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1798 (Mar. 23)
Langline, Angelique Julie [Angelica Julia]
Langline, Angelique Julie
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas Angelica Julia Langline, of the parish of St. Servan Outside the Walls at St. Malo in Brittany, France, wishing to prove her Catholic religion and being without documents to certify her baptism because her mother and stepfather were among the families ceded in 1785, asks that the testimony of the witnesses be received certifying that she was baptized in the parish church by Father Dumon and that she is the legitimate daughter of Luis Langline and Maria Herve, both Catholics. D.S. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bishop of The testimony is to be heard. Father Isidro Quintero certifies to the bishop's signature. D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Angelica presents as a witness, Pablo Domingo Boudraux of La Fourche, a native of St. Malo, who swears that Angelica is the legitimate daughter of Luis Langline and Maria Herve, both Catholics, and that she was baptized in the church of St. Servan by Father Dumon, her godfather belonging to that same parish but Boudraux cannot remember his name; that Angelica has remained faithful to her religion. Boudraux is 36 and signs as Paul Boudraux. A.D.S. (Spanish)
-------- Julia Langline presents as a witness Luis Hachet (?) who swears that he is a native of Acadia, that he lived for 6 years in St. Malo, working as a carpenter, that he knows that (Angelica) was born and baptized in the parish of St. Servan by Father Dumon and that she and her parents have remained true to their religion. Hachet is 55 and does not know how to sign. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bishop of Penalver declares the testimony to be sufficient and orders the secretary to issue the documents asked for.
D.S. (Spanish)
V-1-g A.D.S, D.S. (Spanish) 7pp. 4to.