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1798 Oct. 17
(Carroll), John, Bishop of
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas) As he proposed in his last letter when the inquiry was made about Father Paul of St. Peter, pastor of Ste. Genevieve, (Carroll) thinks they should communicate freely on affairs relating to the administration of their dioceses. For many years, the practise has been going on that priests appointed by (Carroll) have gone over to the other side of the Mississippi. He does not know who invites or receives them but he thinks they should inform each other in these cases; he has heard that Father (Leandre) Lusson has left Kaskaskias and is now at Florissant. This will set a bad example and deprive souls of spiritual aid. (Carroll) does not make it difficult for a priest to leave with just cause. There are rumors of the death of the Supreme Pontiff at Florence.
V-2-a A.L.S. (Latin) 3pp. 8vo.