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1802 (Mar. 31)
(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop (Luis) Proceedings against Jose(ph) Bon(n)eville to pay the hospital 100 pesos bequeathed by his wife, Maria Luisa Alaric.
(Penalver y Cardenas), Bishop (Luis) Although warnings have been given to Bonneville, internal revenue guard, to prove that he had the three Masses said, gave the required bequest, and gave 100 pesos as a legacy to the Charity Hospital, left by his deceased wife for whom he was the executor, aid is asked from the governor, Marquis de Casa Calvo to have Bonneville appear and not leave the city until it is straightened out. Father Isidro Quintero acts as secretary. D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro In the register of wills is a certification by Pedro Pedesclaux made on April 1, 1796 there is the following: Maria Luisa Alaric on October 26, 1793 ordered three Masses said for her soul, 2 reales each time to be given, and gave 100 pesos to the Charity Hospital for the poor naming, her husband as executor. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Quintero advised Casa Calvo of the above, he said he would give the order. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro Bonneville appeared and showed a receipt which proved he had given an offering for the three Masses on June 30 last of 8 reales and as to the 100 pesos to the Hospital, he had paid it at the end of 1793 or the beginning of 1794 to andres de Almonaster but the receipt was burned in the fire. However, not finding the item in the books of the hospital, he proposes to pay it on August 15 of this year. He signs as J(osep)h Bonneville. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas Bonneville promised to pay the 100 pesos on last August 15. The aid of the governor General is required to make him pay within 3 days. Fran(cis)co Bermudes acts as secretary. D.S. (Spanish)
Bermudes, Fran(cis)co Bermudes went to Man(ue)l de Salcedo and informed him of the above decree. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Salcedo, (Manuel de) (Hassett)'s request is to be carried out. (Nicolas Maria) Vidal also signs. D.S. (Spanish)
Bermudes, Fran(cis)co Trying to learn the whereabouts of Boneville [Bonneville], Bermudes dealt with Andres Fernandes, administrator of the hospital who said that Boneville had given him a draft for 100 pesos and Fernandes received it with the knowledge of the bishop. Fernandes also signs. A.D.S. (Spanish)
V-3-e D.S., A.D.S. (Spanish) 5pp. 4to.