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1801 (Apr. 29) Karquox, Jean Baptiste Dispensation asked by Juan Bautista Karcoutt to marry Pelagia Marin.
Karquox, Jean Baptiste Because of the lack of opportunity and their poverty, Karcoux, son of Nicolas (Karcoux) and Catarina Ladner has lived for several months with his cousin Pelagia. He asks for a dispensation to marry her. Karqoux makes his mark. D. (Spanish)
Vaugeois, Father Juan Fran(cis)co Vaugeois, pastor of Conception Church of Mobile certifies that what Karcoux says is true. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Vaugeois, Father Juan Fran(cis)co Vaugeois on a visitation to Cat Island found out that Catarina Ladner is the daughter of Maturino Ladner, son of Christian Ladner and Pelagia is the daughter of Luisa Ladner, daughter of Nicolas Ladner, son of Cristian Ladner. Both are natives of the parish of Mobile, one of Biloxi and the other of Cat Island. Auguste la Fontaine and F(ran)cois Sechere(?) make their marks as witnesses. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis Penalver grants the dispensation under certain conditions of prayer and penance. Father Isidro Quintero acts as secretary. D.S. (Spanish)
V-2-m D., A.D.S., D.S. (Spanish) 4pp. 4to. 1801 Apr. 29
Ladener, Joseph
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas Because of the lack of priests and because of their poverty which prevents them from going to Mobile or the capital, Ladner, son of the deceased Nicolas Ladner and Mariana Paquet has lived for 2 1/2 years with his cousin Rosalia and they have a daughter. He asks for a dispensation to marry. Ladener makes his mark. D. (Spanish)
Vaugeois, Father Juan Fran(cis)co Vaugeois, pastor of Conception Church in Mobile, certifies that what Ladner says is true. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Vaugeois, Father Juan Fran(cis)co Being on a visitation, Vaugeois found out that Nicolas Ladner is the son of Christian Ladner and that Rosalia is the daughter of Angelica Ladner, daughter of Maturino Ladner, son of Cristian Ladner. Jose Morin and F(ran)cois Sechere (?) sign as witnesses. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis Penalver grants the dispensation on certain conditions of prayer and penance. Father Isidro Quintero acts as secretary. D.S. (Spanish)
V-2-m D., A.D.S., D.S. (Spanish) 4pp. 4 to. 1801 (Apr. 29) Ladner, Juan Bautista Dispensation asked by Ladner in order to marry Fran(cis)ca Lalancette.
Ladner, Jan Bottis
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas) Ladner, son of deceased Juan Bautista Ladner and Maria Luisa de Lorme, has lived for 16 years with his third degree cousin Francisca, daughter of deceased Pedro LaLancette and Maria Luisa Fayard and they have 7 children. He begs Penalver to grant them a dispensation to marry legally. Ladner makes his mark. D.S. (Spanish)
Vaugeois, Father Juan Fran(cis)co Vaugeois, pastor of the Church of the Conception of Mobile, certifies that yesterday on the Wolf River he found out that there is a third degree relationship between Ladner, a native of Pass Christian and Francisca of Biloxi and that all that Ladner said in his petition above, is true. A.D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis) The information is to be gathered. Father Isidro Quintero acts as secretary. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Vaugeois, Father Juan Fran(cis)co Vaugeois, being on a visit to Wolf River in the presence of Phillip Scallioz(?) and Andre Broy, witnesses, found out that Maria Luisa de Lorme is the daughter of Pedro de Lorme and the widow of Mr. Fizan whose name is unknown and that Maria Luisa Fayard is the daughter of Francisca Fizan, daughter of the first marriage of the wife of Pedro de Lorme. Signed at the home of Miguel Dragon. L.S. (Spanish) 1801 Apr. 10
Fayar, Marie Louise She gives consent for Francoise Laleansete, her daughter, to marry. Baptiste Lardase and Etiene Perache make their marks as witnesses. D.S. (French)
DeLorme, Marie Luis She gives her consent to Baptis Ladner to marry. Signed for her by Andre Broy. D.S. (French)
Quintero, Father Isidro Ladner appeared and swore (in addition to information given above) that he is 35 and that they had not known the degree of their relationship. He asks for a dispensation. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Penalver, bishop of Louisiana and Florida, and archbishop-elect of Guatemala grants the dispensation. A.D.S. (Spanish)
V-2-m D.S., A.D.S., A.L.S. (Spanish and French) 10pp. 4to.