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1801 (Oct. 3)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Luis, Bishop of Proceedings for the installation of Father Bernardo de Deva, (O.M.Cap.), pastor of St. John Baptist, 2nd German Coast.
(Penalver y Cardenas), Luis, Bishop of
to Manuel Juan de Salcedo The parish of St. John Baptist is vacant because of the death of Father Mariano Brunet(e), O.M.Cap., in February; services have been supplied by neighboring pastors, Father Geronimo Blace of St. Charles and Father Patrick Mangan of Santiago. (Penalver) believes Deva of Valenzuela of Bayou LaFourche the best since his infirm leg and advanced age suit him for the service of a church of small scope where he could make all his journeys by pirogue. (Penalver) will take other means of serving Valenzuela temporarily. L.S. Copy (Spanish)
Salcedo, Manuel (Juan) de
to Bishop Luis de Penalver y Cardenas Salcedo has no objection to the installation explained in Penalver's letter of the 18th. L.S. (Spanish) On the same paper:
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of A copy of this letter is to be sent with the decree to Deba. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bishop of Penalver, Archbishop-elect of Guatemala gives the necessary faculties to Deva. Father (Isidro) Quintero certifies that this is a copy of the original. D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of
to Father Bernardo Deba (Penalver) encloses faculties for the pastor of St. John Baptist. They can be presented to the authorities at Deba's convenience so that his listing at the treasury may be arranged. This will be when he has gone to this parish, about which there is no hurry as there is at present no one to serve Valenzuela. Therefore, Deba will remain there until someone is sent; the parish of St. John will be helped out by the nearest pastors; Valenzuela if left without a priest, would be forsaken because of its location. L.S. Copy (Spanish)
V-3-d L.S., A.D.S., D.S. (Spanish) 7pp. 4to. & 8vo.