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1796 (Sep. 9) Brusard, Jose Dispensation asked by Jose Brusar(d) from the impediment of consanguinity in the third degree in order to marry Julia Brusard.
(Brusard, Jose and Julia Brusard
to Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas Joseph Brusard, sometimes called Beau Soleil, and Julia Brusard, both natives of the parish of St. Martin of Atakapas state that desiring to marry, they find they are related in the third degree because their grandfathers were brothers, their fathers first cousins and so the petitioners are second cousins. The reasons for which they hope Penalver will dispense them are that the Brusard family is so large that there are few families in the parish who are not related to the petitioners by consanguinity or affinity, that the woman is quite old for this country, that her father is a widower and paralytic and needs some one to take care of his affairs, that (Brusard)'s mother is a widow and expects some comfort. Louis Chemin signs for Joseph and Hugue Pierre Magee signs for Julia. To this is added a certification by Father Mig(ue)l Bern(ar)do Barriere and the two signing witnesses, Jean Berard and Orien Berard, that the above statements are true. D.S. (Spanish) (This document is found at the end of the dossier).
Barriere, Father Mig(ue)l Bern(ar)do
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas Joseph Brusard and Julia Brusard ask for a dispensation from the third degree of relationship. They have made the ordinary inquiries and found no other impediment. This family of Brusard is very large in the parish so that it seems that the woman would find no one to marry except a relative. The two families are comfortably situated. The widowed mother of the boy has 6 children but almost all are married and she has 4 negroes, land and cattle. The widowed father of the woman has 6 children with large lands, some cattle and 5 negroes, but he is a paralytic and his sons are minors. A.D.S. (Spanish) (This document is found at the end of the dossier).
Brusard, Jose
to Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas
Brusard appears and asks that Penalver receive the testimony
of the witnesses on these points: that he is a native and resident
of the parish of St. Martin of Atakapas, son of Margarita Savois
and Jose Brusard, son of Jose Brusard, son of Mig(ue)l Brusard;
that Julia Brusard is a native and resident of the same parish,
daughter of Margarita Visatur(?) and Simon Brusard, son of
Alexandro Brusard, son of Miguel Brusard; that Julia Brusard's
mother is dead and her father is a paralytic unable to manage his
interests, that all the families in the parish are related. He
begs Penalver to grant the dispensation.
This document is unsigned but Father (Isidro) Quintero, as pro-
secretary, states in a note in the margin that (Brusard) appeared
and does not know how to write.
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of The information is to be received and the results collected. This is signed with the bishop's flourish and certified by Quintero who adds in a note that he made the above decree known to Jose Brusard. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Brusard appears and swears that he is a native and resident of St. Martin of Atacapas, son of Jose Brusard and Marg(ari)ta Sabois, that he is 22 years old and single, that he has promised to marry no one but Julia Brusard to whom he is related in the third degree. D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Brusard presents as witness Pedro Duga who swore (to the same information as above; Julia's mother's family name is spelled Visatii in this document) and that he is 48 years old and does not know how to sign. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Brusard presents as witness Carlos Hebert who swore to (the same information as above) and that he is 54 years old and does not know how to sign. A.D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of Penalver grants the dispensation under the following conditions: that they live separately, make a general confession, for one month attend High Mass every Sunday, recite the Creed 15 times daily on their knees during the month, and give an alms of 25 pesos to the parish church which will go to the Majordomo for candles and that this decree be sent to the pastor of St. Martin's Church who, upon fulfillment of the penances, will marry them. The letter and documents dated July 20, sent by Father Miguel Bern(ar)do Barriere, pastor of the aforesaid parish, are to be added to these documents. This is certified by Quintero who adds in two notes that he made known the above decree to Jose Brusard and sent it as ordered (to St. Martin's). D.S. (Spanish)
IV-5-l D., D.S., A.D.S. 15pp. 4to. (2 8vo.) (Spanish)