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1789 Aug. 27
Miro, Estevan, (Governor of Louisiana)
to (Cirilo Sieni of Barcelona) tit. bp. of Tricali
He is sending a certified copy of the royal decree of May 6,
Armesto, Andres Lopez
He certifies the following copy of the royal decree of May 6,
Royal decree of (Charles IV of Spain)
The king orders the publication of the following brief of Pius
VI and the edict of the governor of Rome, Ignatius (
Brief of Pius VI Having investigated and discovered that the book entitled, "Second Catholic Report etc., etc.," treats of the same subjects as the booklet "Catholic Report etc." which is full of lies and slanders against pope, kings, cardinals and priests and which was condemned on June 13, 1781, the pope hereby condemns the former book for the same reasons for which he condemned the latter. Signed by Romualdo Cardinal Braschi Onesti. A note dated Feb. 27, 1789 by Felipe de Saminiego says that this is a faithful rendition into Spanish of the original Italian.
Edict of Ignatius, Archbp. of Emesa Anyone whosoever who has one of these books entitled "Second Catholic Report, etc." hand it over within ten days or else be guilty of lese majeste. Rewards for informers. Note stating that this edict was posted, also printed at Rome. The king orders that his officials in America and in the Philippine Islands to see about the publishing and observing of these and inmposing the corresponding punishment on trespasses. Signed by Antonio Ventura de Taranco. A note on a separate sheet written probably by Cirilo and addressing Governor Miro acknowledged the receipt of the royal decree and states that the writer will give the matter ample attention.
IV-4-e A.D.S. 24pp. 8vo. (Spanish)