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1797 Oct. 17
Lennan, Father (Francis) Fran(cis)co
to (Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas) Lennan certifies that the account of the fees he has received from burials and marriages in this parish of San Salvador from the beginning of 1796 to the end are true. (The burials and marriages are listed with the dates, names and fees for each). A.L.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bishop of) (A copy of rules relating to the Asperges, the Pax and the privileges of the Viceroy and Patron with some articles of Canon Law, as least the first 9 articles in Penalver's handwriting). D. (Spanish)
V-1-c A.L.S., D. 9pp. 4to (Spanish)