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1801 (May 28) Aidel, Nicolas Dispensation asked by Aidel to marry Adelaida Troscler.
Quintero, Father (Isidro)
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas Aidel, of St. John Baptist parish wishes to marry Adelaida of the same parish; they are related in the second degree. He is the son of Nicolas Aidel and Perina Louru, daughter of Antonio Louru and Maria Rouge. Adelida is the daughter of Santiago Troscler and Isabel Louru, daughter of Antonio Louru and Maria Rouge. He asks (Penalver) to have the most convenient priest make the arrangements as their parish is vacant through the death of Father Mariano Brunet. A.L. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis The information is to be taken and the witnesses heard. D.S. (Spanish)
(Quintero, Father Isidro) Aydel appeared and swore that he was a native of St. Charles parish up to the age of one year; he is 38 and single. He asks for a dispensation. A.D. (Spanish)
(Quintero, Father Isidro) Aydel presented as a witness, Fran(cis)co Adam who swore that Aydel was from St. John Baptist, Second German Coast and (to other facts already stated above). Since Adam is not a resident of the coast he does not know how long Aydel has been going to Adelaida's house. Adam is 47 and signs. A.D. (Spanish)
(Quintero, Father Isidro) Aydel presented as a witness Juan Bery who swore (to facts already stated above). Bery is 37. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis Penalver grants the dispensation under conditions of penance and prayer; (one condition was to) do work in the church as directed by the majordomo Antonio Morales.
V-2-m A.L., A.D., A.D.S. (Spanish) 9pp. folio 1801 (May 28) Duralde, Martin Demand of Martin Duraldy that Father Pedro Zamora pay him for the wood he took on his land.
Duralde, Martin
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas) Duralde, commandant of Opelousas, appears and explains that Zamora, pastor, felled quite a few oaks on Duralde's land and took away about 5000 poles to fence his field. Duralde demanded compensation as shown in the attached letter and received his attached reply that he could attack him whenever he liked. He confirmed (some points) with Juan Bentura Morales about the regulations. That part of his land has been occupied for around 30 years. He asks (Penalver) to request Zamora to pay him in the most equitable way. A.L.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Bishop Luis) A certified copy is to be made of the documents. Father Isidro Quintero acts as secretary. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Duralde, Martin
to Father Pedro Zamora Being informed that Zamora caused considerable damage to trees on his land, Duralde asks compensation. Copy (Spanish)
Zamora, Father Pedro de
to Martin Duralde If Duralde had reflected on the rules for land Intendant Morales read publicly at the door of the church on August 15, 1788, and that the land on which Zamora cut the poles was not staked out nor marked before the 16th and 17th of this month, Duralde would not have threatened Zamora as he did in his letter of the 18th. Upon reflection if Duralde wishes to attack Zamora, he can whenever he likes. Copy (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop (Luis) (The above) are to be given to Assessor Manuel Serrano so that he can inform (Penalver) about the rules for lands. D.S. (Spanish)
Serrano, Man(ue)l Article 18 of the ordinances states that holders of land who do not have a formal title cannot be considered owners of that land. Therefore Duralde will not bring action against Zamora for the trees as they are judged as property of the king. A.D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop (Luis) The secretary is to make known this to the interested parties.
Quintero, Father Isidro
to Martin Duralde Duralde's letter of the 19th to the bishop, and the two letters were sent to Serrano. Here the decree of the 27th, (is to be inserted). A.L.S. (Spanish)
V-2-m A.L.S., A.D.S., Copies, D.S. (Spanish) 7pp. folio