University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame

America - Europe

A Transatlantic Diary 1961 - 1989

Klaus Lanzinger

Innsbruck, May 10, 1978

On the Streets of Rome

The anxious assumptions of recent weeks and days have turned into dreadful certainty. The body of Aldo Moro was found in a car riddled with bullets on a side street in the center of Rome. The abduction and hostage taking of the 61 year old chairman of the DC, who had also served several times as prime minister, has come to a tragic end. The civilized world is facing a frightening puzzle: How unscrupulously fanatic, how atrocious must these criminal terrorists, who took the life of Aldo Moro, be? This does not concern Italy alone but all countries where the blank terror is doing its sinister work. Rarely has the whole of Europe mourned in solidarity for a statesman as in these days for Aldo Moro.

[Toward the end of our two year stay in Innsbruck, my wife and I took a tour through the Federal Republic of Germany. Our daughter Christine, who had returned to Innsbruck after the academic year in Notre Dame, joined us on this trip.]

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