1799 (Nov. 13) (Aucoin, Francisco) Dispensation from the fourth degree of relationship, asked by Fran(cis)co Ocoin to marry Rosalia Lendry.
(Aucoin, Francisco)
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas) Aucoin, native of the parish of Valenzuela appeared and stated that he had asked Rosalia Landry to marry him. He asks for a dispensation asking (Penalver) to hear the testimony on these points: That he is the son of Isabel Henrry and Jose Aucoin, son of Pable Aucoin and Maria Leblanc, daughter of Margarita Boudrau and Fran(cis)co Leblanc, son of Santiago Leblanc. That Rosalia Landry is the daughter of Fran(cis)co Landry and Margarita Leblanc, daughter of Maria Melanson and Jose Leblanc, son of Maria Duga and Juan Leblanc, son of Santiago Leblanc. That his fiancee's mother is dead and her father old and infirm. Father (Isidro) Quintero notes at the beginning of the document that Aucoin appeared but did not know how to sign. D. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bishop of The testimony is to be heard. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Ocoin appeared and swore that he is the son of J(ose)ph Ocoin and Isabel Henry, 21 years old, single and engaged to Rosalia Lendry. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Ambrosio Garidel appeared and swore (in addition to testimony already given above) that Rosalia's father is over 77 and has married sons. Garidel is 36 and signs as Ambroise Garidel. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Carlos Boudrau appeared and swore (to testimony already given). Boudrau is 38 and signs as Jean Charlle Boudrau. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bishop of Penalver grants the dispensation under conditions of confession, saying the rosary and fasting. A letter is to be sent to the pastor of Valenzuela that he may marry them on fulfillment of the conditions. Quintero certifies and states that he notified Ocoin and sent the letter. D.S. (Spanish)
V-2-f D., A.D.S., D.S. (Spanish) 8pp. 4to