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1796 Aug. 18 Ramis, Antonio Proceedings for the legalizing of Antonio Ramis' marriage.
Ramis, Antonio
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas, Ramis, a native of Majorca, husband of Maria Ignasia Rodrig(ue)z appears before Penalver and says that, it being necessary to prove the legitimacy of his marriage he went to the pastor of the Cathedral in which it took place for the corresponding certification, but in spite of diligent search he was unsuccessful because of the fire in '88 which destroyed various records. So he asks Penalver to accept the testimony of witnesses which he will present and who will swear to the truth of the following statements: That in the year '74 he and Maria Ignasia were married by Father Cirilo de Barcela (Bishop Cirilo Sieni de Barcelona) at the time that he was pastor and that since that time they and their children have lived peacefully; that in the aforesaid fire record books were destroyed and almost certainly the certificate of his marriage was among the documents burned. So Ramis asks that Penalver order the certified and signed information to be inserted in the records and that the pastor of the Cathedral also certify. D.S. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bishop of Penalver appoints Father Ramon Palao as the ecclesiastical lawyer to investigate. This is signed with the Bishop's flourish and certified by Father Isidro Quintero who adds in three notes that Ramis was notified of the decree, that Palao was notified, and that Father Ant(oni)o Sedella, pastor of the Cathedral, was notified. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Ramis presents as witness Manuel Solis who swore that he was not present at the wedding but he knows that Antonio Ramis and Maria Ignasia Rodrig(ue)z were married according to the laws of the Church by Bishop Cirilo (Sieni) de Barcelona, pastor of the Cathedral at that time, and that the witnesses were the captain of the regiment, Miguel Almonasi and his wife and that they were known in the city as a legitimately marries couple; that it was publicly known that in the fire of the year '88 some of the church records were burned and that certainly among them was the one in which this marriage record was entered; that Solis is 81 years old. This is signed by Manuel Solis, by the bishop with his flourish and by Quintero as pro-secretary. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Ramis presents as witness Jose Solis who said that although he was not present at the marriage, he swore (to approximately the same information as given above, adding that) the witness, Almonasi was now dead; that he is 39 years old. This is signed by Solis as J(ose)ph Solis, by the bishop with his flourish and by Quintero as pro-secretary. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Ramis presents as witness Domingo Locoran who was in the city in the year of '74 and who swore (to the same information given above) and stated that he is 50 years old. This is signed by Domingo Louqurand, by the bishop with his flourish and by Quintero as pro-secretary. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Ramis presents as witness Claudio Fran(cis)co Calandrot who swore to (essentially the same information as given above) and stated that he is 66 years old. He signs as Claude Francois Calandrot, the bishop signs with his flourish and Quintero signs as pro-secretary. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Sedella, O.M.Cap., Father Antonio de As pastor of the Cathedral, Sedella has looked carefully for the marriage record of ramis but it does not appear in the registers, having been destroyed or lost during the fire on March 25, 1788. So it seems that the petition is justifiable. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Palao, Father Ramon Palao as the lawyer appointed to investigate, states that the information gathered, corroborated by the certification of Father Sedella and by public knowledge, gives overabundant proof and is sufficient for Penalver granting the petition. A.D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of (The above) is to be placed in the evidence. This is signed with the bishop's flourish, Quintero certifies as pro-secretary and in two notes following he certifies that Palao and Ramis were notified of the decree. A.D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of The evidence being sufficient, Penalver grants the petition and orders Sedella to make a new entry in the register. Quintero certifies this decree and in three notes following certifies that Ramis, and Palao were notified of the decree and the testimony was sent as ordered. A.D.S. (Spanish)
IV-5-l D.S., A.D.S. 13pp. 4to. (Spanish)