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1797 (Aug. 18) (Gill, Father Sebastian) Regiment of the Infantry of Mexico, 2nd Battalion. Lists for the Easter duty of 1797.
-------- (Under this date are listed the) names of the 2nd Company of Grenadiers and families with notations of those who have fulfilled their Easter duty, signed by Josef Coxail; names of the 1st company, signed by Fran(cis)co del Castillo; names of the 2nd Company, signed by Pedro de Latona; names of the 3rd Company, signed by Juan M(ari)a del Rivero; names of the 4th Company signed by Luis Gonz(ag)a de Rivas; names of the 5th Company, signed by Fran(cis)co Espinosa; names of the 6th Company, signed by Mariano de Barrios; names of the staff officers of the 2nd Battalion, signed by Fran(cis)co Ant(onio) de las Casas. (At the end is this letter:
Gili, Father Sebastian
to (Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas As chaplain of the Regiment, Gili certifies that the fourteen persons he lists have fulfilled their Easter duty; Gili having admonished the whole regiment in general and each one in particular about their duty. This is for the information of the Bishop.
V-1-c D.S., A.L.S. 15pp. 4to. (Spanish)