Documents Arranged Chronologically
- CZHN 9/12761 Correspondence : Rev. Robert Certain - Letter to Gordon 1989/1110
He was surprised to hear from Gordon and remembers him well. He is distressed that the Air Force refused his usage of a survey that Gordon helped create: information derived from it would have been very valuable to the nation. He updates Gordon on what he has been up to and where he would like his work to go. ~ TN
- CZHN 10/13811 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Tom 1989/1113
Glad to get his revised draft of the Pacifism / CO chapter and was happy to see that his comments on the earlier draft were helpful. Still gives some suggestions of points he may want to add or expand on such as concerning his discussion of Pax Christi. Also, lists some minor grammar corrections he should make.
- CZHN 6/08965 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Geraldine 1989/1114
He spends the majority of the letter discussing the "ring-size question." He also mentions Mike's housewarming party, a trip to the ear doctor, and an NFL report where Mike Ditka blew his top off. ~ Boston, MA
- CZHN 9/11898 Correspondence : Walton Collins - Letter to Gordon on behalf of the Notre Dame Magazine 1989/1114
They explain why they recently sent him a check for his article in his name, and apologize for any problems this may have caused for his bookkeeping. He notes that they would be happy to mention the new edition of his book in his I.D. line of the most recent article submitted. ~ Notre Dame, IN
- CZHN 10/13799 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Rev. Dennis M. Corrado 1989/1116
Still has not heard from him regarding the tentative speaking date Fr. Hinchey and Gordon had discussed in June for the weekend of Dec. 16; would appreciate a confirmation of a cancellation or postponement. Mentions the situation with Msgr. Sarno's and his controversial dissertation. Says he wrote him two letters regarding the disseration, but both were ignored.
- CZHN 10/13818 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Father Fuchs 1989/1117
Agrees with his assesment of the Jaegerstaetter / Sarno issue. However, does not think that this matter can be dismissed simply as a matter of incidental "opinion". Says that because Msgr. Sarno is a member of the Congregation of the Canonization of Sainsts his "opinion" could and does reflect a higher policy judgement that needs to be challenged. However, Gordon admits that is unsure how far he should go in pursuing this particular issue.
- CZHN 10/13830 Correspondence : Mike W. Hovey - Letter to First Trade Union Savings Bank 1989/1117
Enclosing the Center's check for $60,000 to cover the purchase of a one-year CD to be issued in the name, "Center on Conscience and War (LJ Fund)". Also mentions that as the enclosed application form indicates the two approved signatories are himself and Gordon. However, confims that only one signature is needed to terminate the CD.
- CZHN 9/11871 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Dale 1989/1120
He is enclosing his commentary on Sheldon Vanauken which is a hundred words or so. He was pleased to see the review of GCHW, by Bill Miller and notes that most other reviews sent to journals and magazines are being ignored. ~ MA
- CZHN 9/11874 Correspondence : Michael Berenbaum - Letter to Gordon 1989/1122
He has enclosed a copy of the galleys of Gordon's article "A Mosaic of Victims" for Gordon to finally proofread. He asks that Gordon limit corrections of typos and printing errors and asks for the manuscript back by 12/14. ~ Washington, DC
- CZHN 9/11870 Note : Dave - to Gordon 1989/1125
Thanks him for his response to Sheldon Vanauken, and on behalf of the New Oxford Review, he would love to publish it. ~ CA
- CZHN 6/09011 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Annette 1989/1128
Discusses Annette's disobediant dog, his finding of a grey suit, and Christmas gift suggestions for the family.
- CZHN 9/11908 Correspondence : Leila Little - Letter to Gordon on behalf of The Pilot 1989/1128
She has received his letter and read his last article in Commonweal. As the editor of The Pilot she strongly supports the role of the traditional family as the basic unit of society; abortion and homosexuality cause society to lose its essence and reason for being ~ MA
- CZHN 10/13828 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to "Your Eminence" 1989/1129
Sending him a copy of his Commonweal article on the subject of gay rights legislation. Says an abbreviated version of the article appeared on the "Sounding Board" feature in the October U.S. Catholic. His issue is not with homosexual orientation nor with homosexual practices, but is rather an issue concerning basic justice.
- CZHN 10/13808 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Doug 1989/1129
Enclosing the ROTC report and baseball news. Also says he is becoming depressed about Mike's approaching departure.
- CZHN 10/13824 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Mary Evelyn 1989/1129
Thought she would be interested in seeing the final, printed copy of the ROTC report and welcomes any of her comments. However, says that he is writing to ask if she has had any opportunity to pursue the issue of Pax Christi / Berliner Konferenz contacts in her discussions with Etienne. Says the "Open Letter" has not yet been published in the BK Report.
- CZHN 10/13788 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Mr. Michael Barenbaum 1989/1129
Enclosing his proofs for his contribution to A MOSAIC OF VICTIMS with three minor corrections. Lists the three corrections. Looks forward to see when the volume is completed and finally published. Mentions that his first and very controversial 1962 book, GERMAN CATHOLICS AND HITLER'S WARS, has been re-released by the University of Notre Dame Press.
- CZHN 9/11868 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to his Eminence 1989/1129
He is sending his article on "gay rights" that was publilshed in the CommonWeal. He goes on to explain his views, why he feels the gay should be treated compassionately, and to express his concern over the pending legislation. ~ MA
- CZHN 10/13822 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Carol 1989/1130
Thanks her for sending the clipping and copy of her submitted text. Also, says they have sent a letter to the editor of which he encloses a copy, which he hopes will be published. Mentions that editors have a way of trimming and re-arranging things that often weakens or distorts points that one wants to make -- not with a malicious intent, but rather in an attempt to "spice up" the story. However, says that when they spliced up their article it really reversed the position they were trying to make.
- CZHN 10/13837 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Ms. Margaret Cronyn, Editor of The Michigan Catholic 1989/1130
Believes that their Nov. 10 article concerning the Center's position regarding military chaplains gave a very misleading impression of the Center's stance. Instead of commenting that priests should not serve as military chaplains, as reported in the article, they actually argued that as long as there are Catholics in the military they need and deserve the spiritual ministry of a chaplain. Asks that they publish a corrective article to clarify their position.
- CZHN 10/12992 Notice : Seligman Tax-Exempt Fund Series, Inc. - Important Notice 1989/12
Gives information on the year end statement.
- CZHN 10/13806 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Father Dan 1989/1204
Says he received his letter and must respond by saying that he is not much of a "retreat type" and certainly would not be interested in giving one. So he must reject his invitation, but does not want his rejection to put a bad note on what he is sure some will find as a source of spiritual enrichment and moral re-dedication.
- CZHN 9/11895 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Fr. Dan 1989/1204
He regretfully rejects their invitation for him to participate in their retreat, as he feels he would be a dud in such a situation.
- CZHN 10/13832 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Ms. Kathleen McCourt, Acting Dean of College of Arts and Sciences at Loyola University of Chicago 1989/1204
Enclosing a copy of the ROTC report she had requested. Asks her to extend his personal greetings to those who are still "on the scene" at Lake Shore and Lewis Towers. Says that he is retired with "emeritus" rank from the University of Massachusetts in Boston, but it is an active retirement because he is a full-time volunteer at the Center.
- CZHN 10/13834 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Mary Lou 1989/1205
His reason for writing is to ask the Magazine to publish the following as a letter or news item: the canonization attempts for Jaegerstaetter and why they are not yet succeeding.
- CZHN 9/11869 Correspondence : Rev. Msgr. William Murphy - Letter to Gordon 1989/1205
The cardinal received his last letter and appreciates Gordon's commitment and "sanguine approach" to important questions. He states that he does not feel that Gordon made his point in the article in Commonweal and argues the point of "gay rights" from the perspective of the church. Homosexuality breaks the basis of family that the Church uses as its foundation. ~ MA
- CZHN 9/11861 Correspondence : John Swomley - Letter to Gordon 1989/1206
He was not impressed with Weigel and, thanks Gordon for his own critique of Tranquilitas Ordinis. He too has been suspicious that Fellowship is writing them off, but recommends that Gordon follow suit and hang in there. ~ MO
- CZHN 10/13847 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Ms. Leila H. Little 1989/1207
Pleased to get her letter, but says she misses his major point. Says he recognizes the crucial importance of a stable family, but he still insists that the basic unit of society is the person and that the basic rights of that person are not to be denied or ignored. Brings up the issue of abortion and says the unborn child should be recognized as a person to be born and should be given a protection of their rights. Wishes that their exchange will not be published, but rather discussed with the other editors of The Pilot.
- CZHN 9/11907 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Ms. Leila Little 1989/1207
He responds to a letter of hers, and argues his view as to why gay people should be able to enjoy the same civil rights and backing from the church regarding these rights as heterosexuals. He makes an example of abortion and an aborted fetus, and closes by asking her not to publish their exchanges.
- CZHN 10/13797 Correspondence : Michael W. Hovey - Letter to Congressman Neal 1989/1207
Writing to second the recommendation made by Fr. Robert Drinan in the National Catholic Reporter calling for Congress to terminate the present Selective Service registration requirements and program. Makes this call for termination in light of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and President Carter's response to resume draft registration as a message of protest. In addition, says that the expenditures needed to maintain full-scale operations of the Selective Service System should be a major consideration when the nation is burdened with a record-breaking deficit.
- CZHN 10/13791 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Herr Guske 1989/1208
Pleased to have his summary of "25 Years BK". Says that since he has not heard anything further about the "Open Letter" he will assume a later decision was made not to publish it in the BK-Report after all. Hope that a friendlier relationship lies in the future for BK and Pax Christi.
- CZHN 10/13804 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Ms. Anne Smith, Executive Director of CUA Magazine 1989/1208
Would like some confirmation that they are not going to publish his article. If he does not hear anything by end of the month, he will simply accept that as a definite rejection.
- CZHN 9/11860 Christmas Card : Br. Robert Smith - to Gordon 1989/1210
Thanks him for the information on nonviolence and pacificism, which have helped him become well prepared for his workshops. ~ MN
- CZHN 10/13825 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Mary Evelyn 1989/1212
Appreciates the work she has been doing with the International. Says the next project of the Center is to probe the level of moral guidance and formation being provided in Catholic High Schools. The three International booklets arrived yesterday; asks for another set if possible for his friends at the Military Archdiocese; discusses their odd relationship. Also asks if she has seen the three-page article on Haiti in The New Yorker that deals with the reputed Protestant role in the overthrow of "Baby Doc".
- CZHN 10/13815 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Sr. Loretta Carey, RDC, Director of Center for Education for Justice and Peace at Fordham Univ. 1989/1212
Enclosing a copy of the Center's recent Report on ROTC and Catholic higher education. Thinks it deserves mention at Friday's conference, but says Mike and himself will not be able to attend. Conferences like the one they are putting on hold great promise for letting students at all levels of Catholic education to a fuller awareness of the Church's committment to peace and justice.
- CZHN 6/08481 Correspondence : Dr. Gordon Zahn - Letter to Loretta and Richard 1989/1215
Asks where they have been because he has not gotten a response to a letter written two months ago. He goes through a list of accounts from the "New Yorker" on what it is like to live in California, to give reason for the lack of response. Then he speculates that they may have passed the ROTC Report to each other. Things at the center are slow and he is trying to write in an effort to stir up controversy. He speculates that when Mike leaves the center will be on stand-by. Mike is going to the Holy Land to represent PAX-CHRISTI USA; he will write soon. He also asks for a copy of the paper Loretta gave at the convention last summer because she could have some data he could use when he revises the "recycled piece."
- CZHN 10/13831 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Loretta and Richard 1989/1215
Worried because he has not heard from them for two months and has been reading accounts in the New Yorker concerning what it is like to live in California. The Notre Dame edition of GERMAN CATHOLICS AND HITLER'S WARS hasn't even been attacked by The Wanderer; all of the reviews he has seen thus far have been favorable. His "Auschwitz / Carmelite" article will be in the Spring Notre Dame Magazine. Wishes them a happy holiday.
- CZHN 10/13844 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Sherry 1989/1218
Asks her not to think his inability to attend the morning's meeting of the retired faculty expresses a lack of interest, he simply had to watch over the Center. Wishes her and Jim a happy Christmas.
- CZHN 10/12991 Statement : The Seligman Group of Mutual Funds - Statement of account for the year to date. 1989/1218
States that the summary of the total shares owned by Gordon is $1,069. ~ MA
- CZHN 7/09256 Card : Muriel - to Gordon 1989/1219
A Merry Christmas card and a Happy New Year. Also an update on how they are doing and a joke on the "Green house effect"
- CZHN 10/13910 Correspodence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to HE 1989/1219
Responding to his letter requesting comments on his Dorothy Day piece. Before he begins these comments, he prefaces them with the statement that he should pursue the project even though the comments by Gordon may encourage him not to do so. Says that what HE has written is not an article (it is too long), but is rather a good idea for a pamphlet or booklet. Despite his criticisms, he believes that it is a good writing on Dorothy Day and tells a story that deserves to be told.
- CZHN 10/13877 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Coleman McCarthy 1989/1219
Says his piece in the December 15 NCR is excellent. Mentions that it touches upon something that the Center has been involved in which he thinks might interest him. Enclosing a copy of the Center's report on ROTC in Catholic Higher Education. Says that any help he can give in bringing broader attention to the Report would be appreciated.
- CZHN 10/13927 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Don 1989/1219
Brings him up to date on the recent events in regards to Franz Jaegerstaetter's canonization movement before he leaves to Europe where he will hopefully meet with Bishop Aichern.
- CZHN 9/11863 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Harvey Egan 1989/1219
He responds to the last letter, with a critique of his Dorothy Day report. He begins by apologizing if he seems hyper-critical, and closes with a recommendation that Harvey go on with the report, as it is a good effort.
- CZHN 10/13826 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Patricia and Bart 1989/1219
Says his hopes for a trip to England this year have disappeared and hopes to go next year. Planning to attend the Pax Christi International in Vienna and plans a flight to England as a sort of side trip from there. In addition, discusses the doctoral dissertation from a Gregorian scholar dealing with Franz Jaegerstaetter, who wrongfully characterized Franz Jaegerstaetter as a "total pacifist". Also mentions that work at the Center of Conscience and War has fallen off, which could put them out of business and force Gordon into early retirement. But they are not complaining.
- CZHN 10/13882 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Tom 1989/1219
Suspects he will not want to change what he has already written in his final draft of the chapter, but hopes the enclosed material will be of some value. Also, says he is leaving for his two-week stay in Milwaukee. Hopes he has a splendid holiday.
- CZHN 9/11865 Correspondence : Elizabeth Gray - Letter to Gordon on behalf of Harvard University 1989/1228
He has been appointed Field Education Supervisor for Sept. 1, 1989 to june 30, 1990, subject to the third statute of the University. ~ MA
- CZHN 10/12986 Notice : Paine-Webber - Important Notice Regarding Tax Withholding Information and your Account" 1989/1228
States that under Federal Income Tax law, you are required to provide your correct Taxpayer Identification Number or SSN. Also, states that if it is not received you will be subject to penalties.
- CZHN 10/13002 Statement : United States Trust Co. of New York - 1989 Year-End Principal Distribution Statement 1989/1231
States that Gordon's Gross Proceeds Reported to the IRS was $10.10. ~ New York
- CZHN 4/05192 Document : "Just Peace" Journal of Pax Christi International Catholic Movement for Peace 198?
On page 2 of the newsletter the Annual Assembly in Milwaukee is mentioned along with Gordon's name in relation to his address on Pax Christi and its relationship to the institutional church and to his introduction to the film "The Refusal."
- CZHN 4/05252 Document : A form from Who's Who in America for Gordon's records. 198?
Vol. 42
- CZHN 4/05293 Document : Gordon Zahn 198?
Book review of Terror in Ireland: The Heritage of Hate by Edgar O'Ballance and Never Again Without a Rifle: The Origins of Italian Terrorism by Alessandro Silj in WORLDVIEW. ~ Gordon says the two books under review deal with the outbreaks in Ireland and Italy. O'Ballance provides a helpful historical summary, but it is more like an accountant's tabulation of events than an account of the full tragedy. Silj gives an esoteric interpretation of the conflicting modes and variations of ideology of the various groups and their leaders. Gordon says that both books lack objective evaluation of the nature and efficacy of terrorism and how it has changed in modern times. He says, however, that booth books deserve serious attention. ~ WORLDVIEW ~ 29-30
- CZHN 4/05361 Document : Gordon Zahn 198o
"The Institutional Church and Peace" ~ 4-page transcript of a presentation given to the Pax Christi National Assembly in Milwaukee ~ Gordon discusses the negative aspects of the institutionalized church, and expresses his disappointment that the church has not made more progress toward the total renunciation of war and violence. However, he says that significant progress has been made and patience with the institutional church is needed because institutions are slow to change as well as individuals who also offer resistance. Gordon says that long vision and fortitude of endurance will be needed in working with the system and making the institutional church an effective instument against war and violence.
- CZHN 7/09271 Advertisment : Dick and Theresa - An advertisment and a note on the back to Gordon 1990
Note that this is the advertisment he indicated he wanted
- CZHN 6/08491 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Loretta and Richard 1990
Academic performance of Mr. Hovey. ~ Charlestown, MA
- CZHN 5/07138a Correspondence : Paul Garrity - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1990
Would like several copies of "Catholic Education and the Challenge of Peace" ~ n/a
- CZHN 8/10595 Correspondence : Tim ~ Letter to Gordon 1990
Enjoyed time with Mike, who was perfect for the job. Discusses Gordon's script, which is well done though will not do as it doesn't show Franz Jaegerstaetter the "ruffian". Recommends alterations; film could be a "big film", not just for classrooms.
- CZHN 11/14016 Essay : "Another Good War? A Dissenting View" 1990
Discusses the current situation with Saddam Hussein and his current military presence in Kuwait. Moreover, he states his disdain for the United States reaction to the situation by imposing a food blockade on Iraq until they move their troops out of Kuwait. He believes this reaction to be highly immoral.
- CZHN 5/07149 Financial Statement : Statement of financial condition for the National Interreligious Service Board for conscientious objectors. 1990
- CZHN 5/07181 Memorandum : Center on Conscience and War - Information memo regarding THE REFUSAL 1990
- CZHN 7/09261 Newspaper Article : Associated Press - "US judge stays California execution" 1990
The judge blocked next Tuesday's scheduled execution of convicted double murderer Robert Alton Harris, who would had become the first inmate executed in California in 23 years. The execution was blocked because the judge felt that the inmate did not recieve proper psychiatric help at the time of his trial.
- CZHN 10/13064 Note and Article : Jim - Note to Loretta and article by James Kelly 1990
The note states that he hopes all is well and asks that she send him things he should read. The article "Beyond Slogans: An Abortion Ethic for Women and the Unborn" as appeared in The Christian Century. His article discusses the political aspects of the abortion issue and the issues of treatment of fetuses and mothers, stating that any change in abortion laws should contain changes in treatment, including career, and healthcare for mothers and their children. ~ NY
- CZHN 11/14021 Notes : Quotes Relating to Persian Gulf Crisis 1990
From the Boston Globe and New Yorker concerning the food blockade on Iraq and how the U. S. made Saddam Hussein what he is today, a very powerful man. ~ 8/22 and 9/10
- CZHN 7/09249 Postcard : Jane Sammon - Postcard to Gordon 1990
Letter to Gordon to update his calendar on days to remember. Also an invitation to attend the remembering of Dorothy for anyone that might have reflection and to spread the word. ~ New York
- CZHN 5/07102 Manuscript : David Kast - Text on the Gulf War. 1990-1991
Manuscript entitled "From a Christian Point of View: A Look at the Current Gulf Crisis and America's Posture in Foreign Affairs. " ~ 12/22 - 1/3
- CZHN 10/13014 Correspondence : AARP Investment Program - Informational Letter 1990/01
Provides information on the 1099-DIV section of the tax form, which gives a record of your taxable dividends and / or capital gains earned from AARP Fund Accounts. ~ MA
- CZHN 10/13009 Correspondence : AARP Investment Program - Informational letter 1990/01
Information concerning preparing the 1989 income tax returns. ~ MA
- CZHN 10/13010 Correspondence : AARP Investment Program - Informational letter 1990/01
Provides information to help in preparing the 1989 income tax returns with respect to the AARP Insured Tax Free Short Term Fund Account. ~ MA
- CZHN 10/13016 Correspondence : Joyce N. Fensterstock, President Paine-Webber Mutual Funds - Letter to Gordon from Mitchell Hutchins from Asser Management Inc. 1990/01
Information for Gordon concerning his investment in Paine-Webber's Tax-Exempt Income Fund. ~ New York, NY
- CZHN 10/13017 Publication : Seligman Tax-Exempt Fund Massachusets Series - Important Tax Information 1990/01
Dividends, gain distribution, and Form 1099-Div.
- CZHN 10/13874 Memo : Mike Hovey - Memo to Coordinating Committee and Advisory Council Members regarding 1989 report 1990/0101
Says it has been a year of much satisfaction mixed with some feelings of disappointment. The satisfaction stemming from the several successful projects of the Center and the disappointment because of the lessening demand for the kind of service the Center was established to perform. In addition, mentions that the Center's financial needs, though not eliminated altogether, are not as urgent as has been the case since it was founded.
- CZHN 9/11864 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Fr. Jerome Schommer 1990/0110
He writes that he very much enjoyed Fr. Schommer's "Enthusiasm for Christ" theme in his last Sunday's sermon, describing the most moving parts. He mentions Franz Jaegerstaetter and his martyrdom and requests some help from the priest to pass along reading regarding Franz.
- CZHN 10/13919 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to George 1990/0110
Says that Bishop Aichern and Cardinal Koenig are optimistic about Franz's canonization. Enclosing an article of his from THE FAMILY published by the Daughters of St. Paul. Also, in answer to his question Gordon responds that contributions are always needed for the Center. He encloses a copy of the ROTC report as an example of the kind of thing the Center hopes to do ("ROTC in Catholic Higher Education").
- CZHN 10/13913 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Mr. Goeringer 1990/0115
Responding to his article on Franz Jaegerstaetter, with which he was very pleased. Glad to see this story get to new and broader audiences. However, states some of his hesitancies with his interpretation. Also, mentions that the canonization efforts being promoted by Bishop Aichern of Linz along with Cardinal Koenig have encountered considerable opposition from veterans because they believe his objection to service was political, not religious.
- CZHN 10/13904 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Professor Gilligan 1990/0115
Checking to see if the copies of the ROTC report reached them ("ROTC in Catholic Higher Education"). Says that while the report did not quite make the "splash" they hoped it would, it was still well worth the time and effort. Mentions that as a follow-up to the report the Center is currently in the preliminary stages of an inquiry into the extent to which contemporary moral teachings on war, peace, conscientious objection, etc., are being covered in Catholic High Schoools.
- CZHN 10/13890 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Sr. Donna William Giaimo, Assistant Editor of The Family 1990/0115
Expresses his gratitude for her check and the generous supply of copies of the January issue. Mentions that she should check to see if there has a mistake regarding officer outine in the case of the article. Thanks her also for returning the Jaegerstaetter photos; wishes he had a copy of the snapshot Franz's daughter made of the window in Vienna's Votivekirche. Asked Pax Christi Austria to have postcards with the snapshot on it, but they have been as of yet unable to do so.
- CZHN 9/11857 Correspondence : Robin Winks - Letter to Prof. Zahn 1990/0115
He graciously thanks Gordon for a long ago received copy of William Slavick's paper on Joeseph Altsheler, which he says he yet again rekindled his enthusiasm for Altsheler. ~ Connecticut
- CZHN 9/11858 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Brother Pat 1990/0116
He thanks Pat for the card and answers no, he has not yet received his Weigel review. He goes on to discuss upcoming changes at the Center he dedicates his time to and notes that his report on the ROTC in Catholic Higher Education is now published and available, though he is sending a review copy free should Pat want to make note of it on Abbey publications.
- CZHN 10/13908 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Brother Pat 1990/0116
Responding to her card, says he has not received the issue with his Weigel review. Also tells of the changes in the upcoming year for the Center including the departure of Mike Hovey. In addition, mentions that since their report on "ROTC in Catholic Higher Education" has been published the Center is now focusing on doing a study on how much or how little attention is given to the issues of war and peace in Catholic high schools.
- CZHN 5/07090 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to J. L Brouhard 1990/0118
Zahn is sending him some of the materials the the Center uses for inquiries about conscientious objection.
- CZHN 10/13922 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Mary Evelyn 1990/0118
Got her letter, says that everyone is preparing compositions for the San Francisco convocation; however says he does not see any overlap in the approach she will be using in her composition because he will be referring to Pax Christi as one of the major "social movements" and will not be referring to its relationship to religious systems. Also, says that the BK Report did publish his Open Letter. Asks if she knows anything about the Chairman of the BK Presidium, Franco Leonori.
- CZHN 10/13906 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Michael 1990/0118
Responding to his letter. Discusses current problems with the Center. Says that there has recently been a shift in the Center's basic objectives and operations to more of a focus on the "formation of conscience" of young people along with a closer relationship with the Military Archdiocese. In addition, mentions the departure of Mike Hovey and that rather than searching for a replacement for the Center they are looking rather for a temporary reduction in operations.
- CZHN 10/13759 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Paul 1990/0122
Enclosing a notice of the "Celebration of Conscience" and hopes he can persuade him to consider attending the Bryn Mawr affair. As the former ACCO representative at NSBRO, now NISBCO, he thinks Paul will be able to provide a kind of "official Catholic presence". Gordon says he will not be able to attend because the annual Pax Christi Assembly is scheduled for the same weekend. Talks about the Center and its loosing Mike Hovey to teaching.
- CZHN 10/13733 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Walter 1990/0122
Says he talked to Fr. Paul on Friday and agreed to be present at the anniversary celebration and do the reading. Also mentions Mike's anticipated departure for school in the Fall, which would make it advisable for them to change the location of the Center to a location that is more convenient for Gordon; possibly St. Cecilia's. Recommends that he talk to Mike Groden first.
- CZHN 10/13726 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Bishop Aichern 1990/0123
Enclosing a corrected copy of his text of Franz's prison statement which he had hastily typed from his notes. Hopes the full original prison statement has been located because he thinks it is pivotal evidence to show the Congregation in Rome.
- CZHN 6/09001 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Geraldine with an attached artcle. 1990/0123
Sarcastically comments on the attached article which warns against the danger of oat bran. Mentions that Annie is suffering with mites and that he is fighting off a 5-week-old cold. ~ Boston, MA
- CZHN 10/13732 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Ms. Anne Smith, Executive Director of CUA Magazine at the Catholic Institute of America 1990/0123
Asking to see if she has had an opportunity to read over the manuscript he submitted in October.
- CZHN 10/13015 Correspondence : Stephen W. Topp - Letter to Gordon from the Calvert Group 1990/0124
Provides the Calvert Group Funds that paid taxable dividends in 1989, the various sources of such income to the Funds, and the percentage each such source contributed to dividends. It is provided in order to help in preparing the 1989 state income tax returns. ~ MD
- CZHN 7/09257 Card : Bro. Pat - Letter to Gordon 1990/0125
Thank you for the booklet Zahn sent him that he will try to put into circulation.
- CZHN 10/13920 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to George 1990/0126
Thanks him for his generous contribution. Says Mike was pleased with his letters to the Congressman because he is especially sensitive to the El Salvador / Nicaragua / Peru situation. Mentions that the Center is supporting the NISBCO efforts to have Selective Service defunded. Also in regards to NISBCO, hopes George will attend the Center's "Celebration of Conscience" on Aug 3-5 at Bryn Mawr.
- CZHN 10/13870 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Rev. George W. Hunt, Editor in Chief of America 1990/0126
Enclosing an article for their consideration. Says the article deals with his learning of a dissertation last June and his response letter to that disseration followed by another response letter both of which were not acknowledged by the Monsignor who had submitted the dissertation. Hopes to hear from them soon.
- CZHN 10/13872 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Brother Paul 1990/0129
Enclosing the draft of a questionnaire the Center is planning to send to the religious studies directors at a sample of diocesan and private high schools. Says that he and Mike believe the project has a two-fold purpose: to get some idea of how well the issues with which the Center is concerned are being dealt with in the high schools, and to raise some questions in the minds of respondents to think of issues that are possibly being ignored. Finally, mentions that Paul McLaughlin left for Rome, and said that they should consider a visit to Marlboro in mid-February.
- CZHN 10/13888 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Erna 1990/0129
Says that he recently checked over his notes on the Prison Statement and found that the typed version he rushed through was full of typing errors, so he corrected it. Also, mentions that he wrote an article titled, "How Narrow the Gate?" and hopes it will be published. The article deals with the canonization process and the "Sarno obstacle". Finally, mentions that the Pax Christi International meeting is in Vienna this year and Gordon may be a delegate.
- CZHN 10/13911 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to HCHP Dental 1990/0129
Says that since he has transferred to the Milk St. Center it would be most convenient for him to switch his dental work to the Dentistry Department at that location as well. Hopes they would arrange to transfer his dental records to them as soon as possible.
- CZHN 10/13915 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Loretta Morris 1990/0129
Says that Mike has been back for two weeks; however they have not, as of yet, been able to set a fixed date for LA. Mentions that they would wish to make a couple of "honoraria-paying" talks to cover part of their costs. Also, Gordon mentions that he wishes to see Martin Sheen again. In addition, states that he made a "gag" reference for Mike's graduate school applications. Finally, lists possible dates for the trip to LA.
- CZHN 10/13062 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Loretta 1990/0129
He describes the possibilities of his dates for a visit to Los Angeles, and that if he and Mike come they would like to do a few paying talks to cover costs, asking if UCLA has a funded Newman Group. He states he would like to try seeing Martin Sheen again and closes proposing possible dates for his visit.
- CZHN 10/13013 Correspondence : AARP Investment Program - Informational letter 1990/01
Information for those who owned shares of the AARP Insured Tax Free General Bond Fund. ~ MA
- CZHN 10/13933 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Mr. Titus Peachey from the Mennonite Central Committee 1990/0202
Saw that the Personnel Committee meeting is scheduled for February 12th and that he plans on being there. Gives his travel plans surrounding the meeting.
- CZHN 10/13930 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Dr. Ronald G. Musto 1990/0205
Says he did send a recommendation to the Guggenheim people and that he would be happy to do the same for the MacArthur application. Also, says he was not aware that the second part of his over-all project was published by Garland. Finally, discusses the fact that he is on the Pax Christi USA book-judging panel and mentions the current state of the Center.
- CZHN 10/13912 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Jenifer Maxfield from Indiana University Press 1990/0205
Enclosing a copy of his completed Reader's Report on Ms. Eller's manuscript. Recommends a favorable decision on the manuscript and hopes that a part of it will come out in paperback form because his own experience with hardback with university press publication was mixed. Also, in regards to promotion hopes the books will benefit from the number of commemorative WWII activities that will take place over the next couple of years.
- CZHN 10/13901 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Molly 1990/0205
Responding to her question about THE REFUSAL, says that it is now possible to buy a copy of the videotape from them for $35 plus postage. Mentions that he was pleased when she said that Franzeska was willing to go along with the book possibility and says she is wise to get Erna's blessing because of a possessiveness on her part to everything related to Franz Jaegerstaetter. Mentions that he is troubled by the thought that the Prison Statement, a crucial element in the canonization process, may be lost. Finally, discussses Mike Hovey's departure and what it means for the future of the Center.