1796 Jan. 12
Millot, Felipe
Documents concerning the procedures carried out by Felipe
Millot to prove the petitions on which he bases his claim for a
dispensation from the tie of the first degree of affinity to marry
Victoria Boulmay.
1795 Nov. 3
Millot, Felipe
(New Orleans)
to Bishop Penalver y Cardenas
(New Orleans)
(1) Felipe Millot states that he desires to get married with
Victoria Boulmay with whom he is bound with the tie in the first
degree of affinity because she is the sister of his first
legitimate and late wife, as it appears from the documents he
presents. Accordingly, to obtain the dispensation from the above
impediments, Felipe Millot offers information from reliable
witnesses on the following points.
(2) Felipe Millot set for his reasons as follows:
(a) That he has a little boy that needs for his education a
second mother; and no one could do better than his aunt who
cooperated with the child's mother to bring him up until the
present time. This training he cannot possibly give because he
(Millot) is a seaman.
(b) That in the fire of 1784, in New Orleans, he lost much in
the burning of his home. This also happened to Millot's mother-in-
law. In this incident Millot found a cottage in which to live with
the family of his mother-in-law also. Although his mother-in-law
does not live with him any longer, she left her daughter, Millot's
sister-in-law, to take care of the child and the house. From this
it resulted among the public some bad rumors about his sister-in-
law, even without any foundation. Therefore, Millot desires to
restore her reputation with a Christian marriage.
(c) That his sister-in-law is devoid of gifts of nature and
fortune, which will make it impossible for her ever to find a
decent marriage. Felipe Millot, without being rich, has enough to
live on.
(3) In virtue of the above mentioned reasons, Felipe Millot begs
the Bishop to grant him a certificate of all the results of the
present procedures that he may recur to Rome for the dispensation
he seeks. This is signed by Felipe Millot.
--To this is added a decree by the Bishop that the documents have
been presented and that a testimony of the two documents in
French is to be written down; the public interpreter will translate
them into Spanish. Furthermore, that information is to be received
from three witnesses presented by the party to whom the original
documents will be handed back. The results should be brought in.
This is signed by the Bishop.
--To this is added a note by Rivas certifying that the above decree
was issued and signed by the Bishop on Nov. 6, 1795.
--To this another note is added by Rivas certifying that, on the
same day, he notified Felipe Millot of the above decree.
--To this is added another note by Rivas certifying that, on Nov.
7, 1795, he notified Juan Josef Duforest(?) of his appointment as
Interpreter to translate(?) two documents in French, who accepted
it and swore to carry it out faithfully.
1796 Jan. 13 or (?)
Penalver y Cardenas, Luis Bishop
(New Orleans)
to Pope Pius VI
The Bishop states:
(a) That on Nov. 9, 1795, Felipe Millot from New Orleans
offered in the Bishop's Tribunal the information of three witnesses
from which it appeared that Julia Boulmay, late wife of Millot,
left at the time of her death a child, whose education has been
taken care of by her sister Victoria Boulmay with whom Felipe
Millot intends to get married. Therefore the latter hopes to
obtain from the Pope the dispensation from the diriment impediment
of affinity in the first degree.
(b) That Felipe Millot does so because of the following
reasons. (The Bishop restates the reasons put forth by Millot in
his document of Nov. 3, 1795.
(c) That on the 12th instant the Bishop received two
declarations from priests which agree with the above mentioned.
(d) That the Bishop granted Millot a certificate in order
that he may obtain what he desires.
(e) That since there is no other impediment the Bishop issues
the present document for Felipe Millot signed by the former, sealed
with the shield of the Spanish arms and legalized by the Bishop's
This is signed by the Bishop.
--To this are added two copies of the following document:
1795 Nov. 5
Quintanilla, Father Luis
(New Orleans)
Father Quintanilla, a Capuchin and assistant of the Pastor of
the Cathedral Church certifies that in the seventh book of
matrimonies of this Parish, folio 62, there is the following
matrimonial record: That in the parochial church of St. Louis on
April 13, 1789, Father Luis de Quintanilla married Santiago Felipe
Millot, a native from Arnay le Duc, Diocese of Sutun, Burgundy,
kingdom of France, legitimate son of Estevan Millot, and of Da.
Juana Lucot, with Julia Boulmay, a native of Le Rochelle,
legitimate daughter of Santiago Boulmay and Ana Fremon. And that
it appears that Father Quintanilla signed the Document with the
following witnesses: L. Beltremienx, Antonio Ximenes and Father
Antonio de Ledella.
--To this document is added a note by Father Quintanilla that he
drew up the present certificate according to the Original on Nov.
5, 1795.
Signed by Father de Quintanilla.
--To this are added the translations of the original documents by
the interpreter Juan Josef Duforest. (The text is illegible.)
--To this is added a note by Rivas certifying that on the tenth of
January he delivered to the party the original documents.
--To this are added the declarations of the witnesses (Jan. 10,
1796): (1) Rivas certifies that Dr. Luis Giovelline appeared
before him and, by means of an interpreter, witnessed, under oath,
the three points stated by Felipe Millot in his document of Nov. 3,
1795. This is signed by Luis Giovelline, Juan Josef Duforest and
notarized by Rivas. (2) Rivas certifies that Juan Josef Duforest
appeared before him and under oath, witnessed to the same points as
above. This is signed by Juan Josef Duforest and notarized by
Rivas. (3) Rivas certifies that Estevan de Guinones appeared
before him and under oath, witnessed to the same points. This is
signed by Estevan de Guinones and notarized by Rivas.
--To this is added a decree by the Bishop ordering Fathers Antonio
de Sedella and Luis de Quintanilla to appear and declare. This is
signed by the Bishop.
--To this is added a note by Rivas certifying that the above decree
was issued and signed by Bishop Penalver y Cardenas on Jan. 11,
--To this is added a note by Rivas certifying that, on the same
day, he notified Felipe Millot of the above decree.
1796 Jan. 12
Rivas, Dr. Joseph Maria de
(New Orleans)
Rivas certifies that Father Antonio de Sedella, pastor of
"el Sagrario" of the Cathedral Church, appeared before the Bishop
and "in verbo sacerdotis tacti pectore" witnessed to the points
presented in Millot's petition.
This is signed by the Bishop and Father de Sedella and notarized by
--Immediately Father Guintanilla appeared before the Bishop and "in
verbo sacerdotis tacto pectore" witnessed to the same points as
This is signed by the Bishop and Father de Guintanilla and
notarized by Rivas.
1796 Jan. 12
Penalver y Cardenas, Luis Bishop
(New Orleans)
The Bishop decrees:
That having examined the documents concerning Felipe Millot's
petition for a dispensation from the impediment of affinity in the
first degree to marry Victoria Boulmay, he approves them, and that
the party be given the testimonies he may need with the proper
certificate to proceed to the Apostolic See. This is signed by the
Bishop and witnessed by Rivas.
--To this is added a note by Rivas certifying that, on the same
day, he notified Felipe Millot of the above decree.
--To this another note is added by Rivas certifying that the party
was given the certificate ordered in the above decree.
IV-5-f D.S. 19pp. 4to. (Spanish)
1796 Jan. 12
Zamora, Father Pedro de (Opelousas)
to Bishop Penalver y Cardenas
(New Orleans)
Father Zamora states:
(1) That he is sending to the Bishop the census of his parish,
worked out in the best possible way.
(2) That the Bishop will be surprised that, despite the great
number of people in this parish and the seventeen funerals of white
people (nine of adults, one on charity and seven children) and two
of negroes, which make up the amount of 8 "pesos" and 2 "reales,"
only four of these burials have been paid until now.
(3) That the negroes are buried in the mount, and some who have
burial ground in their housed, bury them there, depriving in this
way Father Zamora and his church of stipends.
(4) That the increase of population is of white children. Free
half-breed and slaves have thirty-three more than last year.
(5) That since the boats are sailing to New Orleans, Father Zamora
asks permission from the Bishop to go there and kiss his hand and
(6) That this church has been without any funds for the last four
years. Father Zamora has been maintaining it, partly with the
little income from the burials and partly with what he has been
able to forward. He complains that he has been accused before
Bishop Penalver of not giving accounts. He emphasizes that if he
ceases to give the necessaries for the altar, the people will have
to remain without Mass.
(7) That he has spoken with and even written to the commander who
has promised to fix the accounts next Saturday. As soon as this is
done, Father Zamora will notify Bishop Penalver y Cardenas.
This is signed by Father Pedro de Zamora.
A.L.S. 2pp. 8vo. (Spanish)
With this is enclosed the census of the parochial church of St.
Landry of Opelousas of the Diocese of Louisiana for the year 1795.
Father Zamora drew it up as follows:
I Men (1) White. From one year of age to 15, there are 440.
From 15 on, 556. (2) Free Half-breed. From 1 to 15, there are 36.
From 15 on, 49. (3) Slaves. From 1 to 15, there are 290. From 15
on, 550. (4) Total of men is 1915.
II Women. (1) White. From 1 year of age to 15, there are 280.
From 15 on 569. (2) Free Half-breed. From 1 to 15 there are 17.
From 15 on, 22. (3) Slaves. From 1 to 15, there are 98. From 15
on, 700 (4) Total of women is 1686.
III Total of souls is 3657.
IV Protestants, 62.
Father Zamora states: (a) that the increase of population over the
preceding year is thirty-three souls; (b) that all the people
failed to fulfill the annual obligations towards the church; (c)
that the income of this church has been 9"pesos" and 2 "reales."
No permanent incomes; (d) that the church lacks everything; (e)
that it is necessary for the spiritual welfare of the parishioners
that there be a decent altar with custody; (f) that the cloths of
the church must be repaired and holy ornaments bought according to
the rubrics of the Catholic Church; (g) the census was drawn up at
the post of Opelousas on Jan. 12, 1796. This is signed by Father
Pedro de Zamora.
IV-5-f A.D.S. 1p. 4to. (Spanish)