University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame

America - Europe

A Transatlantic Diary 1961 - 1989

Klaus Lanzinger

Innsbruck, [Beginning of August], 1969

The Devaluation of the Franc

On Friday, August 8, the French franc was devaluated by the new French government at a moment when nobody had expected it. The devaluation was 11.1%. What effect the devaluation of the franc will have on the European Economic Community remains to be seen. French tourists abroad have again been surprised and severely hurt by this action.

As the political crisis in Europe is continuously ongoing, it is already accepted as normal. Thereby, the abnormal is seen as normal and the political activity remains oriented to the bizarre. Europe got used to a completely upside down and disproportionate understanding of the present world situation. The desire for unity and a solution of the European problems is thwarted again and again by the divided Continent.

Nixon’s Visit to Romania

As the first American president, Richard Nixon visited a communist country in the East Bloc. The enthusiasm by which he was received came as a surprise and showed how much the people in the East Bloc countries are receptive to the West. For a moment the anonymity was broken, one could see the real emotions of the people behind the Iron Curtain. The question though remains unanswered whether the visit of President Nixon was a Greek gift, and whether Romania may meet the same fate as Czechoslovakia.

[In the second half of August 49 students from the University of Notre Dame and St. Mary’s College arrived in Salzburg for a year of studies in Austria. On their long journey by boat and railroad from New York via Paris to Salzburg, the group was accompanied by a priest from Notre Dame. The Salzburg Summer School of the Austrian-American Society was located in the annex of the Klesheim Palace. The main purpose of the five week summer session was further German language instruction in preparation for the academic year in Innsbruck. The German language courses were taught in cooperation with the Goethe Institute. Until the end of August, there was also the opportunity to visit some of the performances of the Salzburg Festival.]

[[The Reverend Leon Mertensotto, CSC, had accompanied the student group to Salzburg. He served as Chaplain of the Program during the academic year in Innsbruck 1969-70.]]

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