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1793 Feb. 26
Sedella, O.M.Cap., Father Antonio de, and Xerez, O.M.Cap.,
Father J(ose)ph de Documents in the inventory of the goods of father Antonio de Sedella and father J(ose)ph de Xerez, Capuchins, delivered by Bishop (Cirilo Sieni of Barcelona) through his pro-secretary, Father Igna(ci)o de Olot, O.M.Cap. to the Foreign Vicar, Father Theodoro (Thirso Henrique) Henriquez.
Quinones, Estevan de Henriquez, Advocate of the Royal Court of Mexico and San Domingo, Auxiliary Vicar-General to the see of Havana and its jurisdiction, and Vicar Forane, Ecclesiastical Judge of the Province of Louisiana, appointed by Bishop Felipe Jose(ph) de Tres Palacios, appeared (and testified that) Olot, to carry out Cirilo's order, had turned over the goods of Sedella and Xerez. (62 items are listed for Xerez, including receipts, letters, books, etc., and a slave named Babin and her four children. 111 items are listed for Sedella, including affidavits, letters, a map, receipts, petitions, etc. and a testimony concerning an ecclesiastic whose name is withheld). Henriquez's signature is copied as "Enrriquez"; Quinones certifies as a notary public and adds in notes following that copies were made of this inventory and sent to the Auxiliary on January 31 and that Henriquez ordered that there be included in this inventory a negress named Mary and her two sons, slaves belonging to Father Xerez. A.D.S. Copy (Spanish)
Perdomo, Rafael (Copy of) a deed of sale of a negress named Victoria to Xerez by J(ose)ph de Ortega y Diaz. Originally purchased from Fran(cis)co Badillo on January 23, 1786, she is sold for 350 pesos. Signed by Xerez; witnessed by Man(ue)l Monroy (?), Ant(oni)o Rodriq(ue)z and Fran(cis)co Carcas and signed by Perdomo as public notary. A.D.S. Copy (Spanish)
Ximenez, Carlos The above copy agrees with the original which is in the archives under Ximenez's care. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Henriquez, Father Theodoro Thirso Henrique The original of this inventory is to be sent to the diocesan Bishop (Felipe Joseph de Tres Palacios). Quinones signs as notary, and adds in a note that the above conforms to the original. A.D.S. Copy (Spanish)
Quinones, Estevan de As a notary, Quinones went to the house of Andres Almonester y Roxas and having made known to him the above decree they went to the houses belonging to Sedella and Xerez. They took charge of the houses and Almonester was made a trustee for the Capuchins. Almonester and Quinones signed. Quinones adds in a note of July 14 that the above conforms to the original. D.S. Copy (Spanish)
Quinones, Estevan de Complying with the preceding decree, Quinones turns over to Almonester, the negress Maria J(ose)pha and her two children and a mulatto named Fran(cis)ca. Signed by Almonester and Quinones who adds in a note that the above conforms to the original which is with the papers concerning Maria Josefa's suit for liberty. D.S. Copy (Spanish)
Quintanilla, (O.M.Cap.), Father Luis de As assistant at St. Luis Church, Quintanilla certifies to an entry in the parish books made by Father Diego de Carriedo, (O.M.Cap.) when assistant at St. Louis Church, that on September 20, 1792, he gave church burial to a little negress, a slave belonging to Sedella. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Henriquez, Father (Theodoro thirso Henrique) This item is to be added to the inventory of the goods of Sedella. D.S. (Spanish)
Caldes, O.M.Cap., Father Fran(cis)co
to (Father Theodoro Thirso Henrique Henriquez Having kept by order of Bishop Cirilo, the books belonging to Sedella which were found in his house after his departure for Europe, a list of which he encloses, Caldes asks that Henrique dispose of them at his convenience.
A.D.S. (Spanish)
Henriquez, father (Theodoro thirso Henrique) (Quinones) is to collect the books and add them to Sedella's inventory. Certified by Quinones. D.S. (Spanish)
Quinones, Estevan de To fulfill the above decree, Quinones went to the house of Caldes from whom he received the books on the list. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Quinones, Estevan de In accordance with the above decree Quinones went to the Foreign Vicar's house to verify the delivery of the contents of the attached list. This is signed by Henriquez. A.D.S. (Spanish)
IV-4-k D.S., A.D.S. Copies (Spanish) 28pp. 4to.