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1786 Dec. 26
(Sieni), Cirilo (of Barcelona) tit. bp. of Tricali and
auxiliary bp. of Santiago de Cuba
to Father (Antonio de Sedella), auxiliary vicar Sedella is to reprehend Father (______) Chambon of Tours for presuming to hear confessions without faculties. Has already given the nuns permission to have Chambon as confessor. Received samples of the garments of the Ursulines. P.S.: He has just received news of the death of (Bernardo de) Galvez, Viceroy of New Spain. (Bernardo de) Galvez, Viceroy of New Spain. He orders Sedella to have the most solemn funeral services that the facilities of the parish will allow (in New Orleans).
IV-4-a A.L.S. 3pp. 8vo. (Spanish)