University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame

America - Europe

A Transatlantic Diary 1961 - 1989

Klaus Lanzinger

April 10, 1978

Carter and Europe

President Carter is simply not understood in Europe. There has not been an American president in a long time who has met here with such little understanding and sympathy. The mistakes may probably lie on both sides. Carter’s human rights policy is regarded in Europe as daydreaming. But on the other hand, Carter has not made much of an effort to please Europe either. His Administration has so far not paid special attention to Europe’s problems. Furthermore, the weak dollar aggravates the situation because it makes it more and more difficult to export to America. Finally, President Carter’s decision to postpone the production of the neutron bomb has led to misunderstandings in Europe.

Innsbruck, April 12, 1978

Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften

Chancellor Dr. Bruno Kreisky mentioned yesterday in a television interview that the only book he had taken with him into emigration was Robert Musil, Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften (The Man Without Characteristics). This reminds me of an experience which I had myself with the book. Moving from Innsbruck to South Bend in 1971, a crate with books was shipped by surface freight. The crate had survived the transportation by boat across the Atlantic and the Great Lakes to Chicago. However, when it was delivered to the house, it fell from the truck on the driveway and broke apart. The first book I saw on top of the pile was Musil’s Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften. I certainly had not packed the thick volume for patriotic reasons, but took it along out of interest for the contemporary novel. Only in the course of time, have I become aware of the Austrian substance of this great work. Living abroad, one reads one’s own literature with greater interest and learns to appreciate its value.

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