University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame

America - Europe

A Transatlantic Diary 1961 - 1989

Klaus Lanzinger

South Bend, [Middle of December], 1975

A Wave of Terror

Although the world is experiencing at this time a period of peace and is not immediately threatened by war, the terror of radical splinter groups has spread horror all over the world. At first hostages were held for weeks in Holland, then the conference of the OPEC ministers in Vienna was raided. And now, a delayed-action bomb placed in the luggage checking area of the La Guardia Airport in New York exploded and indiscriminately hit passengers during the main traveling season. Eleven persons were killed and 70 wounded. These acts of terror are unscrupulous crimes. What should one do in the face of the danger of terror attacks? Not to go to a railway station or a department store, not to step into an airport and fly anymore? Certainly not. There is no other choice but to get used to living with terror door to door.

South Bend, [End of December], 1975

The Holy Year Has Come to a Close

On Christmas Eve, Pope Paul VI closed the Porta Santa in the St. Peter’s Basilica, whereby the Holy Year 1975 has come to a close. The Year has been a call to meditation, to spiritual renewal and to reconciliation with God and among people. How much will happen until the Porta Santa will be opened again at Christmas 1999?

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