Innsbruck, [Beginning of September], 1977
�Frustriert� - this frequently used and misused word fits the present European mentality in a disquieting way. Conditions in Europe are apt to nourish frustration. The stiff social situation freezes human relations. Travels to far away continents are only an escape but no solution for the real problems. One problem is the fact that professional development is still constrained to national borders. Thereby, the young generation is being deprived of further personal growth and the chances of professional advancement. The older generation, whose life�s expectations have frequently been left unfulfilled, have, for a long time, already resigned. This widespread morose atmosphere festers distrust and narrows the view how the world is seen. There is a lack of vision how the future can be mastered and new opportunities for the young generation be opened beyond national borders. By this self-centered attitude and by continuously looking backward, there is the danger of an increasing suffocating provincialism and of failing to see what matters.