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1796 Jun. 20
Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bishop of Penalver desires to urge the collection of tax on wills which is not being enforced in spite of his edict. Some executors have excused themselves under the pretext that they did not know which were the "forced bequests." Therefore Penalver, using his rights according to the council of Trent, decrees that these forced bequests are for the Holy Places of Jerusalem, the redemption of captives, the Holy Crusade, and the one hospital of the Diocese for which a tax of two reales on all wills will be collected and distributed by the collector. This is to be made known to all executors so that they will come to the Bishop's secretary and to the notice of the pastor. A book designing the day, amount, executor and testator is to be kept and a copy made for His Majesty. Father Isidro Quintero certifies this as Pro-Secretary.
Quintero, Father Isidro
Quintero made the above decree known to Father Ramon Palao,
Collector in this parish who swore that he would carry out the
order and produce (?) the book.
This is signed also by Palao. A.D.S. (Spanish)
IV-5-j D.S., A.D.S. 2pp. 4to. (Spanish) 1796 Jun. 20
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of
to Father (Michel Bernard Barriere) Mig(ue)l Bernardo Penalver received the census sent from the district of At(t)acapas under the date of the first; he sent the formulary which he requested. A.D.S. Copy (Spanish)
Barriere, Father (Michael Bernard), Mig(ue)l Bern(ar)do
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas Complying with Penalver's letter of September 3, 1795, Barriere has obtained the number of families in his parish which amounts to 365. He has an exact figure of only 232 as the other 133 are mostly negroes whose owners do not want to give information about them. Besides this, there are about 20 Protestant families and about 25 to 30 families of Indians. As to those who have made their Easter duty; he made the two extensions up to Trinity Sunday but bad roads and lack of horses and carriages have kept many from fulfilling it, and especially the round up of cattle from April 15 to the last day of May; but last year many came after the time and perhaps they will do so this year. On May 22 a Spaniard hid in the church because he had killed a man; when the officer arrived the next morning he had fled. The parish income is very small; from May 8, 1795 to June 1, 1796 there was only one burial with an offering. Barriere has made the investigations required for marriages but it is difficult because he does not know the full meaning of the Spanish expressions. If Penalver would send him a registry it would be very helpful.
A.L.S. (Spanish)
Barriere, Father (Michel Bernard) Mig(ue)l Bern(ar)do
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas The Census of the parish of St. Martin of Atakapas for the year 1796 shows a total of 770 men, 674 women; a grand total of 1450 souls. The population has increased by 42 men, 48 women and 24 slaves. 80 men and 150 women have made their Easter duty. The income for this year will be 174 pesos for pews and 15 pesos for rent of part of the church land; he has had no causual fees for 18 months except three pesos for a burial. His church lacks a censer and boat, oil for the lamp, altar cards and the baptismal font has no lock. There are about 20 Protestant families and 150 Indians. A.D.S.
IV-5-j A.L.S., A.D.S. 6pp. 8vo. (Spanish) 1796 Jun. 20
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bishop of
to Fran(cis)co Bouligny (This manuscript is difficult to read; it seems to read): (Penalver) learned from the chaplain of the Regiment today that only nine had made their Easter duty and he asks Bouligny to investigate(?). L. Copy (Spanish)
Bouligny, Fran(cis)co
to Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas In consequence of Penalver's letter, Bouligny will carry out his request(?). L. Copy (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Luis, Bishop
to Nicolas Douneaux (Penalver) asks Douneaux's aid(?). L. Copy (Spanish)
Douneaux, Nicolas
to Bishop (Penalver y Cardenas) Douneaux will carry out (Penalver's request(?). L. Copy (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Luis, Bishop
to Baron (Francisco Luis Hector) de Carondelet In answer to (Penalver)'s letter about Easter duties ... Battalion of Mexico, 56. ...553; the 2nd, 34; and 285 of the 3rd. ... L. Copy (Spanish)
Carondelet, Baron (Francisco Luis Hector)
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas) In answer to (Penalver)'s letter ... L. Copy (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop Luis
to Diego Lasaga 56 of the Mexican Infantry have made their Easter duty(?) ... L. Copy (Spanish)
Lasaga, Diego(?)
to (Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas) ... letter of June 18 ... Easter duty ... only 56 persons .... L. Copy (Spanish)
IV-5-j L. Copy 4pp. 4to. (Spanish) 1796 Jun. 20
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of
to Father Juan Delvaux (Penalver) gives Delvaux liberty to go to Pensacola; he will inform the clergy and the Captain General. He assures Delvaux that he will be heard with justice and not condemned without it.
IV-5-j L.S. Copy 1p. 8vo.