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(1800) (May 23)
Andino, Father Miguel de
to Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas Father Juan Pimentel, pastor of Piedras, resigned his benefice because of ill health and went to the country. The following order was sent out: "These proceedings are to be given to the Vicar General so that they may be concluded in respect to the grave illness which caused the withdrawal." As Vicar General, Andino advised the Governor and the synod of the vacancy and recommended the appointment of Father Miguel Feliciano, canon of the Cathedral, in the name of the king. But the governor replied that Andino had no right to appoint himself the purveyor of curacies. He hopes that Penalver will tell him what the practice is in his tribunal. A.L.S. (Spanish) On the same paper is written:
(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop (Luis) This is to be given to the Vicar General so that with no regard for the practice, which they do not have, he may inform (Penalver) what he thinks is just. A.D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop Luis
to Father Miguel Andino (Penalver) received Andino;s letter on October 15. Here there is no precedent because no curacy is given(?), but since Andino wishes the opinion of his vicar-general Penalver has sent the letter on to him and he replied with the attached to which are added two decrees. Andino will note that in the competition for parishes with the see filled, they have a royal assistant, a practice not observed in Havana and not in the vacancies cited in Law 37 of Book One, but in that diocese they have a particular arrangement. A. Copy S. (Spanish)
Andino, Father Miguel de
to Bishop Luis Penalver He wished not only to acknowledge Penalver's reply with the two royal orders but also Penalver's kindness but the war and fear of occasional failures in correspondence makes him repeat it until he is sure Penalver has received it. Penalver's kindness was the cause of Andino's pledging himself to Father Miguel Morejon but he had to give up that idea and today he is vicar general. A.L.S. (Spanish) ( )
(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop Luis
to Father Miguel de Andino Penalver received Andino's letter of November 29, 1798 in which he acknowledges receipt of Penalver's of October 23, (1797) telling of his desire to be with Penalver and that he was now vicar general of Puerto Rico. This diocese is different from all others in Spain; all the ecclesiastics whether pastors or assistants are salaried by the king at 40 pesos a month; there are no chaplaincies and were it not for a pious Spaniard who built the Cathedral and a hospital and improved the convent, these would be a plan only. Penalver's two canons get only 600 pesos a year. The bishop gets 4000 divided among five bishropics; he would not be able to live without his patrimony. The upkeep of his house and his visitations are costly. Penalver's heart is afflicted by the different sects which grow through tolerance and multiply the evils. Draft (Spanish)
Andino, Father Miguel de
to Bishop Luis Penalver Andino has received Penalver's letter of October, 1797 with the documents. This favor shows Penalver's magnanimity and stimulated Andino to beg through Father Morejon to become the least servant in Penalver's palace. The royal assistance was opposed by Bishop Fran(cis)co de la Cuerda and upheld by the governor. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Andino, Father Miguel de
to Bishop Luis Penalver The contents of Penalver's letter of June 20, 1798 has confirmed public opinion in this city concerning Penalver's talents. Owing to the continuous griefs which encompass this prelate, arising from the rivalries, above cited, with the governor and superior general of the Franciscans and all the priests and other individuals of the city and island, which Andino has not been able to help because he is not in contact with the bishop who is making his pastoral visit in the interior, it is certain that the proceedings for his transfer will not be difficult because of the influence of two brothers, inhabitants of the town and shortly(?) from Madrid. Andino takes the liberty of telling this because of his desire to be in that diocese which will experience the generosity of Penalver's rule. In addition to the sure income of 4000 pesos there is an annual income of 18 to 20 thousand from fees according to the established fees since the term of Bishop Manuel Ximenez Perez, and other income. Andino will not lose the hope of the happiness of this country with the coming of Penalver. A.L.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop Luis to Father Miguel Andino (Puerto Rico) Andino has formed an opinion of Penalver that does not conform to what he is but Penalver is pleased by the expressions contained in Andino's letter of October 29, 1799. This diocese is the poorest of the king's dominion and the least desirable for another reason, that of the freedom of religions which is tolerated here. Andino has made known the regulations of Bishop Perez and while they are not adaptable here, Penalver would like a copy of them and of the parishes, their distribution, and that of the Curia. Draft (Spanish)
V-2-i A.L.S., A.D.S., A. Copy S., Drafts (Spanish) 14pp., 4to.