1795 Aug. 24
Landry, Dionisio
Documents concerning the petition of Dionisio Landry for a
dispensation from the diriment impediment in the third degree,
equal, of consanguinity with Constanza Melanzon.
1795 Aug. 24
Landry, Dionisio
to Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas
1) Dionisio Landry from the parish of Iberville (Louisiana),
notifies the Bishop that he desires to marry Constanza Melanzon of
the same place, but that he could not do so because of diriment
impediment of consanguinity that exists between them.
2) Landry set forth this relationship as follows: a) that
Dionisio Landry of the parish of Iberville is the legitimate son of
Atanasio Landry and Magdalena Ebert. b) Constanza Melanzon, his
intended wife, is the legitimate daughter of Amando Melanzon and
Ana Baben; c) Atanasio Landry, his father, is the legitimate son of
Pedro Landry and Maria Baben; d) Ana Baben, mother of his intended
wife, is the legitimate daughter of Juan Baben and Maria Bourguie;
e) Maria Baben, Landry's paternal grandmother and Juan Baben,
grandfather of his intended wife, on the side of her mother, are
the legitimate children of Francisco Baben and Magdalena Bourque,
from which results the impediment of consanguinity in the third
degree, equal.
3) His grounds for dispensation are: a) in the parish of
Iberville almost all the families are relatives so that it is
difficult to marry strangers; b) his intended wife is orphaned of
her father; c) unless their marriage is confirmed they will be
exposed to human frailty.
4) Since these facts are considered sufficient, Dionisio Landry
begs the Bishop to grant them this dispensation and that Father
Buenaventura de Castro, O.M.Cap., pastor at Iberville may marry
them in the usual form.
--To this document is added the decree of the Bishop Penalver y
Cardenas ordering that the information presented by the party be
received and that the witnesses should appear and the results
brought in. Signed by the Bishop.
--To this is added a note by Rivas certifying that the above decree
was issued and signed by Bishop Penalver on Aug. 24, 1795.
--Another note by Rivas that on the same day he notified Dionisio
Landry of the above decree.
1795 Aug. 24
Rivas, J(ose)ph M(ari)a de, Secretary
(New Orleans)
Rivas certifies:
1) That Dionisio Landry appeared before him, and under oath,
answered the questions asked as follows: a) that his name is
Dionisio Landry from the parish of Iberville; b) that he is the
legitimate son of Atanasio Landry and Magdalena Ebert; c) that he
is 21 years old, unmarried and bound by no vow or marriage to
anyone other than Constanza Melanzon; d) he assures that he knows
of no other impediment.
2) Finally, Dionisio Landry swears that all he said is the truth
and Rivas signed the document at the request of Landry who cannot
--Immediately appeared Carlos Ebert, witness presented by Dionisio
Landry, who under oath testified as follows: a) that he knows
Dionisio Landry, legitimate son of Atanasio Landry and Magdalena
Ebert; b) that Constanza Melanzon from the same parish is the
legitimate daughter of Amando Molanzon and Ana Baben; c) that
Atanasio Landry, father of Dionisio Landry, is the legitimate son
of Pedro Landry and Maria Baben; d) that Ana Baben, mother of
Constanza Melanzon is the legitimate daughter of Juan Baben and
Maria Bourguie; e) Maria Baben, Landry's paternal grandmother and
Juan Baben, grandfather of his intended wife, on the side of her
mother, are the legitimate children of Francisco Baben and
Magdalena Bourque, from which results the impediment of
consanguinity in the third degree, equal; f) that in the parish of
Iberville it is publically known that most of the neighbors are
relatives; g) that it is also known that Constanza Melacon is
orphaned of her father; g) Finally he swears to the truth of his
statements and that he is 32 years old. Signed by Carlos Ebert and
notarized by Rivas.
--Immediately appeared Pablo Ebert, another witness presented by
Dionisio Landry, from who, Rivas received sworn testimony to the
truth of the same points witnessed by Carlos Ebert. He swore also
that he is 38 years old. He did not sign because he could not
write. Not(o?)rized by Rivas.
1795 Aug. 10
Penalver y Cardenas, Luis Bishop
(New Orleans)
The Bishop decrees:
1) That having examined these documents concerning Dionisio
Landry's petition for a dispensation to marry Constanza Melanzon,
he dispenses them from the impediment of consanguinity and
considers as legitimate any children they may have.
2) Moreover, he ordains that the parties must cease living under
the same roof for the present and must make a general confession so
that they may restore with their example all they have destroyed by
their scandal.
3) In order to absolve them from their fault, the Bishop ordains
that during the publication of the banns, they must daily pray on
their knees the three parts of the rosary and contribute twenty
pesos of alms to their parish.
4) To this end, the Bishop ordains that the decree be sent to the
pastor of the parish of Iberville, so that the latter may impart
the nuptial blessings.
Signed by the Bishop and witnessed by Joseph Maria rivas,
--To this document is added a note by Rivas certifying that at New
Orleans on the same day he notified Dionisio Landry of the above
--Finally, is added another note by Rivas that the decree of the
Bishop was sent to the pastor Buenaventura de Castro of Iberville
IV-5-b A.D.S. 11pp. 8vo. (Spanish)
1795 Aug. 24
Ramis, D. Antonio
Statements of the accounts of the churchwarden during his
administration from 1785 to 1791.
1792 Feb. 7
Henriquez, Don D. Theodoro Thirso Henrique
to D. Antonio Ramis
(New Orleans)
D. Theodoro Henriquez, Vicar Forane of Louisiana under Felipe
Jose de tres Palacios, Bishop of Louisiana, Florida and Pensacola,
says that:
Since he has received no statements of accounts since that of D.
Juan Durel, his predecessor in 1779, orders Rauris to give an
account of the rents of his office, with documents, within 5 days.
Signed by Henriquez and witnessed by Estevan de Quinones as Notary
--To this is added a note by Quinones certifying that on the same
day he notified D. Antonio Rauris of the above decree.
D.S. 2pp. 4to. (Spanish)
1792 Feb. 28
Ramis, Antonio
to the Governor General of Louisiana (Baron de Carondelet)
and to the Vicar Forane (Theodoro Henriquez)
New Orleans
Ramis, Churchwarden of the parish of St. Louis at New Orleans,
notifies the Governor General and the Vicar Forane that as
requested, he presents the accounts of the administration of the
funds of the church with proofs. 2) Moreover, he asks them to
order that they may be glossed to further their verification. 3)
Finally he begs that justice may be done.
--To this is added a note signed by Carondelet and Henriquez
certifying that the accounts with proofs have been handed in.
--To this is added a note by Quinones certifying that the above
decree was issued and signed by Carondelet and Henriquez on Feb.
28, 1792. Another note is added by Quinones certifying that he
notified on the same day Ramis of the above decree.
--To this is added the itemized account of D. Antonio Ramis on Feb.
24, 1792, at New Orleans, during his administration from 1785 to
The final result of the account is: Income: 12.583 pesos and 6
reales and Expenditure: 12.736 pesos and 4 1/2 reales from which
results a balance in favor of Ramis of 152 pesos and 6 1/2 reales.
Finally Ramis swears by God and Cross that that is the real
account. Signed by Antonio Ramis.
D.S. 14pp. 4to. (Spanish)
1792 Feb. 29
Henriquez, Theodoro Thirso Henrique
Baron de Carondelet, Francisco
(New Orleans)
The Vicar Forane and the Governor General Decree:
1.) That Ramis's accounts be handed over to the Father Luis de
Quintanilla, collector of the parochial church of St. Louis and to
the brother Vincent de Alcala so that they, under oath may
examine and gloss them, and if there be any charge against the
churchwarden, they must follow the process used in the accounts of
his predecessor, D. Juan Durel.
2.) Moreover that there be delivered to the glossers a copy
legalized by Quinones of the decree issued on Jan. 15, 1790 by
Cirilo de Barcelona Bishop of Fricaly and an auxiliary of La
Havana, in which he orders the collectors to give accounts of their
administrations. The Vicar Forane and the Governor General specify
that Father de Quintanilla and Brother Alcala be given also the
accounts of Juan Durel.
3.) Finally, D. Antonio Ramis is to be notified of this. Signed
by Carondelet and Henriquez.
--To this is added a note by Quinones certifying that the above
decree by Carondelet and Henriquez was issued and signed on Feb.
29, 1792.
--To this is added a note by Quinones certifying that on the same
day he notified Ramis of the above decree.
--To this is added a note by Quinones certifying that on the same
day he notified Father de Quintanilla of the above appointment, and
he accepted it and swore to carry out his charge faithfully.
Signed by Luis de Quintanilla and witnessed by Estevan de Quinones.
--Another note is added by Quinones certifying that he notified
Vincent de Alcala on the same day of the above appointment, and he
accepted it and swore to proceed faithfully. Signed by Vincent de
Alcala and witnessed by Estevan de Quinones.
--To this is enclosed by Quinones a copy of the decree issued, at
New Orleans, on Jan. 15, 1790 by Cirilo de Barcelona, who ordered:
1) That the collector of sums belonging to the church treasury
should charge them in the bulk, giving every three months an
account to each person of what is due to him and especially to the
church treasury, And the Bishop specifies that this has been
observed during the time of his sojourn at New Orleans, when
Father Francisco de Caldas was collector.
2) But as during his absence these methods have not been carried
out by the later collectors--Fathers Antonio de Sedella, Simon
de Fuentes and the present one Joseph Xeres)--he orders them to
give an account to the churchwarden of what they have received
within ten days after the notification of this decree.
3) Moreover, they must make the churchwarden give an account
according to this order. Otherwise he will be held responsible for
4) Finally, the Bishop orders that all this be carried out with his
Signed by Cirilo de Barcelona and witnessed by Estevan de Quinones.
--To this is added a note by Quinones certifying that the above
copy was made from the original and as he has been ordered by the
decree of Feb. 29, 1792.
L.S. 3pp. 4to. (Spanish)
1792 May. 6
De Quintanilla, Father Luis
Brother Vincent de Alcala
(New Orleans)
Father Luis de Quintanilla, collector of the parish of St.
Louis and Brother Vincent de Alcala of the same order as the
former, according to the decree of Feb. 29, 1792, give their
statements about the income and expenditure of the parish of S.t
Louis from the year 1785 to Jan. 1792, according to the methods
used in the accounts of D. Juan Durel, churchwarden in 1779, and
the decree of Jan. 15, 1790. There follows the itemized account:
Income----12.0131 pesos and 1 real, Expenditure----12.0394 pesos
and 3 1/2 reales. From which results 263 pesos and 2 1/2 reales
owed to the churchwarden. But in the above account are not
included the following added incomes that amount to 1.0386 pesos
and 7 1/2 reales. Finally, they added the following warnings:
1)That the added incomes amounting to 1.0386 pesos and 7 1/2 reales
for the church treasury have not been charged by the churchwarden.
2) That the latter must account for the expenditure of 2.0400 pesos
that he received in the treasury during the seven years of his
charge. From which, according to a royal order, 100 must be given,
yearly in pledge to the parish and 100 pesos to other parishes of
this jurisdiction. 3) That the churchwarden has to account for
having paid 3.0476 pesos and 6 reales for the service of the church
in thirty three receipts without the permission of the R. Father
Vicar according to the decree of Jan. 15, 1790. 4) Finally, they
suggest that suitable instructions on these matters should be drawn
up by a Notary in the Ledger so that it may always be possible to
hold responsible both the present churchwarden or his successors.
Signed by Luis de Quintanilla and Vincent de Alcala.
1792 Jan. 4
Baron de Carondelet, Francisco
Henriquez, Theodoro Thirso Henrique
(New Orleans)
Having examined the above gloss, they order that it be passed
over to D. Antonio Ramis so that he may follow out the instructions
stated therein.
Signed by Carondelet and Henriquez and witnessed by Quinones.
--To this is added a note by Quinones in which he certifies that on
the same day he notified D. Antonio Ramis of the above decree.
D.S. 9pp. 4to.
1792 Jan. 25
Ramis, Antonio
to Baron de Carondelet and Father Henriquez
(New Orleans)
Ramis certifies that the statements of Father Quintanilla and
Brother Alcala have been sent to him and that he opposes the
exactness of their accounts and warnings. Finally, he asks
Carondelet and Henriquez that he be acquitted of his responsibility
in these matters. Signed by Antonio Ramis.----Carondelet and
Henriquez order these documents added to the process.----There
follows a certification by Quinones that the above decree has been
issued on July 2, 1792 and signed by Carondelet and Henriquez.----
To this is added a note by Quinones certifying that on the same day
he notified Ramis of the above decree.
1793 Mar. 14
Baron de Carondelet, Francisco
Henriquez, Theodoro Thirso Henrique
(New Orleans)
1.) They certify that the corrections made by Ramis in his
communication of Jan. 25, 1792 to the statements of Father de
Quintanilla and Brother Alcala lack order.
2.) They order that his communication be returned to him to be
corrected and that must be done within two days. And if the
accounts are not verified an expert on the subject will be
appointed by them to assist Ramis and at the latter's expense.
Signed by Carondelet and Henriquez and witnessed by Quinones.
--A note is added by Quinones certifying that on the same day he
notified Ramis of the above decree.
1793 Apr. (?)
Ramis, Antonio
to Baron de Carondelet and Father Henrequez
(New Orleans)
Ramis states that as ordered by the decree of March 14, 1793,
he examined again carefully his accounts and since he finds them
correct, he opposes the suggestion that he has to pay someone else
to examine them. Finally, he asks Carondelet and Father Henriquez
to release him from further responsibility for his accounts.
Signed by Antonio Ramis.
--To this is added the order by Carondelet and Henriquez that this
be added to the other documents, followed by a certification of
Quinonez that it was issued and signed on April 4, 1793.
--A note is added by Quinones certifying that on the same day he
notified Ramis of the above decree.
1793 Apr. 11
Baron de Carondelet, Francisco
Henriquez, Father Theodoro
(New Orleans)
They decree that: As the accounts given by Ramis are still
lacking order, they have to be passed on to D. Antonio Argote,
captain of militia and expert on the matter to be checked upon.
This is to be done at the cost of Ramis and in his presence, within
five days. Signed by Carondelet and Henriquez.
--To this is added a note by Quinones certifying that the above
decree was issued and signed on April 11, 1793 by Carondelet and
--Another note added by Quinones certifying that on the same day he
notified Ramis of the Above decree.
--Another note is added by Quinones certifying that on April 12,
1793, at New Orleans, he notified Argote of the above decree, and
that he accepted it willingly, but with the condition that, in
virtue of his occupations, the term of five days should be
extended. Signed by Argate and witnessed by Quinones.
--To this is added by Quinones on the same day a decree by
Carondelet and Henriquez in which they order that the term granted
be extended to fifteen days. Signed by Carondelet and Father
--A note is added by Quinones certifying that on the same day he
notified Ramis of the above decree.
--A note is added by Quinones certifying that on the same day he
notified Argote of the above decree, and that he accepted it and
promised, under oath, to carry it out faithfully. Signed by Argote
and witnessed by Quinones.
--To this is added a decree by Carondelet and the Bishop Penalver
y Cardenas, dated Auf. 17, 1795 at New Orleans, in the order:
A.) That to this process added the report of the accounts made by
D. Antonio Argote on May 4, 1793, with the document by Bartolome
B.) That the churchwarden Ramis, be notified to appear for the
final determination of his pending accounts. Singed by Carondelet
and the Bishop.
--To this is added a note unsigned in which it is certified that on
the same day the churchwarden D. Francisco Ramis was notified of
the above decree.
--To this is added the document signed by"Berte Bosque" on April
29, 1793, at New Orleans. Bartolome "Bosch" neighbour and a
merchant in this town, certifies and swears if necessary: That
having called on Father Cirilo de Barcelona, Auxiliary Bishop of
Havana, in August 1790, to charge an account of candles and incense
sold by him to the parochial church, the Bishop sent him to the
churchwarden who was in charge of this business, with only the
formality of getting receipts.
--To this is added the document, dated May 4, 1793, containing the
analysis by Argote of the accounts of Ramis from the beginning of
1785 to the end of 1791, the gloss of Father Quintanilla and
Brother Alcala and the answer of Ramis to that gloss. Argote
referred also to the ledgers of the earlier churchwarden. From his
analysis it appears that: The church owes 42 pesos and 3 reales to
Ramis. Furthermore there belongs to him the added incomes of 241
pesos and 2 reales from the time of D. Luis Ramson; 246 pesos and
4 reales from the time of D. Juan Durel; and finally, 284 pesos and
2 reales during his own administration. Signed by Argote.
1795 Aug. 22
Baron de Carondelet, Francisco
Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis
(New Orleans)
1.) They Certify:
a.) That they have examined the accounts of income and expenditure
of the parochial church of St. Louis from Jan. 1, 1785 to Dec. 31,
1791 as given by Ramis on Feb. 28, 1792.
b.) That these accounts remained in suspense due to the absence of
Father Henriquez who ordered this process by his decree of Feb. 7,
c.) That from the analysis of the accounts of Ramis as well as of
the gloss of Father Quintanilla and Brother Alcala, the answer of
Ramis to that gloss and finally the document of Argote, there
results a credit for D. Antonio Ramis of 42 "pesos" and 3 "reales."
2.) Moreover they Order:
a.) That the churchwarden is to charge as his credit the amount of
241 pesos and 2 reales for the time of D. Luis Ramson, 246 Pesos
and 4 reales for the time of D. Juan Durel, 284 pesos and 2 reales
for his own administration..
b.) That the churchwarden is not to be bothered anymore, save in
the cases prescribed by law.
c.) Finally, that these accounts and the present decree be
witnessed in the ledger of the church and that the originals with
proofs be kept in the Archives. And moreover that the receipts be
handed over to D. Antonio Ramis for his security and that
instructions be delivered to him about the subsequent accounts to
Aug. 22, 1795 that he is supposed to give within eight days.
--Signed by Carondelet and the Bishop of Louisiana and witnessed by
Dr. Joseph Maria de Rivas as secretary.
--To this is added by Rivas a note certifying that on Aug. 24,
1795, he notified Ramis of the above decree.
--To all these documents are added some accounts by D. Antonio
Ramis as follows:
1.) The first one, dated Jan. 10, 1795, that D. Antonio received
from Father Luis de Quintanilla (678 pesos 6 reales) and the troop
(63 pesos). Total 641 pesos 1 real. Signed by Antonio Ramis.
2.) The second one, dated Dec. 31, 1792, received from Father Luis
Quintanilla and that amounts to 584 pesos and 2 reales. Moreover,
the amount of 30 pesos received from the regiment of the town.
Signed by Antonio Ramis.
3.) Thirdly several accounts received between Dec. 31, 1794 and
Aug. 3, 1795 that amount to 1.879 pesos and 1 real. (There are
several reckonings at the back of this account). Another account
undated and crossed out amounts to 2031 pesos 4 reales.
4.) Another account is added, dated Jan. 21, 1794 and received
respectively from Father Luis de Quintanilla (563 pesos and 3
reales) and S.P. (?) (71 pesos and 2 1/2 reales). Total 634 pesos
and 5 1/2 reales. Signed by Antonio Ramis.
IV-5-b D.S. 68 pp. 4to. 5pp. 12 mo. (Spanish)