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1796 Sep. 26 Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bishop Audit of the fabrique of the parish os St. Gabriel at Iberville, (Louisiana).
Penalver y Cardenas, Luis Bishop of On his visit to St. Gabriel at Iberville, (Louisiana), Penalver could not examine the accounts because one of the majordomos, Aman(t) Hebert, was not there and because of other difficulties with the book. He arranged, with the accord of Manuel (Gayoso) Golloso de Lemos, commissioned by the Vice Royal Patron by the decree of April 21, found below, that the majordomos present themselves in New Orleans with their books. Baron (Francisco Luis Hector) de Carondelet, Governor General and Vice Royal Patron is to be notified so that he could take care of the civil side of the case. Father Isidro Quintero certifies this document and adds in a note that Carondelet was notified. D.S. (Spanish)
Gayoso de Lemos, Manuel
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas Gayoso, Governor of Natchez, commissioned by the vice royal Patron to examine these accounts, and Bishop Penalver on his visit to the parish examined the accounts of the fabrique presented by Juan Bautista Dupuis, the majordomo, from October 21, 1785, the time of the previous visit, which had been adjusted August1, 1795 in the presence of the Commandant, Nicolas de Berbois in the presence of the present majordomo and his companion Aman(t) Hebert, commissioned to collect 400 or more pesos for the sale of a slave belonging to the fabrique who was in New Orleans as was the above mentioned Commandant. They found in Dupuis' accounts 407 pesos 2 1/2 reales; 80 pesos, 5 reales of debts and a list of pew rent owed. These things presented difficulties because of Hebert's absence. Therefore they agreed to discontinue and both majordomos are to appear in the city with their books. A copy of this letter is to be given to Dupuis. Quintero witnesses this as Pro-Secretary and notary of the visit. He adds in a note that he made the above decree known to dupuis. Below this letter he adds the statement that the above conforms to the original which is among the documents of the visit to the parish of St. Gabriel. He certifies this on August 4, 1796. D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis) Bishop The documents and account book are to be given to Father Luis de Quintanilla, (O.M.Cap.) to be examined and for him to give his opinion. This is signed by Penalver and Carondelet. Quintero certifies that they signed the decree and adds in a note that he notified Quintanilla of the decree and his appointment. D.S. (Spanish)
Quintanilla, Father Luis (O.M.Cap.) Carrying out Penalver's and the governor's order, Quintanilla, assigned pastor of the Cathedral at New Orleans, examined the accounts of the church of St. Gabriel for the past year of 1795 from August 1 to the end. (The income and debts are stated), the amount on hand being 415 pesos, 7 reales and 80 (pesos) to be collected. A.D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis,) Bishop Penalver and Carondelet have examined the accounts presented by Dupuis from October 21, 1785, the time of the previous visit, to August 1, 1795, when they were examined and approved by the pastor, Father Buenventura de Castro, (O.M.Cap.) and the Commandant Berbois with the recorder Jose Leblanc and Fran(cis)co Mauricio as witnesses, with 407 pesos, 2 reales on hand. From that date to July 31, 1796, Quintanilla, commissioned to examine them, cleared the accounts with 415 pesos, 7 reales and the 80 pesos in accounts receivable to the present majordomo, Arman(t) (H)ebert who will add the 420 pesos from the sale of a slave. No slave is to be bought with that money because that is not the purpose of the money of the fabrique. In the future the accounts are not to be approved by the pastor nor the commandant; this is the province of the royal and Ecclesiastical Vice-Patron and the appointment of the majordomo should not be made locally but by a royal order. Penalver and Carondelet declare the case closed and the testimony is to be recorded in the account book which is to be returned to Dupuis so that he can give it over to his successor. Both Penalver and Carondelet sign this document which is certified by Quintero. D.S. (Spanish)
Dupuis, Juan B(autis)ta
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas Dupuis sees by the order in the account book that the majordomo was authorized to pay the 40 piastres for the Widow Prostar's horse which broke its neck on the bridge. He encloses the order of the Commandant authorizing this payment. A.L.S. (French)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of The above letter is to be included in the proceedings. This is signed with the bishop's flourish and certified by Quintero. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Berbois, (Nicolas) de By order of the Governor General, dated August 16, Jean Baptiste Dupuis, majordomo, is to pay forty piastres, as evaluated by Pierre Allain and Joseph Brand, to the Widow Proster for a horse which broke its neck on a bridge on church property. A.D.S. (French)
Hebert, Amant Hebert, charged by Widow Proster, a resident of La fourche declares to have received from Dupuis, majordomo, the sum of 40 piastres for her horse which broke its neck on church property used by the heirs of the deceased Joseph Richard. A.D.S. (French)
IV-5-l D.S., A.D.S., A.L.S. 11pp. 4to. (Spanish and French)