
- CZHN 8/11598 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to James Langford 1989/0421
He requests an update on the situation on the publication of GERMAN CATHOLICS AND HITLER'S WARS and asks if the typesetter issue has been resolved.
- CZHN 8/11517 Correspondence : Bob - Letter to Gordon 1989/0422
He is sending a summer schedule and questions why Gordon has not visited their city lately. He states that it is marvelous what is happenening in China, like "a Martin Luther King movement". ~ NY
- CZHN 6/08961 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Geraldine with attached clipping. 1989/0422
Directs the attached article, "Slenderizing a Tubby Tabby" to the attention of Gerry and instructs her to send it to Susan when finished. Mike is having trouble selling the house because of its green carpet. Gordon is expecting an increase in rent in July. ~ Boston, MA.
- CZHN 7/09726 Newspaper Article : The Los Angeles Times - John Mueller - "America and Russia: Why Haven't We Fought?" 1989/0423
The idea that major wars may increasingly be regarded as no less absurd and intolerable than dueling, slavery, bearbaiting, or human sacrifice is appealing. ~ Los Angeles
- CZHN 8/11611 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Bishop De Roo 1989/0424
He agrees that for the Seattle Pax Christi Assembly "a long haul" is a good theme, elaborating on his thoughts towards the subject and requests suggestions for his intended talk at the assembly.
- CZHN 10/13742 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to John [Gilligan?] 1989/0424
Disappointed that he missed that talk, glad his 26th Floor windows cannot be opened by him. Also, was disappointed by his explanation regarding the proposed merger between the Institute, but it was not an unexpected disappointment. However, is encouraged by his request for assistance in the Institute getting the Center's ROTC report printed and distributed. Plan on an initial printing of 1500-2000. Yet, needs the Institute to assume principal responsibility for publication.
- CZHN 8/11770 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Loretta 1989/0424
Mike has returned from Colorado and is pondering a Ph.D. to begin his career in teaching. He explains a disturbing yet humorous situation in which he misread a plane ticket and missed two flights to make an appointment to speak at an Institute. He states that he will speak with the Notre Dame Archives soon. ~ MA
- CZHN 8/11621 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Ted Murphy 1989/0424
He states that Center is still going under the influence of John Leary and that recently it seems many of his works are being recycled, describing places they are being re-published. He mentions a booklet put out by his Center, and offers to send an autographed copy to the recipient.
- CZHN 9/11967 Correspondence : Joseph Labuda - Letter to President Bush on behalf of Fordham University 1989/0424
He and the fellow members of the university urge the president's support of the re-submission of amendment 48. ~ NY
- CZHN 8/11597 Note : Jim - Letter to Gordon on behalf of The University of Notre Dame Press 1989/0424
He states the books will arrive early next week and copies will be sent to Gordon shortly thereafter. He discusses the few alterations that were made. ~ Notre Dame, IN
- CZHN 8/11595 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Bob 1989/0425
He watched the "Force of Evil" program the other day and felt it went off nicely. He encloses a clipping involving an Eichmann-North-Waldheim / Jaegerstaetter contrast that may interest the recipient. He discusses the present activity of GERMAN CATHOLICS AND HITLER'S WARS, and finally congratulates him on a "fine program".
- CZHN 10/13728 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Herr Hubertus, Generalsekretaer, Berliner Konferenz 1989/0425
Has not forgotten about his suggestion to write something for the BK publications, but says his reason for not doing so is based on the usual criticisms of peace-oriented individuals and organizations in West Countries encounter when they associate themselves with "Eastern Bloc" countries. As something of a compromise however, he is enclosing an "open letter" to both the BK and Pax Christi International.
- CZHN 9/11957 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Joe Holland 1989/0425
He has recently read the NCR report on the Pillar difficulties and believes that Holland's precious concerns are in the process of being resolved. He mentions a few of his most recently published works, and his trip in the near future to Austria. ~ MA
- CZHN 10/13766 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Mr. Joe Holland, Pillar, Secton Hall University 1989/0425
Says that the concern he mentions in his letter on December 8 concerning the NCR report on the Pillar difficulties is being resolved in a fashion that will not bode well for the prospects of publishing his manuscript. Asks if he saw his Commonweal piece about the Pope's visit to Mauthausen and the false reports about Jaegerstaetter that followed.
- CZHN 8/11596 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Paul 1989/0425
A copy of the letter sent to Bob in entry #11595
- CZHN 10/13740 Correspondence : Michael W. Hovey, Executive Director - Letter to Alice Gallin, OSU, Executive Director, ACCU 1989/0425
Sorry to have missed her talk at the New England CPF Conference earlier in the month. Thinks Gordon filled her in on the early reaction to the Center's ROTC report, but says they are continuing to get orders for the Xeroxed typescripts and thanks her for passing it on to the ACCU Advisory Council. Hopes to visit her when Gordon and he are going to be in Washington for the semi-annual NISBCO meeting -- Gordon is on the Board of Directors and Mike represents the Center on the Consultative Council.
- CZHN 10/13776 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Tom 1989/0428
Says that in February he sent Tom a copy of what he considers to be a highly significant report on ROTC on Catholic campuses along with a personal letter. Perturbed that both were ignored by him, even though Gordon had received confirmation that Tom had seen them. Respects the editorial prerogative to make decisions as to what is and what is not worthy of notice, but believes that this is an issue that would have got a very responsive hearing from the NCR. Is further annoyed by other recent issues that the NCR has chosen to direct its attention to such as the Mary Daly fiasco.
- CZHN 8/11492 Newspaper Article : Jerry Nowak - "A Letter to Americans Who Give a Damn about Peace and the World" 1989/0428
Advertisement in the Milwaukee Journal, appealing to pacificists informing and inciting change in American and World policy towards peace. ~ Milwaukee, WI
- CZHN 10/13624 Correspondence : Gordon, National Director - Letter to Prof. William E. Wright, Center for Austrian Studies, University of Minnesota 1989/0430
Says that the University of Notre Dame Press has decided to re-publish his 1962 book, GERMAN CATHOLICS AND HITLER'S WARS. Beginning to wonder if it will raise the same controversy in German and U.S. Catholic circles as when it first appeared.
- CZHN 10/12970 Publication : Internal Revenue Service - The Correspondence Process (Income Tax Accounts) 1989/05
Explains what you should do when your return is questioned or examined by the Internal Revenue Service by correspondence. Also, explains how to respond to the notice or proposed changes and ways you may avoid future notices.
- CZHN 8/11615 Correspondence : Cynthia Sampson - Letter to Gordon on behalf of the Center for Strategic and International Studies 1989/0501
She is participating in a project on Religion and Conflict and asks that Gordon pass along any helpful or relevant suggestions for case studies. She describes a few of her past efforts in this area of study, and what her present project hopes to achieve. ~ Washington, DC
- CZHN 8/11601 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Jim 1989/0501
Thanks him for the copies of the letter from Raymond Towey, and continues to discuss the two recent biographies of Franz Jaegerstaetter and the interestingly different images of Franz they portray.
- CZHN 10/13758 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Michael and Margaret [Garvey] 1989/0501
Comforted by the fact that his failure to show did not bring the University into a total state of disarray. Hope Joseph Benedict's finger is healed, asks how else can he point to someone without having him or her take offence? Says Mike has returned from his first formal teaching experience and that it went so well that he is now planning to go back to school for a Ph.D. and ultimately a teaching career. Is going to check with Notre Dame and the Institute because he will be in need of a fellowship.
- CZHN 8/11603 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Raymond Towey 1989/0501
He received a copy of Raymond's letter and introduces himself through a few of his works. He asks that they continue to communicate and that he reminds Pax Christi Britain of him and his concerns for their well being.
- CZHN 8/11610 Correspondence : Eileen Archer - Letter to Mr. Zahn on behalf of Diocese of Victoria 1989/0502
Bishop De Roo will return in a week. ~ Victoria, BC
- CZHN 8/11775 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Copy of letter to Wendy (Notre Dame Archivist), sent to Loretta 1989/0502
He states that he has shipped more boxes at a charge of $30.10. He has stalled on his personal papers as he has been busy with the efforts of shipping and maintaining the center. He notes the address of Loretta, stating that the two should get in touch for exchanges of boxes they both have and need. ~ MA
- CZHN 10/13761 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Ms. Wendy Clauson Schlereth, University Archivist at Notre Dame 1989/0502
Letter to confirm that they have sent three boxes of Center records for the University Archives. Says he has talked to Dr. Loretta Morris of Loyola Marymount University and thinks the three boxes of correspondence will keep her more than busy for her biographical endeavors, but says she insists he keep sending material and assures him that she will send on the material to Ms. Schlereth as soon as she is done. Tells her the information Dr. Morris has and how she can be reached.
- CZHN 9/11955 Correspondence : Doug - Letter to Gordon 1989/0504
He agrees that Michael is a "natural teacher", and mentions that it would be really nice of Gordon moved to Colorado. He discusses the upcoming semester he will be teaching during and discusses the cardinals and baseball. ~ CO
- CZHN 10/13746 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Frau Glazer 1989/0504
Discusses his travel dates for his trips to Austria. Appreciates the Pax Christi correction on the distorted report on Jaegerstaetter. Received a courtesy copy of the new book about Otto Shimek, cannot read it because it is in Polish, but does recognize that it makes reference to his book on Jaegerstaetter.
- CZHN 10/13783 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to The Wanderer Forum Foundation 1989/0504
Reason for writing is to discuss the early Forum Booklet that was devoted to his book, GERMAN CATHOLIC'S AND HITLER'S WARS with an unfavorable two-part review by an anonymous P.A.N. reviewer. That the books is going to be re-published and he asked that a copy be sent to them should they wish to review it again or even "recycle" the Forum report as it first appeared. Also discusses the re-appearence of Connor's "Spider Web" piece.
- CZHN 9/11911 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Leah Rogne 1989/0505
He is sorry to reply late but he has just found out his dissertation had been stolen from the OU library and jokes that the CIA will stop at nothing. He agrees to photocopy the requested thesis and dissertation and send them at her cost. He notes that another edition of his 1962 book GERMAN CATHOLICS AND HITLER'S WARS will be released soon, and asks her to pass on the word to those that may be interested. ~ MN
- CZHN 10/13781 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Dale 1989/0506
Says not to fear he does not get upset about returned manuscripts; has now a "win some lose some attitude". However, there are times when he must take up issues with the rejection . . . this is one of those times. Troubled by them stating "we don't see it as our role to attack our bishops"; this is not what the manuscipt does. Moreover, thinks that NOR could be and should be formulating an effective Christian / Catholic opinion concering the moral dimensions of the nation's major problems and issues.
- CZHN 8/11774 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Loretta 1989/0508
He has found something in a file that may interest her, as it deals with his losing of insistence to have a book published in October. He further explains his issues with publishers at the time in mention, and notes that he needs to known where to send summer shipments. ~ MA
- CZHN 10/13751 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Hilary 1989/0509
Thanks for her comments on the ROTC report that Michael had sent her. Talks about the ROTC program and says he and Michael have had the opportunity to visit campuses in more distant locations and give talks or workshops on issues related to moral challenges young Catholics should be prepared to meet. Mentions that the suggested topics can be supplemented where desired by others of special interst to the host situation.
- CZHN 3/03771b Correspondence : Gordon 1989/0510
Letter to Sarge ~ SEnding him a copy of the new Notre Dame edition of GERMAN CATHOLIC'S AND HITLER'S WARS. Hopes he likes it, but thinks he will says his preface has a lot of "thrust". Gives his regards to Eunice and the daughter who works for NBC news. If others are interested in the book it is $12. 95 not including shipping and handling.
- CZHN 9/11928 Review List : List of names and magazines to receive review copies of Gordon's republished, GERMAN CATHOLICS AND HITLER'S WARS 1989/0512 University of Notre Dame Press
Two page list of intended reviewers of the book. Notre Dame, IN
- CZHN 9/11966 Correspondence : Robert Irwin Rhoads - Letter to George Bush on behalf of the Inter Fraternity Association Drexel University 1989/0512
He states that he and his organization urge the president to support the re-initiation of amendment 48, stating theimport of the bill. ~ PA
- CZHN 9/11964 Correspondence : Christopher Hentemann - Letter to George Bush and the members of Congress on behalf of Boston College 1989/0515
They endorse the re-submission of Amendment 48, noting why they feel it is necessary to pass the bill and why the president and congress should agree. ~ MA
- CZHN 10/13764 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Mike Noone 1989/0515
Copy of entry #13763
- CZHN 10/13763 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Mike Noone 1989/0515
Glad to get a copy of SELECTIVE CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTION. Says that he is disappointed that the primary purpose of the conference was not academic, though its intended purpose was to be sufficiently high scholarly. Hopes to try the conference again in taking a more sharply defined approach.
- CZHN 10/13736 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Erna 1989/0516
Says that regarding Msgr. Sarno he knows nothing at all, but hopes to have some information soon. But does know that Sarno is in the Brooklyn diocese and was ordained in 1973. Thus, him doing his dissertation in 1988 most likely means that he is a young priest. Finds his assertion that canonization of Jaegerstaetter should be weakened or delayed because it would "weaken" support for the "just war" theory is shocking. Also, has received a copy of Erna's book on Franz's letters and writings and has some concerns including the Prison statement she used.
- CZHN 10/13779 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Ray Towey 1989/0516
Thanks him for sending his book as a gift. Flipped through it and found an edited version of Franz's prison statement. Found his own research from St. Raegund and some of the Franz Jaegerstaetter texts, sent them to Erna. In light of recent allegations that words were put in Franz's mouth after his death, he thinks it is important to include all original texts.
- CZHN 9/11927 Correspondence : Jane Gurthet ~ Letter to Zahn on behalf of University of Notre Dame Press 1989/0516
They hope he has received his copy of GERMAN CATHOLICS AND HITLER'S WARS and are compiling the list for those to review the book. They ask him to look over the attached list and recommend any others he would like to review the title. ~ Notre Dame, IN
- CZHN 10/13381 Print-out : Print-out of abstracts from a search done on the Religion Index 1989/0516
Articles all discuss some aspect of religion and sociology with some focusing more on conflicts or problems within the Catholic Church.
- CZHN 10/13383 Print-out : Print-out of abstracts from a search. 1989/0516
One of the abstracts deals with the religious uses of the phrase "to believe". The other is from a search done on the Philosopher's Index and deals the idea of institutional commitment.
- CZHN 10/13379 Print-out : Print out of abstracts from a search done on Sociological Abstracts 1989/0517
All of the abstracts have to do with religion and sociology.
- CZHN 10/13380 Print-out : Print-out of abstracts from a search done on the Religion Index 1989/0517
All articles deal with the issues of religion and sociology.
- CZHN 10/13382 Print-out : Print-out of abstracts from a search done on the Religion Index 1989/0517
Articles have to do with religion and the acquisition of knowledge
- CZHN 8/11539 Correspondence : Dr Michael Berenbaum - Letter to Gordon on behalf of THE UNITED STATES MEMORIAL MUSEUM 1989/0522
He is editing a book entitled: A MOSAIC OF VICTIMS: THE FATE OF NON-JEWS PERSECUTED AND MURDERED BY THE NAZIS and requests Gordon's permission to include his article "Pacifist During The Third Reich". ~ Washington, DC
- CZHN 9/11956 Correspondence : Sargent Shriver - Letter to Gordon 1989/0522
He thanks Gordon for the copy of GERMAN CATHOLICS, and questions how Gordon is doing in the peace game, especially in light of events regarding Gorbachev. ~ Washington, DC
- CZHN 10/12939 Statement : IRS - Correspondence between the IRS and Gordon 1989/0522
They have corrected an error for his tax year, which they explain, and ask Gordon to send a notice if the figures do not match with his own. They will refund $114.17 and Gordon notes they are in fact correct. ~ MA
- CZHN 10/12938 Statement : IRS - Correspondence between the IRS and Gordon 1989/0522
They will pay Gordon $114.17 of the $300 he requested as overpaid applied to his 1989 estimated tax. They will exlain their adjustment in another notice. ~ MA
- CZHN 9/11965 Correspondence : Kevin Feldt - Letter to George Bush on behalf of the Student Government of Cleveland State 1989/0523
He and fellow students of Cleveland state find it imperative that the president support the re-submission of amendment 48, stating his reasoning and that of the student body of the university. ~ OH
- CZHN 8/11609 Notecard : Bishop De Roo - Note to Gordon on behalf of the Diocesan Pastoral Centre 1989/0524
Thanks him for a letter and he is pleased to learn of Gordon's planned reflections at the Seattle Pax Christi Assembly. ~ BC
- CZHN 10/13096 Correspondence : Marjorie Royle, Ph.D. - Letter to Dr. Morris 1989/0527
She states that the Morris's abstract has been recieved and accepted and she has enclosed preliminary scheduling for the Religious Research Association's project. They feel that hers will be an interesting panel and requests a final copy of the paper by September 15. ~ NY
- CZHN 10/13762 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Mr. Walton R. Collins, Editor of Notre Dame Magazine 1989/0530
Discusses the Notre Dame evaluation committee and its recommendations concerning the ROTC program. Says it was commendable work and its findings revealed an openness to critical analysis that was most encouraging. Would like to clarify his position on the "pay-back" requirement because he feels this involves some crucial questions concerning the extent to which decisions concerning ROTC policies and programs are left to the discretion of the Department of Defense.
- CZHN 10/13754 Correspondence : Michael W. Hovey - Letter to Rev. William J. Stevenson of St. Mary Parish 1989/0530
Writing to offer him the opportunity to participate in their "lecture / workshop subsidy" program described on the enclosed sheet. Gives a background of program, first initated by Gordon.
- CZHN 8/11545 Note : Suzanne - Letter to Gordon on behalf of AGAPE 1989/0530
They read of his research on the ROTC and were very pleased with his work, which they hope to include in their college presentations. They are planning a grand opening and requests his presence. ~ Ware, MA
- CZHN 9/11897 Document : Article: Pat Windsor - From the National Catholic Reporter, article entitled: "Abortion and War No More: Berrigan, others bodies behind bishops 'seamless garment'." 1989/0531
Article discusses the recent works of Jesuit Father Daniel Berrigan and his plan to oppose war and abortion.
- CZHN 8/11613 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Duane and Mary 1989/0531
He plans to be in attendance of the gathering in the Island, and describes his recent inactivity at the Center. He also mentions Notre Dame Press's intentions to republish his GERMAN CATHOLICS AND HITLER'S WARS.
- CZHN 10/13415 Publication : Dr. Morris - Paper presented at Assembly 89 for the Jesuit Ministry in Higher Education at Georgetown University, "Loyola Marymount University Student Value Survey" 1989/06
Discusses the results of an experiment which compared the results of a value survey between Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles with the resutls from students at Loyola University in New Orleans.
- CZHN 9/11972 Statement of Purpose : Institute for Peace and International Security - A Call to Action, Mission statement of the organization 1989/06
The statement expalins why now is the time they must act with the intentions of ensuring common security, especially by preventing the use of nuclear warfare. ~ MA
- CZHN 10/12966 Statement : Department of the Treasury: Internal Revenue Service - Privacy Act Notice 1989/06
States how it is mandatory under law to file a return or statement with them for any tax that you are liable for. It also states that if you do not file the returns you could be liable for criminal prosecution.
- CZHN 10/13743 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Professor Gilligan 1989/0601
Estimate they have for now is for a probable length of 50 pages with cover in the quantity of about 1000 or 1500 copies of the ROTC Report. Want the copies to be sent to the presidents of all Catholic colleges and universities and feel copies should go to all bishops as well. Hope that the Institute will be able to fund this project. Have continued to receive positive comments on the ROTC report minus one who saw it as evidence of "Eastern elitism" worthy of the writer's "trash basket".
- CZHN 10/13735 Corrrespondence : Gordon, National Director - Letter to James Duhamel 1989/0601
Says that the question he raised can be answered simply: "though some of us have objected in the past to chaplaincy and other military ads in Catholic publications, neither Pax Christi or the Center has taken an official stand as an organization. Says that although his response may not be satifactory, he recognizes that this is a sensitive balance between the needs of an individual in the ranks of military and the purpose of the chaplaincy. This is a quandry for many chaplains.
- CZHN 8/11557 Postcard : Eileen - Note to Gordon 1989/0601
She is happy to hear the Notre Dame Press picked up CATHOLIC'S AND HITLER'S WARS; she would appreciate a copy to review. She too will miss the National Council, and says things are happening fast as Hungary joined the consensus acceptance of the Second C.O. resolution.
- CZHN 8/11508 Correspondence : Henry Maiden - Letter to Gordon on behalf of the CCCO 1989/0602
Thanks him for his $50 contribution, and states that it was good to see him in DC, and he would like to visit him on Boston. ~ PA
- CZHN 8/11548 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Peggy 1989/0606
He is enclosing a piece he would like to submit to COMMONWEAL that was rejected by a journal. He describes the issue it deals with and why he feels they would and should be interested in it.
- CZHN 8/11555 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Steve Allen 1989/0606
He has read his latest contribution to CRITIC and thanks him for his statements which he found "boosting". He updates about his research on Jaegerstaetter, and the work that has sprouted from his research.
- CZHN 8/11551 Correspondence : Henry Gosselin - Letter to Gordon on behalf of Church World 1989/0606
They are interested in publishing his socio/theological view on gay rights, and he apologizes for the way the discussion went on the subject as it made many emotional and nasty. They are not interested in his pieces on the ROTC, but thank him. ~ ME
- CZHN 10/13773 Correspondence : Gordon, National Director - Letter to Mr. David Hershey-Webb 1989/0607
Says as promised he talked to a number of people at the NISBCO meeting about the letter Mr. Hershey had received from Selective Service. Furthermore, he says that they contended that they had not seen such a letter before, but were aware that registrations after the age of 26 were not being accepted. There have been no late registration prosecutions, so those Gordon spoke with did not share his concern that appealing the denial of benefits would be a touchy subject. However, suggests that he writes to NISBCO's staff attorney, Charles Maresca for suggestions of who he should contact for pro bono legal assistance or advice. Also suggests asking Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors.
- CZHN 9/11910 Correspondence : Leah Rogne - Letter to Gordon 1989/0608
She requests copies of his Ph.D. dissertation and M.A. thesis, asking that the cost of aquiring them be sent to her. She discusses her progress in her studies and notes that Mulford Sibley recently died. ~ MN
- CZHN 8/11573 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Ms Rogne 1989/0609
He has finally read her letter regarding her dissertation project; he finds the subject of to be very interesting. He suggests areas she may decide to explore and sources that may prove helpful.
- CZHN 8/11554 Correspondence : Mary Lou Kownacki - Letter to Gordon on behalf of the Pax Christi 1989/0609
She enjoyed his write-up in the NCR and is sending him his requested copis of WORDS OF PEACE by Merton, and payment for his editing efforts.
- CZHN 8/11543 Postcard : Art - Card to Gordon 1989/0609
Thanks Gordon for the "clear" word on Jaegerstaetter, and mentions how sad it is when things are printed irresponsibly. ~ NY
- CZHN 6/09012 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Annie 1989/0611
Annie is getting a new puppy. Gordon hopes it will be house-trained by the time he visits. ~ Boston, MA
- CZHN 9/11879 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Fr. Brummel 1989/0612
He is submitting an article to possibly be used as a "sounding board" to the editor of US Catholic: "Gay Rights: A Socio/Theological View" ~ MA
- CZHN 10/13777 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Tom 1989/0612
Pleased by Pat Windsor's coverage of the ROTC survey. Enclosing a piece which he might consider as an "opinion" feature. Asks if someone at the NCR might be willing to do a review on the new edition of GERMAN CATHOLICS AND HITLER'S WARS; will send him a copy.
- CZHN 8/11538 Correspondence : Rev. Joe Turner - Letter to Gordon on behalf of the Catholic War Veterans 1989/0612
They state that his prior response denying support is ridiculous and they yet again ask him to endorse their cause to re-submit Amendment 48, The Military Chaplains Faith Balance Act. ~ PA