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(1802) (Feb. 18) (Blanchard, Juan Bautista) Petition by Juan Bautista Blanchard for a dispensation in order to marry Maria Aucoin. (The chart of the family tree shows) Blanchard the son of Maria Mag(dale)na Libois and Juan Greg(ori)o Blanchar(d), son of Juan Blanchard and Ana Bourque, daughter of Magdalena Hebert and Francisco Bourque, son of Martin Bourque. Maria is the daughter of Elisabet Henrry and Josef Aucoin, son of Maria LeBlanc and Pablo Aucoin, son of Miguel Aucoin and Maria Bourque, daughter of Martin Bourque. (1801)
Bermudes, Fran(cis)co Blanchard of La Fourche states that he is related in the third degree to Maria Aucoin. Her family is very poor. He is a native of Brittany. (He gives the relationships as above). Ju(a)n J(osep)h Rod(rigue)z signs for Blanchard. D.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father (Thomas) The testimony is to be taken. D.S. (Spanish)
Bermudes, Fran(cis)co Blanchard appeared before Haset [Hassett], vicar-general, and swore to (information already given above). He is 22. D.S. (Spanish)
Bermudes, Fran(cis)co Ambrosio Garidel appeared and swore. Garidel is 38 and signs as Ambr(oi)se Garidel. D.S. (Spanish)
Bermudes, Fran(cis)co Aman Landri of La Fourche appeared and swore to (information given above). He is 33. D.S. (Spanish)
Bermudes, Fran(cis)co Juan Bautista Mavrin swore to (information given above). Mavrin is 38 and signs as J(ea)n B(aptis)te Marin(?). D.S. (Spanish)
Deva, (O.M.Cap.), father Bern(ar)do de Deva sends the 20 pesos given by Blanchard as an alms. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Bermudes, Fran(cis)co (Hassett) orders the 20 pesos to be given to the administrator of the hospital. D.S. (Spanish)
Bermudes, Fran(cis)co Councilman Juan de Castanedo, administrator of the Hospital, received the 20 pesos. He signs, the witnesses being Pedro Pedesclaux and Tomas Hernandes. D.S. (Spanish)
V-3-e D.S., A.L.S. (Spanish) 17pp. 4to.