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1794 Aug. 20
Almonester y Roxas, Andres Anmonaster, a native of Amairena, Andalusia, and a resident of New Orleans, son of Mig(ue)l Jose Anmonaster and Juana Maria de Estada, being ill, makes his will: 1. He wishes to be buried in the Church of St. Louis which he built. 2. Masses are to be said and alms given. 3. His first marriage in Andalusia was to Maria Martinez, daughter of Nicolas (Martinez and Juana Gomez. Their son died soon after birth. 4. He was married a second time in New Orleans to Luisa Larrondet, daughter of Pedro (Larrondet) and Magdalena Broutin. In the dowry was the house used as the intendant's and auditor's office, facing the levee next to the governor's house which was left from the property of Theresa Gallard and Field Marshal Estevan Miro. 5. When he married the second time he had built St. Charles Hospital of Charity, the convent of the Ursulines and the Hospital of St. Lazarus. 6. and 7. Effects of his office as chief magistrate are to be turned over to his brother-in-law, Pedro Larrondet. 8-12. Bequests to the cathedral and hospital. 13. His mother-in-law is to receive 10 pesos a month. 14. Bequests to his sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law. 15. 1000 pesos to his nephew, son of Colonel Christoval Sejudo and Mariana Almonaster his deceased sister. 16. and 17. Bequests to the children of Juan Josef Trigueros and Josepha Almonaster, his sister. 18. Named as executors are his wife Luisa and Juan Ben(tu)ra Morales. The witnesses were Joseph Pontalva, Rafael Ramos and Ant(oni)o Rodrig(ue)z, Carlos Ximenez, notary.
IV-4-o D.S. Copy 7pp. 4to (Spanish)